Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 18 Clone Technique, True And False Red Bear King

"Brothers and sisters, you are all right..."

For the jokes of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Barbie covered her forehead and was a little dumbfounded.

Fu Shenqiannuo and Longhushan Taoist priests are not senior players of Tianlong. They have only played Tianlong for a few months or half a year, and they do not know much about Tianlong.

At this moment, they were a little stunned when they saw the barrage of the audience swiping the screen in the live broadcast room, and even gradually felt that the construction methods these people said were quite reasonable.

Floating and sinking, Nuo murmured to himself, thoughtfully:

"Yes, there is too much ice resistance now, and a resistance reduction gem is three times the attribute attack gem, which is too expensive!"

"In this way, Tianshan seems to be able to hit red sapphire. At least fire attacks will not be resisted by ice! Do I want to hit some red sapphire on the equipment?"

"And Tianshan is an assassin. He needs super concentration to ambush targets in the dark, so he also needs to use the gem of concentration? Uh... No, I always feel that this is a bit wrong..."

The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain also pondered: "Wudang Wudang, crispy Wudang, you really need to play defensive gems so that you can stand up."

"Spinel and garnet (the gems that increase internal and external defense), will it be better to play these two gems than dodge gems? There is also the concentration gem, which can increase the internal defense and the upper limit of Qi, and the concentration gem can also be used It can improve Wudang's defense!"

"Furthermore, Wudang's level 60 full rage skill can refresh the cooldown time of martial arts skills with ease, and it does require a lot of mana for two rounds of skills. In this way, Wudang is indeed very suitable for the gem of determination!"


The Taoist priest Longhushan hesitated, and asked Su Yu in the team chat box. After all, Su Yu was the strongest and most "reliable" person in the team.

[Longhushan Taoist priest: Captain, do you think Wudang can beat the black gem (concentration)? 】

Su Yu thought for a while and replied, "Qi Wudang can fight black gems, but ordinary Wudang should fight rubies."

Qi Wudang is a kind of partial building method of Wudang.

Because Wudang has a skill that can use qi to offset the damage, so some players play black gems to increase the upper limit of qi. This is the so-called Qi Wudang. As for the strength of Qi Wudang, no evaluation is made.

Normal Wudang still has to fight rubies. (Although the blood essence stone initially adds a lot of blood, it does not enjoy the percentage of blood added to the dragon pattern and artifact in the later stage, so it must be a ruby)

"Oh..." The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain responded, seemingly incomprehensible.

"Hmm." Su Yu didn't say any more.

At this point, most of the 40 bears had been killed, and only a dozen were left.

[Fingering Huifei: Haha, this speed is really fast, captain, you are too powerful, slashing on the bear with a knife and knife damage table, two or three knives can kill a bear, too powerful! Now there are few strange people, we can also release group attack skills! 】

After Hui Fei finished speaking, he immediately put down the Eight Arrays and the Immortal Execution Array.

Eight Arrays and Zhuxian Array are both group control skills and group attack skills. They have strong control and do not deal low damage.

High mountains and flowing water detonate eight arrays.

With a puff, several bears were blown up to lose a lot of blood, and they dissipated their energy for a few seconds at the same time.

Afterwards, the Immortal Execution Formation also exploded, and several bears were blinded and their blood volume dropped.

[He Yi: Yes, we have to work harder, we can't always rely on the captain to do damage alone! 】

Although He Yi said so, but she is a novice, and now she has not even thought about it. She can only push the monsters with all her strength, and occasionally put a mountain to travel or something. As for the damage... it's quite low.

Fu Shen Qian Nuo came back to his senses from his thoughts, not to be outdone. After all, he was also the number two thug in the team, and he played the big Tian Shan with a level 3 gem!

Move flowers to join trees, eagles strike the sky!


It also did some decent damage to the bear.

The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain released the Zhenwu Seven Intersection Formation and played a little output.

As a result, under the combined attack of everyone, the remaining dozen or so bears were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Su Yu still has two-thirds of his health remaining. After all, he is basically fighting the damage, and it's normal to lose some blood.

Barbie added blood to Su Yu, and after a few pure heart and general good mantras, Su Yu's blood was full.

Su Yu directly summoned the mount panda, started the team to follow, and walked!

I cleared 40 just now, and now there are half of the bears left.

Su Yu led the team all the way forward until the "Bear's Den" at the end of the map road stopped.

All 40 bears were brought into the bear den, Su Yu canceled the team to follow, and got off the mount and continued to clear monsters!

