In the stone mountain group located in the south-central part of Tianfeng Mountain, there are many strangely shaped stone mountains, and the paths between the stone mountains are winding and rugged, narrow and hidden, but no one thought that there would be a kind of magical "growth" on the stone walls on both sides of these mountain paths. The monster is called "man-eating grass". If pedestrians don't pay attention to this kind of plant, they will be attacked when they pass by.

But this kind of monster can't move by itself, and the attack distance is very short. At the same time, the level of these man-eating plants is relatively low, only level 40, and it seems that they shouldn't appear in the area of ​​​​Tianfeng Mountain.

However, only those who have been attacked by piranhas will know the trouble and horror of this monster. If it is the first time for players to come here, they will not notice these plants growing on stones, so they will generally be tricked .

And once attacked by the man-eating grass, as long as it hits, it is basically dead, because the attack of the man-eating plant has a paralysis effect, the player's ability to move after being hit is infinitely close to zero, and the man-eating plant grows densely, and its attack power is also very high. Not bad, several man-eating grasses attack at the same time, even if the players who come here to level up will be around level 45, once they are hit, they will not last for a few seconds.

But the disadvantages of man-eating plants are too obvious: the attack range is short, and they cannot move, so they only need to find long-range occupations to deal with them. Therefore, it is absolutely very safe to fight this kind of monsters to upgrade.

But this is the middle of Tianfeng Mountain. Except for the players of Steel Castle, basically no one else will come here to level up. However, the players of Steel Castle are very low-level now, so it stands to reason that no players will come here.

However, there are still a lot of experts among the players. Even if the defense of the city fails and the level drops a lot, this does not mean that the players of the Iron Castle are finished. Xu You, who had traveled through high-level maps with a magic cloak, knew that without a magic cloak, it would be very difficult and dangerous to pass through areas several levels higher than him or even 10 levels higher than him.

"Setsuna Heaven, what on earth do you want to do?" The purple-haired Bauhinia mask looked coldly at the few players standing in front of them.

After hearing this, Shan Natiantian, who was hiding behind a few bodyguards, smiled faintly and said, "It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised to meet President Bauhinia in this place, so I just came over to say hello."

"We don't know each other well, so we don't need to say hello, please get out of the way." Bauhinia frowned, how could it meet Setsuna Heaven in this place? What a hassle!

It turns out that Bauhinia learned from friends that there is a monster that is only level 40 in Tianfeng Mountain and can't move. As long as there is a long-range job, it can kill these monsters without injury and level up. Said, is the great temptation.

Since the players of Iron Castle have all dropped by 5 levels, their strength has dropped significantly, so their urgency to level up is much stronger than that of players in other main cities. However, the main city is still in a state of damage, and the NPC is not there, so there is no way Using the teleportation array, there is no way to leave the vicinity of the steel castle and go to the leveling areas of other main cities.

As a result, the level 30-40 leveling map near the Duramo Grassland became overcrowded, with more players than monsters. As a result, the leveling efficiency would definitely be affected, so many players were thinking of other ways, and The news of Tianfeng Mountain's cannibal grass just reached Zijing's ears.

But it is very dangerous to go to Tianfeng Mountain. How can I say that Tianfeng Mountain is also a leveling map for level 45-50. Players at level 35 come here, which is no different from courting death. However, Bauhinia has overcome many difficulties and successfully reached Tianfeng Camp in the middle of Windy Mountains.

What I didn't expect was that Setsuna Heaven is also here, and the way of leveling is the same as hers, which is to kill man-eating plants. It's nothing, just pretend that you haven't seen it, but Setsuna Heaven doesn't think so , this damn guy brought more than a dozen of his younger brothers to block the way of Zijing and the other three, obviously plotting against the law.

In order to reduce the risk on the road, Zijing only brought two elite group leaders from the guild to Tianfeng Mountain.

Therefore, if there is a battle here, the Bauhinia side will not have any advantage.

"President Bauhinia, if you say that, it will break my heart. Don't you thank me, the kind person who provided the news?" Setsuna Heaven pretended to be sad, and then laughed again.

Hearing this, Zijing frowned even more, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's the news about the man-eating grass in Tianfeng Mountain. If I hadn't told Zi Ye, how would you have known such a good leveling monster here?" Setsuna Heaven's smile became more playful.

When Bauhinia heard this, her expression became suspicious, and she said, "You mean the news here... Setsuna Heaven, what is your intention to trick us here?"

Zijing knew that she had been tricked into diverting the tiger away from the mountain, but she didn't understand the meaning of it, and Ziye in the words of Shansu Tiantian was the vice president of her guild and one of her best friends. This time, she went to Tianfeng Shan, Zi Ye did not come, but stayed near the steel castle to lead other guild members to level up. Zijing was very moved by this. Zi Ye told her the news about Tianfeng Mountain, but Zi Ye gave up this time. An opportunity to quickly level up, but in an instant Tiantian said that Zi Ye... No, it won't!

