"Quick, catch that bastard for Lao Tzu, don't let him run..."

"Dare to steal something from my Amaterasu Guild, I see you kid must not want to live!"

"Hold him down, beat Lao Tzu to death, it's okay to beat to death, a little killing is worth Lao Tzu can still withstand!"


This noise came from a certain street in the city.

It should be that a player has stolen someone else's stuff and is now being chased!

And it seems to have been caught!

Jiang Cheng didn't want to care about this kind of nosy!

But as soon as he heard the person who shouted, he claimed to be from the Amaterasu Guild!

He immediately put back the feet that had just been about to step into the teleportation array!

Then, without saying a word, he strode directly towards the direction where the sound came.


"Groove, what's going on here? Why is someone beaten on the ground?

"It seems that a scattered player from the Xia Guo camp was stealing the things of a leader of the Amaterasu Guild, and he was caught red-handed, and now the people of the Amaterasu Guild are punishing him!"

"Isn't it? Can this game steal anything?

"It is said that the talent ability of that Xia Kingdom player can steal the equipment on other players..."

The talents of this game are really varied! "

When Jiang Cheng rushed to that alley, he found that it was already full of players!

There were almost a hundred people.

Everyone was pointing ahead, and they still chatted from time to time.

Jiang Cheng squeezed through the crowd and came to the front row.

I saw a player with a blue nose and a swollen face being punched and kicked by dozens of strong men at this moment, and his face was about to be beaten into a pig's head!

Those strong men who beat people are all Amaterasu Guild players!

One of them, Jiang Cheng, also knew, was Kameda Sanlang, who was killed by him once in Zefa Town!

"Why did this guy come to Holy Light City so quickly? Could it be that he encountered NPCs on the way that could speed up his journey or found a deserted teleportation array?

Jiang Cheng took a closer look.

He found that those people in the Amaterasu Guild had actually put away their weapons at this moment.

Deliberately beating that Xia Guo player in a group with bare hands.

In this way, although the health of that Xia Country player drops very slowly!

However, due to the relationship between the five senses of the [Holy Domain Dungeon] and the relationship of up to 100%, the pain he endured was much worse than being killed by someone in a second!

"Good guy~ It's really the Xu Gang Lord..."

When Jiang Cheng moved his gaze to the Xia Guo player who was beaten by the group, his expression suddenly became strange!

The ID of that Xia Guo player is named [Xu Que]!

In his previous life, he was the leader of the Third Guild of the Xia Kingdom [Exploding Heavenly Gang]!

Jiang Cheng was very impressed with this guy!

Because he is the only scattered player in Xia Country who started from scratch and made his guild bigger and stronger with the power of one person!

As for how to start from scratch!

Then it has to do with his innate ability!

If Jiang Cheng remembers correctly!

The talent on this Xu Que should be a double S-level auxiliary talent called [Magic Hand]!

The effect is that you can directly steal items from wild monsters and bosses, and even the equipment on the player's body has a chance to steal successfully!

The year.

This guy stole an artifact from a world boss and took off all the way with that artifact!

In the end, a group of bold scattered players were also organized to establish a scattered guild that belongs to scattered players alone!

And that scattered people guild is the [Exploding Heavenly Gang] that later became famous!

When he heard someone say that the talent of the beaten Xia Guo player was stealing, Jiang Cheng was already wondering if the other party was the Xu Gang Master!

Unexpectedly, it was really him!

"Even if you kill me and castrate me today, I won't give you things back!"

"And once I see someone from your Amaterasu guild in the future, I will steal it once until your guild goes bankrupt!"

Gang Master Xu deserves to be known as the thickest-skinned player in the world back then, even if he is beaten by a group of big men at this moment, his coquettish temperament is still undiminished.

He even threatened Kameda Sanro in reverse!

Don't play cards according to the routine at all.

"Yaga ~ Abominable Xia Guo player, beat me to death..."

"Hanataro, you immediately send someone to the resurrection point to guard me, and as soon as this kid is resurrected, continue to fight until the things on his body fall out!"

"No, fight until he goes off the line..."

Kameda Sanlang was obviously red-eyed by Xu Que at this moment, and he didn't even care that killing would increase the killing value!

Directly called his dog-legged Hanataro Inoue to resurrect the point to guard the corpse!

But no wonder he was so angry!

Because of the matter of reporting talent intelligence before, he had just received a commendation from their president!

And got a bronze weapon because of this!

As a result, the bronze weapon was not covered in his hand!

It was stolen by Xu Que!

How can this make him not mad?

"Hint: Your [Hardwood Shield (Normal)] has been stolen by the Xia Guo player (Xu Que), please be careful..."

At this moment, a prompt suddenly sounded in Kameda Sanro's ears!

And along with this prompt sound, there was also Xu Que's crazy laughter: "Hahaha~ I really deserve to be the leader of the Amaterasu Guild, there are many equipment on his body, one steals a quasi, I love you to death!" "

Kameda Sanro: ???

"Yaga~ What are you waiting for, let me finish him off immediately!"

"Yes, yes, yes... Kill me, or I'll steal you every 10 minutes, and if you dare to stand in front of me, I can steal all your bottoms!" Hearing

Xu Que's words.

The players watching the battle around couldn't help but take a few steps back, afraid that their things would also be stolen by the other party!

And at the moment.

Under the beating of dozens of strong men of the Amaterasu Guild.

Xu Que's qi and blood value also quickly dropped to 10%.

Seeing that he was about to be killed on the spot by those people of the Amaterasu Guild!



A silver-white electric snake suddenly fell from the sky and slashed directly at an Amaterasu Guild player next to Xu Que!

-6923HP! (Critical Hit)

jumps into everyone's eye with a shocking damage value.

I saw that the guy who was struck by lightning instantly turned into a pile of coke!

The dead can't die anymore!

The sudden change frightened the rest of the Amaterasu Guild.

They fled Xu Que's side with a roll, their faces full of fear.


"What's going on?"

Xu Que, who looked confused, didn't understand what was going on, but seeing that the guys who were still beating themselves before suddenly ran away, and they looked terrified, he suddenly felt that his opportunity to pretend had come.

So he quickly got up and put on an unfathomable posture, and said in a coaxing manner: "Have you seen it, in addition to being able to steal your equipment, even the heavenly thunder in the sky can steal it for you, how about it?" Do you still want to try it? Although

Xu Que's reason for pretending, it is full of loopholes.

But the thunder just now came too suddenly!

Plus the power is also terrifying!

For a while, there were really people who believed his nonsense!

"Mist Zheng~ The talent of this Xia Kingdom player can even steal thunder and lightning in the sky to attack others, this is also too powerful, right?"

"Could it be that his talent is a legendary SSS-level talent?"

"But since he is so powerful, why didn't he fight back at the beginning?"

"Maybe stealing heavenly thunder needs to trigger some kind of condition, such as when your own qi and blood value drops to a certain level!"

"Well, it's not impossible!"


There was a lot of talk.

Many players were stunned by Xu Que's 'stealing heavenly thunder'!

Some players with big brains even directly turned into Xu Que's divine assist, and made up for the loopholes in his reason for forcibly pretending!


Xu Que's reason for forcibly pretending to be forced can deceive those unsuspecting melon skin players around!

But he couldn't fool Kameda Sanro and the unlucky bastard who was killed by lightning!

The former is because he was also killed by this lightning technique once last time, and he was deeply touched!

And the latter is because when he was killed by that lightning, the prompt tone directly said who he was killed by!

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