Yijian Tingxue, two gangs, a total of more than 400 people, many 5th and 6th grades, and many 4th grades.

The extermination family, a gang, has a total of more than 250 people, and there are also many 5th and 6th grade numbers, and their comprehensive strength is strong.

The Thunder Mansion, the God Stick Village, two gangs, a total of 200 people.

The Thunder Mansion was much weaker than the Destroyer Family and Yijian Tingxue.

It was also because of the alliance of Youcaigange Shenstick Village that he was not overwhelmed by the two great forces of Yijian Tingxue and the Destruction Family.

But now, thanks in part to Su Yu's influence, Yijian Tingxue has grown stronger.

Yijian Tingxue became the strongest force in Yueman Xilou District.

This also makes the original three-legged situation began to shake.

Every day, fighting continues in the Yueman Xilou District.

The Thunder Mansion struggled to survive between the two behemoths, Yijian Tingxue and the Destruction Family.

Every fight ends in defeat.

Every time the wild boss, can not snatch with the other two.

Even the map points for spawning monsters are gradually lost.

At present, the third and fourth floors of the underground palace, the ninth floor of the ancient tomb, and the Loulan 90 map are all occupied by the two forces of Yijian Tingxue and the Destroying Family.

In the weak Thunder Palace, it is difficult to seize a monster spawning map!

Even, the people of the Thunder Palace, as soon as they went to the 90 map, they were "sent" back by the people of Yijian Tingxue or the family that destroyed the world.

A lot of times the city can't get out of the city!

Very bad gaming experience!

This also caused some players in the Thunder Palace to be overwhelmed and withdraw from the Thunder Palace one after another.

Quit the arena or switch to other gangs.

As for Shenstick Village, the situation is also miserable.

Together with the two brothers Caigan, they committed many evils, like mice crossing the street, and people in the west building of the moon are beating each other.

The two gangs, Thunder Mansion and God Stick Village, now have a total of only 150 people.

Whether it is the number of people or the overall strength, compared to Yijian Tingxue and the Destruction Family, they are far behind.

The survival of Thunder House is in jeopardy!

"Boss, someone has quit the gang again, and our gang has less than 100 people now, let's cook""!

Scorpion Lai Lai gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Thunder Palace's current strength is getting weaker and weaker, and it is very likely that it will be defeated according to the current situation.

"Humph, some feisty things! If you dare to retreat and help me, I will hunt them down to the end!

The cockroach bully's forehead burst with blue veins, and he snorted heavily, also extremely angry.

Whoever withdraws from the gang will be remembered and pursued endlessly.

Shark Chili was silent, the situation of Thunder Mansion in the district was really bad, and the future was lost.

Beetle Jiro: "Damn! There are not many in the district, we are fighting against them!"

"Outside the sky, we join forces with Shengshi Pride, and no one can do anything to us!"

When Tianwai was first opened, Thunder Mansion and Shengshihaoqing joined forces to become the strongest clan in the three districts.

They occupied Chaojing City in the city battle, and they have occupied it steadily to this day.

At the same time, they also performed well in activities such as the fierce battle against Jiuli, the Tongtian Tower, and the Heavenly Desolation.

However, the overall strength of Thunder Mansion and Prosperity Pride is gradually declining.

They are gradually inferior to Yijian Tingxue and the Destroying Family.

"Cut! What if your Thunder Palace falls?"

"It doesn't matter to me anyway, I'm the tomb bully, the hang-up cleaner, whoever kills whoever sees me!"

Brother Cai Gan looked at the chatting of the cockroach bully and others in the alliance channel, his face was quite disdainful, and he didn't care much at all.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to him whether he is strong or not, he just kills the trumpet and hangs up.

out of the sky.

Yijian Tingxue occupied Luofu City, the Destroyer Family occupied Juntian City, and Leiting Mansion's prosperous pride occupied Chaojing City.

So far, these three major forces have enjoyed the benefits brought by the city, and the level of dragon marks has been improved one step at a time.

Aspiring to the Central Plains aristocratic family, the strength is weaker than the above-mentioned three-big aristocratic family.

For a long time, they occupied the least resources in the outer world.

The strength is getting weaker and weaker, the people's hearts are scattered, and they are in jeopardy.

Aspiring to the Central Plains family, now there are more than 120 people.

Among them, there is a group of 6th grade numbers.

Aspiration of Heaven (66 Tianshan), Ascension of Heaven's Sin (6665 Happy), Ascension of Heaven's Will (6655 Wudang), Ascension of Apocalypse (6655 Tianshan), Ascension of Heaven (6655 Tianlong Temple), Ascension of Tianqing (6555 Emei).

The 5th grade number is thirty or forty, and the 4th grade number is also dozens.

It's quite a battle.

In order to find a way out, or to survive, they seek to form an alliance with Yijian Tingxue.

However, forming an alliance is only discussed when the two forces are almost equal.

There is a saying that goes well: negotiation requires capital and qualifications.

Aspiring to the Central Plains is the weak, what negotiation capital can there be?

At first, everyone in the Central Plains found Su Yu and Xiao Lizhi to negotiate an alliance.

The two sides form an alliance and share the interests equally.

However, it was immediately rejected by Su Yu.

Aspiration to the Central Plains is now weak, although their combat strength is not bad, but once they open an alliance, they must share the benefits equally.

This is a bit of a lion's mouth.

There are only 120 of them now, compared to Yijian Tingxue, who has nearly 400 people, their strength is far worse.

Moreover, there is not a single city in the Central Plains, and nothing has been paid. If you want to form an alliance with Yijian Tingxue, you can enjoy all kinds of benefits equally.

(Benefits: such as the income from the sale of tickets for copies of the royal mausoleum in the city)

Where is this going?

Certainly not!

Su Yu immediately refused.

However, it still gave them a chance.

Su Yu suggested that if you want to form an alliance, you can.

However, after forming an alliance, if you can lay down another city, the benefits will be seven or three points.

Yijian listened to Xueqi, and won the third place in the Central Plains.

Moreover, this condition is after occupying two cities!

Otherwise, there is no benefit at all in the pursuit of the Central Plains.

At first, everyone in the Central Plains was a little annoyed when they heard Su Yu's offer.

I think Su Yu is deceiving people too much, as if he just wants to take advantage of them, not to lay down a new city, and the benefits are not given, so he will only give three points if he wins.

It seems that this is no longer an alliance, but to make the aspirations of the Central Plains surrender to Yijian Tingxue!

Su Yu and Yi Jian listened to Xue and everyone was in no hurry.

(Promised Zhao) Aspire to the Central Plains and form an alliance with them to surrender or not, whatever!

Alliances can indeed increase growth and strength, but if you want to enjoy the benefits, that is impossible.

Even if the people in the Central Plains do not form an alliance with them, and go to form an alliance with the Destroyer Family or the Prosperity of the Thunder Mansion, they will not threaten Yijian Tingxue.

Yijian listens to the snow and occupies a city.

Later, the people who wanted to conquer the Central Plains still surrendered and agreed to the conditions proposed by Su Yu.

After all, at present, Yijian Tingxue has a great influence and has the best development prospects.

Moreover, after forming an alliance and conquering the city, you can enjoy the benefits of three layers, as well as city shops, etc., which is much better than the miserable situation of winning the Central Plains.

So they agreed.

So, the aristocratic family in the Central Plains formed an alliance with Yijian Tingxue.

There are 400 people in Yijian and 400 people in the snow, and 120 people in the Central Plains, becoming the strongest force in the three districts!

The situation outside the sky is bound to change!

Tonight in the city battle, listen to the snow with your sword, and point your sword at Chao Jing!

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