"Your leader is gone, so it's your turn next..."

Smashing Kameda Sanro to death in front of and behind him, Jiang Cheng locked his eyes on the other players of the Amaterasu Guild.

He still has a harmless smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looks like a big brother next door full of sunshine.

But the players present all understood that the brighter the smile on the face of this Xia Guo Great God, the more ruthless he would be!

"Damn, this guy is a mage, we definitely can't run away, let's fight with him!"

"Yes, fight with him, it's a big deal to return to the resurrection point..."

"Wait a minute, our name color has recovered!"

When the crowd wants to rise up and resist.

But right now.

Someone suddenly discovered that their ID name had returned to white!

White name ID belongs to normal players without any crime!

If someone actively attacks a white player, that person's ID name will turn gray!

Just like when the Amaterasu Guild players beat that Xu Que before!

As long as the gray players don't commit any more offenses for a while, the color of their ID will soon recover!

But if you continue to commit crimes.

Once the kill value accumulates to 10, their ID color will directly change to red!

Red Name Players are highly wanted!

Not only does their ID color not return to white over time!

And they will also be wanted by the law enforcement army of the light camp!

At the same time, other players can also go to the local church to collect the bounty order.

Then hunt down that red name player!

After a successful bounty chase, you can get good prestige rewards, experience rewards and monetary rewards!

And if a red player wants to become a white player, there are only two ways!

One is to accept the punishment of the light camp, that is, to be killed once!

However, the average red name player will definitely not choose this path!

Because after becoming a red name player, they will have a permanent negative BUFF - [Drop rate +100%]!

If you die once, you may even be able to burst the panties on your body!


After the death of the red player, the soul will also be imprisoned in the Holy Light Prison to serve its sentence, and cannot be directly resurrected!

During the prison period, the player's 1 kill value will be deducted every 24 hours, and the offline time will not be accumulated!

Until the kill value on their body is eliminated below 10 points, their souls can be released and then returned to the resurrection point!

Another way is to use the world prestige points of the [Holy Domain Dungeon] to eliminate the crime, and the merit is worth it.

This will also restore the color of the ID!

But how can world prestige points be so easily obtained?



The Amaterasu Guild players were overjoyed.

Grey players are not protected by the killing mechanic, but White Players do!

Now that they have all reverted to white name ID, that Xia Guo Great God should not take the initiative to attack him anymore, right?

"Hahaha ~ Xia Guo's long song, now we are all white name IDs, you have the ability to do it again!"

"Stupid... Stupid, what are you provoking him to do? This guy is a crazy person, what if he really kills us?

"Afraid of what? There are dozens of people on our side, if he kills us all, he himself will become a red ID, and when the law enforcement team of the light camp is dispatched, he will have no place in the dungeon world!

"Yes, why didn't I think of this before, it is said that when the red name player dies, the equipment on his body will burst out!"

"Yoxi~ Our president is coming to Holy Light City soon, he has awakened a double S-level talent, if this Changge dares to become a red name ID, then let alone the law enforcement team of the Light Faction, our Amaterasu Guild can kill him!"


After the color of the ID name was restored, the players of the Amaterasu Guild immediately became arrogant again.

There are a few players who are not afraid of death!

He even directly used the Agitation Method against Jiang Cheng, trying to provoke Jiang Cheng's anger!

They are very confident, and this Xia Guo player in front of them will definitely not make a move!

Because as soon as the other party moves, his name will immediately turn gray!

In this way, their Amaterasu Guild can launch an attack on him in an upright manner!

And if the other party fights back!

Then his killing value will increase, and it is even very likely that he will become a heinous red name ID and be wanted by the law enforcement team!

At that time, it will be a dead end.

To know.

In [Sanctuary Dungeon], once a player becomes a red name ID in the early stage of the game, it is basically scrapped!

Die once is for sure!

If you don't get it, the soul will be imprisoned for a while!

Now the [Holy Domain Dungeon] has just started!

The players of the first tier are either on the way to the level or on the way to improve their strength.

If on the way, once someone is locked up, the soul is confined.

Then the advantages he gained in the early stage of the game are basically gone.

If you don't get it right, you will directly fall out of the first tier of the player sequence.

"What a bunch of retards!"

"Originally, I didn't disdain to kill ant-level garbage like you, but since you want to find death yourself, then don't blame me!"

Jiang Cheng looked at the group of Amaterasu Guild players in front of him expressionlessly, and said in an icy tone.

"You don't brag here, you have the ability to move..."

-6894HP! (Critical Attack)

A player of the Amaterasu Guild still thought that Jiang Cheng was bluffing, so he stood up without knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Who expected that before he finished speaking, he was killed by a heavenly thunder that fell from the sky!

"Tip: You took the initiative to kill the Sakura Country player [Hardwood Slide], kill value +1, current kill value: 2 points, please note that if you accumulate kill value to 10, you will be wanted by the law enforcement team of the Light Faction!"

An icy prompt sounded in Jiang Cheng's ears!

But Jiang Cheng didn't care about this!

He raised his hand and put another [Meteor Fire Shower], burning the other 7 Amaterasu Guild players who were gathered together to ashes!

"Hint: You actively killed Sakura Country player [Goichi Kurosaki

], kill value +1, current kill value: 3 points..." "Hint: You actively killed Sakura Country player [Yoko Moringa], kill value +1, current kill value: 4 points..."

In just an instant, Jiang Cheng killed 8 Amaterasu Guild players in a row!

And his kill value soared to 9 points!

"Nani? Is this Xia Guo player crazy? Dare to really do it?

"I said before, he is a madman, you still don't believe it..."

"Damn, he has already killed 8 people, as long as he kills 2 more, he himself will definitely die!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng, he really dared to make a move, and he killed 8 of them at once.

The players of the Amaterasu Guild were all frightened.

Only at this moment did they realize what kind of madman they had provoked!

But soon!

They calmed down again!

Because Jiang Cheng's current killing value has reached a critical value.

If you continue to kill, you will definitely be wanted by the law enforcement team of the light camp!

At that time, the other party himself will definitely die!

Now it depends on whether the other party dares to continue to kill.

Jiang Cheng glanced at those people indifferently.

At the moment, there are 28 players left in the Amaterasu Guild.

Because the Amaterasu Guild in Zefa Town was the first to discover the relationship of gifted professional masters!

Therefore, their upgrade speed is also much faster than most players in other novice villages.

Therefore, these guys who rushed to Holy Light City first were not only the elite under Kameda Sanro!

Or the elite of the entire Amaterasu Guild!

If they all die here!

That day, the Tianzhao Guild was basically going to lose its status as a first-class guild in the early stage of the game!

Come to think of it.

Jiang Cheng decided not to keep his hand anymore, and directly sent them all back to the resurrection point by thunder means!

Everything that the Amaterasu Guild did to Xia Guo in his previous life could only be repaid with blood.

For Jiang Cheng.

Now the suppression of the Amaterasu Guild has just begun.

In the future, he will target this guild with more ruthless means.

Until their guild disintegrates, or... Destroy.

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