This time, seeing so many bears, the teammates are not worried. After all, Su Yu is carrying them. As long as they don't use the group attack skills indiscriminately, nothing will happen.

After a few minutes, everyone easily cleared the bears.

Now only the Red Bear King is left!

Everyone replenishes their status.

[Su Huo: Let's go, let's fight big. 】

Su Yu got on the panda, pulled the team and ran to the place where the Red Bear King was in the middle of the map.

As soon as Su Yu and the team arrived, the fierce Red Bear King immediately attacked Su Yu.

A claw grabbed it and wiped out eight or nine hundred of Su Yu's blood.

It looks ferocious, but the normal attack damage is not high.

However, at this moment, Hui Fei was a little puzzled.

[Fingering Huifei: Captain, there is a dilapidated house on the right side of where the dungeon came in. I see a lot of people dragging the Red Bear King there to fight, why don't we pull him? 】

In the early days of Tianlong, there was a saying that if you drag the Red Bear King to the dilapidated house when brushing the bear, you will have the opportunity to trap the Red Bear King and make the Red Bear King unable to escape.

This may be useful, but it's not really necessary. As long as the team does enough damage, the Red Bear King can't escape at all.

Moreover, if you pull it to the house and fight again, it is very close to the dungeon teleportation point. When the Red Bear King releases "Fear", it is very likely that someone in the team accidentally steps on the teleportation point and is teleported back to Suzhou, which is quite troublesome.

[Su Huo: No, just fight on the spot. 】

[Fingering Huifei: Oh. 】

Therefore, everyone directly attacked the Red Bear King.

The normal attack damage of the Red Bear King is not high, but when he hits, the Red Bear King will also release a group attack skill. This skill damages very high, and it can smash the target's thousands of blood in one stroke.

"I-shit, the damage is so high!"

Snap fingers Huifei and Longhushan Taoist priest were hit by the Red Bear King's group attack skills. The baby they fought died immediately, and they lost half of their blood in an instant.

Su Yu didn't care, he just kept slashing, and losing a few thousand blood didn't matter to him.

Soon, under the siege of the crowd, the blood of the Red Bear King decreased bit by bit.

And just when the Red Bear King was half-blooded, it suddenly let out a terrifying roar.

Roar! !

Everyone was suddenly in a state of fear, and they could only move randomly!

What's more, what's even more surprising is that the Red Bear King can actually clone himself, turning into two at once!

One true and one false, true and false Red Bear King!

"What's the situation? Two red bear kings?"

He Yi's mouth widened. As a novice, this was the first time she encountered such a situation.

After the red bear king turned into two, one stayed in place, while the other half-blooded began to run away, running along the path, stopping for a while when tired.

At the same time, the state of fear on Su Yu and others disappeared, and everyone resumed their actions.

[Su Huo: This one, the half-blooded one is the real one, ignore the other one for now! 】

The fake Red Bear King can fight or not.

Su Yu directly started Sunflower to chase forward day by day, and soon caught up with the real red bear king.

The Red Bear King can be controlled while running away.

Su Yu made a trick of the sunflower acupoint, and the Red Bear King sealed the acupoint for five or six seconds.

Burning Chibi, Flame Chain Slash, Yanlong Wushuang, Super Slam, Advanced Combo... One skill beats the Red Bear King, and the Red Bear King's blood volume is reduced by half a pipe!

Other teammates also chased after him and launched a fierce attack on the fleeing Red Bear King.

[Longhushan Taoist priest: Chu Sheng, where to run! 】

The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain made a move that seemed to be closed, and immediately grabbed the fleeing Red Bear King.

The Red Bear King was controlled, surrounded and beaten by the crowd, and he was powerless to fight back.

Soon there was a scream, and the huge body fell heavily to the ground.

The killing copy is complete!

The completed copy will also be shown on TV.

[System message: Su Huo is also really brave. He led the team to the bamboo forest to eliminate the damage. After a violent beating, he swept through the small bamboo forest, and there was no red bear to make peace! 】

Afterwards, Su Yu got on his mount and dragged everyone towards the teleportation point.

As for the fake Red Bear King, it was completely ignored.

(The dungeon will be closed within 30 seconds after the death of the real bear king. Although the fake bear king will not disappear immediately, you can also gain a lot of experience by killing it, but only 30 seconds, which is obviously not enough for this team)

So, everyone returned to Suzhou Foil Rain and handed over the task.


PS: Thanks for the 2,000 rewards from the big bosses, and thanks to the monthly passes of Zhan Yu, Tianya, Diyi and other big bosses! Thanks for all the flowers and review tickets, thank you very much!

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