Fire Elemental Elves are pure offensive elite monsters.

Their HP and defenses are not high.

But the attack power is very explosive.


Due to the passive [Fire Attribute Absorption] relationship!

They can also ignore all fire magic.

Even directly absorb fire magic to enhance yourself!

Extremely difficult to deal with.

"Heavenly Thunder Technique!"

Jiang Cheng did not intend to entangle with this fire elemental spirit.

After seeing the other party appear from the magma pool, he directly smashed it with a heavenly thunder.


The dazzling thunder and lightning fell from the sky like a silver snake, and instantly fell on that fire elemental spirit!

-7022HP! (Crit)

was accompanied by a deafening thunder.

I saw that the fire element elf who had just condensed his body from the magma pool was directly blasted into sparks by that heavenly thunder silver snake!

One hit in seconds!

"Dingdong~ You killed [Fire Elemental Elf (Elite)] and gained 180 (+180) experience points (100% experience bonus for killing monsters by skipping the level)!"

"Tip: Trigger the Talent Passive (Devouring Evolution) to get 2 permanent spell damage bonuses!"

After the fire elemental spirit dissipated, a crystal clear red spar suddenly fell near the magma pool.

"Actually dropped something?"

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

Because as far as he knows, the chance of dropping something after being killed by elemental monsters is extremely low.

With a bit of luck, sometimes you can kill 100 elemental sprites and they won't drop a single thing.

However, scarce is expensive.

If the elemental sprite once something drops!

It must be an extremely precious ore.

Even fortified stones!

Jiang Cheng walked over and took a look.

It was discovered that the spar turned out to be a weapon enhancement stone with fire attributes!

If this fortified stone is embedded in the weapon.

It allows players to attack with a certain amount of burning damage!

But this cautery damage is fixed!

Level 1 Fire Attribute Booster Stones can only carry 50 burning damage.

If you want to increase the burning damage, you can only increase the setting level of the strengthening stone!

If you can stack gems (20 segments), you can directly hit 1000 additional cautery damage per attack!


This burn damage is different from the continuous burn damage of the Fire skill.

The cautery damage granted by the Enhancement Stone is only triggered when the player attacks, and only with physical attacks!

Casting magic skills cannot be triggered!

This also leads to the price of this attribute strengthening stone, which is much lower than that of ordinary strengthening stones!

But this attribute fortified stone also has a benefit.

That's very useful in the early stages of the game.

Because fixed attribute damage also means that the target's dual resistance can be ignored.

Although the damage is a little lower.

But in the early stages of the game.

The extra 50 damage is already very good!

If there are local tyrant players who can stack this attribute enhancement stone for a few more segments.

That each attack can add one or two hundred points of extra damage, so don't fight too easily!

In the past life, some warriors, assassins, and archers who liked to walk the left side of the door were very fond of using this cost-effective fortified stone.

"Although this kind of strengthening stone is a chicken rib in the later stage, no player will buy it, but it is still very marketable in the early stage, if I can hit more, maybe I can wholesale it to Lingyange..."

Jiang Cheng whispered, and then directly threw this [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stone] into the package.

After having this specific money-making plan.

The rest of the journey.

Every time Jiang Cheng passed by a magma pool, he would run over to take a look.

If there is a fire element spirit in that magma pool, he will kill it easily.

Even so, his rush will be slower!

But it's not a big problem.

Because he only stopped for a while along the way.

Moreover, the fire element elves in his hands are all wild monsters that just happened to be killed in seconds.

Even if you waste time, you can't waste much!

Dozens of minutes later.

Jiang Cheng finally came to the vicinity of the lava cave he saw on the forum post in his previous life.

And at the moment.

He already has 28 more [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stones] in his hand!

This was obtained by killing 30 fire elemental elves on the way!


He only killed 30 fire elemental spirits and obtained 28 [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stones]!

This is the benefit of high luck values.


Those 30 fire elemental elves also gave him nearly 60 permanent magic damage bonuses!

It's a great harvest!

"It's really good to kill this elemental spirit, not only can you devour considerable permanent magic damage, but also the fire attribute strengthening stone can be taken, and after completing the task, you may be able to come here to brush it in a wave!"

Jiang Cheng was very satisfied with the harvest that the fire elemental spirit had brought to him.

He has already made up his mind.

Wait until this hidden story mission is completed.

If you have time, come here and brush it with a wave of magic wounds!


After the previous fire elemental kills and drops.

Jiang Cheng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart!

Since he has such a high lucky value.

So why not go to Xin Aisari to find a life skills practitioner to learn [gem craft]?

After learning the [Gem Craft], go and fight more [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stones] to come back!

Then upgrade the [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stone] directly to 20 segments!

When the time comes.

If you set the [Fire Attribute Enhancement Stone] of those 20 segments directly on the [Sea Stone Trident].

That every physical ordinary attack of his!

Isn't it possible to hit 1,000 additional cautery damage at once?

If next time you want to go to the tree of Pandora for revenge.

This additional 1,000 points of burning damage may still come in handy.

"Use spell skills with normal attacks..."

"Under this uninterrupted double attack, maybe you can really make that Pandora Tree drink a pot!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng instantly became excited.

Although the cooldown time of [Heavenly Thunder Technique] is only 1 second.

But because it is an instantaneous skill.

In fact, when he plays a skill, there is still a gap time of a few tenths of a second!

If you can use this gap time of a few tenths of a second to come up with another wave of physical output!

You may be able to accumulate a lot of damage points!

Of course.

The reason why Jiang Cheng came up with this method was in addition to his firm determination to clean up the Pandora Tree.

There is another reason.

That is, after the gem is set on the weapon, if you want to change the weapon or switch gems later, you can still remove it!


He wouldn't waste a 20-stage weapon enhancement stone to be embedded in this early stage transition weapon!

Jiang Cheng quickly ran to a black rock hill.

According to the memories of his previous life, the lava cave he was looking for should be behind this hill.


Just when Jiang Cheng turned over the hill and saw the scene behind the hill, the expression on his face couldn't help but stiffen a little!

The coordinates of that post in the past life are correct.

There is indeed a lava cave behind this hill.

Just now!

Outside that lava cave.

Unexpectedly, a group of fire elemental spirits were gathered around with raging fire.


" "I'm getting rich..."

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