"I don't have any intentions, and I didn't lie to you. Didn't you understand the characteristics of the man-eating plant? It is definitely a good target for leveling!" Shan Natiantian shrugged.

"Setsuna Heaven, what on earth are you trying to do? How could Sister Ziye get news from you?" Zijing was a little lost at this moment, not knowing what she was thinking, so a female player named "Dongxia" next to Zijing couldn't help but Live and ask the moment of heaven.

"I just want you to help me and work together with me to make up for the loss of Steel Castle as soon as possible." Shi Tiantian stopped laughing and said seriously, but did not answer the question about Zi Ye.

"You want us to submit to you? It's impossible!" Dongxia replied immediately.

"Don't you think about it again?" Setsuna Heaven asked again after hearing this.

"Don't think about it, I created Redbud by myself, it's impossible to be your running dog!" At this time, Zijing spoke, and she rejected Setsuna Heaven cleanly. She firmly believed that her good sister, Setsuna Heaven must be sowing discord just now. .

"How can he be a running dog? President Bauhinia is both talented and beautiful, beautiful and intelligent. I have always admired him. If Bauhinia is willing to merge into the death of heaven, I will never embarrass any of Bauhinia's brothers and sisters, and Bauhinia President will also Wouldn't it be great to be a person who is under one person and above ten thousand people in Tiandizhishang?" Setsuna Tiantang looked at Zijing's cold and beautiful appearance, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

When Bauhinia heard this, she was so angry that she trembled all over. In an instant, the meaning of Tiantian was very clear. She just wanted to occupy the Bauhinia flower, and wanted to take her too. How could Bauhinia agree? So he said in a cold voice: "Instant Paradise, don't dream, I won't take refuge in you, a hypocrite, even if I die!"

Hearing this, Setsuna showed a disappointed expression, and after a while he shook his head helplessly and said: "It's really a pity, since this is the case, the Bauhinia can only be destroyed with your stubbornness, President Bauhinia."

"Do you mean destruction if you say destruction? Now that your strength in Heaven's War has dropped significantly, you may not be able to defeat us!" Bauhinia said in a deep voice.

"Haha, that's true, but haven't you heard a saying that fortresses are breached from the inside? Bauhinia, haven't you figured it out yet? Or do you mean that you don't want to believe me?" Setsuna Heaven With a sneer, he asked rhetorically, when he said this, Shan Mo Tiantian took a few steps back, his current upper limit of health is only 10 points, if Zijing is impulsive, he will be destroyed, half a day of hard work on leveling will be in vain up.

"Impossible! Impossible! Ziye won't betray me!" Zijing's face froze when she heard this, and she immediately shouted hoarsely. She had guessed this before, but she did not believe it, as Shan Natian said. Zi Ye will betray her, they are good sisters who have played since childhood!

And Dong Ye and another female player are also full of disbelief. Zi Ye has always been Zi Jing's best friend and best assistant. A powerful guild, Ziye contributed a lot, so how could she betray Bauhinia and the Bauhinia Flower Guild?

"If you don't believe me, why didn't President Bauhinia change the online status back to normal, and see how your guild is doing?" Setsuna Heaven smiled slightly, and "kindly" reminded, but his tone was very sarcastic.

The three of Zijing were shocked, and then remembered that they had come to Tianfeng Mountain for a long journey without being disturbed, so they had changed their online status to busy, and this was what Ziye suggested to remind... Zijing's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, she I feel like I've fallen into an elaborate trap.

And when Zijing was in a daze, Dong Xia, who had changed her online status, turned pale and said to Zijing in panic: "Sister Zijing, the guild... the guild..."

As soon as Zijing heard this, she immediately changed her online status back to normal, and then heard a series of system prompts for receiving messages. Zijing quickly opened a message to read: "President! Is this your order? How can you do this?" ?” The message was not understood, but a bad feeling had invaded her heart.

Another message was opened, which was sent by one of her most loyal subordinates: "President, Vice President Zi Ye suddenly kicked us out of the guild and attacked us, why is that? President!? Answer me quickly ah!"

"President, is this an order from you? We have been with the Bauhinia Association for so long, is this how you treat us?"

"Zijing, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I misjudged you!"

"Why? Even if Bauhinia wants to disband and seek refuge in Heaven's War, there's no need to kill us all!"

"Nimma, Bauhinia, you bitch is so vicious that you even let people guard our corpses!? Good! Very good!"

"President, I know you want to join the Grand Council, but I really can't do anything to my former brothers and sisters, sorry."

"President, although I have always admired you, I can't accept this fact, Lan Lanliu, who loves you the most."

"Ding, Flame Fist has withdrawn from the guild!"

"Ding, the most stinky Lan Lan quit the guild!"


After reading one message after another, Bauhinia's face was as pale as paper, and tears couldn't help but flow from her eyes. Her guild, her Bauhinia flower, and her dreams all disappeared...


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