The Quartermaster of Sunrise City is a treasury, and there are many things in it that players covet. Xu You roughly divides the things in the treasury into four categories:

The first category: medicines. That is, blood bottles and blue bottles of various levels, non-combat supplies of various levels, and various potions with different functions, such as antidote potions, swift potions, etc., the price is cheaper than the general drug dealer NPC, because they want to sell in Buying things here also requires prestige as a condition.

The second category: equipment. Quartermaster has 1-80 levels of blue-green equipment for players to choose from. Of course, the prestige required for these equipment is not ordinary. After all, you can have blue-green equipment without playing a dungeon. In Xu You's eyes, these equipments are not worth it.

The third category: sideline materials. There are many types of sideline materials here, but the quality is above green. For example, the screw regulator and bronze gear in the Treasure of Cunning material, which are the two types Zhang Ping is responsible for, are sold here by the quartermaster, but they are of green quality. There are no gold ingots and the like, but there are no such extremely precious materials as magic cores here. For Xu You, this category is also the most unattractive.

The fourth category: treasure category. This category is Xu You's favorite category, because this category is all kinds of weird things, and they are also very useful, such as the city return teleporter, such as various mounts, such as some special skills Books, for example, are various items with unknown functions. These items require a lot of prestige, even astronomical figures, but Xu You thinks that the items with known functions are very useful. As for the unknown functions, he doesn’t know. .

Now that Xu You has 1000 reputation, he can buy a lot more things. Many of the blue-green equipment at level 20 can already be bought, but Xu You is not interested in these.

Xu You focused all his attention on some special scrolls in the treasure category, and one of them was called the detection scroll:

Detection Scroll: After using it, you can detect more information about the target, and it can only be used against monsters.

After reading the description of the scroll, Xu You knew that it was used to fight bosses. Generally speaking, players can only see the monster's health and level information. At most, sometimes they can see the race, what else? I can't even see it. This is really inconvenient for the player. There is too little information. You have to fight once to know the attributes of the boss. This is too ineffective.

And with this detection scroll, you should be able to learn more information about monsters. Knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. This is a mantra passed down from generation to generation. It will not lie to us. Will play so hard.

But to what extent he can understand, Xu You has to try it himself. Fortunately, this scroll is not too expensive for him, 5 gold coins each, and the reputation must reach 1000, which he just achieved, so Xu You bought 5 gold coins. Put it on his body in case of emergency, and he wants to try its effect after a while.

Except for this scroll, Xu You found that there was nothing else he wanted to buy. After all, he was too low-level, and he couldn't buy many things. Don't look at the 1000 prestige, but after reaching level 30, it's nothing. Yes, after all, the city return teleporter needs 5000 reputation, and the land mount needs 10000 reputation, these are not difficult for players to obtain, otherwise players will complain again.

"Brother Wuyou, are you just buying these few scrolls?" Buyi asked.

"Yes, the others are not very practical." Xu You replied.

"I think the equipment renderer is good. It can change the essential color of the equipment. I have always thought that my breastplate is black and ugly. I want to dye it silver." It turned out that the unyielding was this idea.

Xu You smiled and said to the orc warrior: "Unyielding, if you want to dye it, you can do it yourself. Didn't you find that, except for supplies, everything else at the quartermaster is bound after you buy it?"

"Ah? Is that so? Why don't I know." The orc warrior looked at the quartermaster when he heard it.

It was found that this was the case, and the wishful thinking of the orc warrior fell through.

"Buyi, that's why you came with me, haha." Xu You laughed loudly.

"Uh... Actually, I have taken a fancy to the equipment renderer for a long time, but the prestige is 500, which is not enough for me. I thought..." Buyi scratched his head, he really followed Xu You to the forbidden area of ​​the palace because of this, but he I was also a little careless, and didn't even pay attention to whether things were tied or not.

"I seem to remember that Zhenbao Pavilion also sells things with this effect, why don't you go and have a look?" Seeing the unyielding look, Xu You couldn't help but reminded that his teammates knew the existence of Zhenbao Pavilion, after all, there were veils for sale there. , there are so many beauties in Xu You's team, it must be necessary to go there.

"I know, it's called rendering powder, it can only be used on white and gray equipment..." Unyielding drooped his head.

"Is that so? Then you can only do the prestige mission well, unyielding, if the color of the equipment doesn't look good, just change it."

"But now I don't play a dungeon, how do I change my equipment? I haven't changed my breastplate for a long time, oh, forget it, I'm going to learn a side job, and then go offline to sleep, how about you, brother Wuyou?"

"I went to try this scroll, and then I went offline, but you really want to learn a side job? I thought you were joking." Xu You yawned and said, since he fainted after beating the stone giant, he felt very Tired easily, which means he needs more time to rest.

"Of course we have to learn, let's act separately, brother Wuyou, you should pay attention to rest, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Xu You nodded, it seems that his condition is really not very good, and his unyielding can be seen.


After the two broke up, Xu You passed the teleportation array to the Lamu Camp in the Valley of the Dead, but to Xu You's surprise, there was only one player in the Lamu Camp, and that player was standing next to the teleportation array in the Lamu Camp. Waiting for someone, and when Xu You saw the appearance of this player, he was at a loss, because he still didn't know how to face this woman.

"Le Wuyou, you finally appeared!" Xue Wuhen said to Xu You through gritted teeth.

"Heh, heh, Wuhen, why are you here?" This was the first meeting between Xu You and Xue Wuhen since the ambiguous incident, but when Xu You saw Xue Wuhen, he was at a loss like a frightened rabbit, Eyes dodge.

"Why am I here? I'm here to find you. Don't you know that you are hard to find? Look at your current name, don't you want to see me so much?" Xue Wuhen was furious.

"I...not." Xu You said guiltily, his name has changed again now, called "The King of the Village", part of the purpose is really to avoid Xue Wuhen, because the "Prince Baiban" he always used before, The two identities of "Hell Yan Luo" have exchanged friends with Xue Wuhen. It must be mentioned that Zhao Xi betrayed the name "Hell Yan Luo" to Xue Wuhen.

"Are you still quibbling? I told you the day before yesterday that I will look for you in the next two days, but you have disappeared since yesterday, and you have not been online. Don't think I don't know that you changed your name again." Xue Wuhen Dai's eyebrows were erected, her eyes were sharp, and her tone was cold with anger. It seemed that Xu You had angered Xue Wuhen again.

"Wuhen, you misunderstood. This is because my two usual pseudonyms have offended the Grand Council, so I used a new name. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaoxi." Xu You explained. He felt that if he didn't explain, the consequences would be very serious. Seriously, and his explanation is also true. When the vengeful snake danced wildly earlier, he used the name "Prince Baiban". Later, just to be on the safe side, Xu You changed his name again. Restricted, unless the changed name has already been taken.

"You also said that you bought Xiaoxi too, and she actually refused to tell me!" How could Xue Wuhen not ask, but Zhao Xi seemed to realize that she had betrayed Xu You many times, so Conscience found out that she also changed her name to avoid Xue Wuhen, which made Xue Wuhen so angry that she had business to do this time, not gossip.

"Hey, Xiaoxi's conscience found out? That's really great." This is what Xu You thought in his heart, how could he dare to say it, until now he still dare not look directly at Xue Wuhen.

"Why don't you talk?" Xue Wuhen seemed to have calmed down a bit, only to realize that he was too excited.

"Uh, didn't I explain it, I didn't mean it."

"I listened to the explanation, but I don't accept it. Are you really...afraid of me?" Xue Wuhen felt inexplicably irritated when she saw that Xu You hadn't dared to look at her so far. Could it be that she scolded Xu You last time? Crap? But if a woman is taken advantage of, can she not be angry, as long as she doesn't electrocute him to death.

"No, there is." Xu You will not admit it, although it was only after meeting that he realized that after the ambiguous incident last time, he really had some shadows towards Xue Wuhen, but these shadows were formed in many ways, not only It was fear, as well as helplessness, shame, panic, etc., plus Xue Wuhen's special status in his heart, so it caused such a state of mind.

"Then why don't you dare look at me and talk." Xue Wuhen's voice suddenly became flat, without a trace of fluctuation.

"This... without this, how could I not dare." It took Xu You a lot of courage to focus on Xue Wuhen, but what he saw was a strange Xue Wuhen, wasn't it? The appearance is strange, but the expression is strange.

"This is the magic core I prepared, please." Xue Wuhen said indifferently.

"Oh." Xu You looked at Xue Wuhen again, feeling that something was wrong with this big beauty, why did she suddenly become so polite.

"If you're done, please send it to me. I'm leaving." Xue Wuhen said lightly, and walked towards Xu You, because Xu You was still standing at the teleportation array.

"Ah? Let me ask first, maybe it will be ready soon." After finishing speaking, Xu You quickly sent a message to Zhang Ping. This guy and the boss Wei Mingyuan are online almost 24 hours a day. They are both level 18 now, and they will catch up with Xu You Yo.

And Xue Wuhen also stopped after hearing Xu You's words, looking at Xu You who was busy walking to the mailbox, her eyes flickered.

After getting the reply from Zhang Ping that he was free now, Xu You sent 5 magic cores to Zhang Ping, and then waited patiently, but the two of them didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

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