Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 210 Furious! Give me a bell

The appearance of the Bianjing City full-service school field also caught many people by surprise.

Among them, it includes the Great God of the Ming Cult, who split the sun and the moon.

At the 2nd National Hegemony Competition in 2012, Splitting the Sun and Zhanyue eloquently claimed that he had a 90% certainty against Aunt Wang.

Last week, when the official announcement of the first Mingjiao in the entire server, he was not convinced.

Go to tie bars and forums, and once again declare that he is 90% sure that he will single out Su Yu.

The reason why he said this and did this is that on the one hand, he was arrogant, arrogant and unwilling to admit defeat, and liked to brag.

On the other hand, there is no need to spend money for bragging, and Aunt Wang's and Su Yu are not on the top of the Forbidden City, nor are they in the same sky, he can do whatever he wants.

But things are different now.

The appearance of this full-service school field in Bianjing City allows players in each district of Tianlong to conduct cross-server competitions.

Because it hasn't been long, many players still remember the "rhetoric" of splitting the sun and the moon


At this moment, many players posted on the forum tie bar to discuss this matter.

"Hahaha, the Bianjing full-service school field appeared, splitting the sun and cutting the moon, "Nine Forty Zero" has an opportunity to fulfill your promise! I look forward to you going to Aunt Miaowang and Su Yu, hurry up! If you are a man, go, If you don't go, I will look down on you!

"Aunt Wang and Su Huo? Those who split the sun and cut the moon may have been joking before!"

"Cut the sun and cut the moon, I know you play tie too. If you see it, show it to Ye Gun to go to Bianjing, and Aunt Second King and Su Huo show it to Ye!"

"Hahaha, you guys are too flattering, he probably doesn't know where he is trembling now!

Many players in tie bars and forums are mocking the sun and the moon.

Splitting the sun and the moon usually also likes to brush tie.

Today, Tianlong Update - New Bianjingcheng, he swiped tie, and he swiped a lot of posts about asking him to go to Aunt Wang or Su Yu for a heads-up.

Most of these posts are mocking him.

To ridicule him before, he was talking big and bragging. There is no 90% certainty of winning Su Yu and Aunt Wang, and even he is likely to be beaten by Aunt Wang and Su Yudiao.

Moreover, many players in the tie bar also ate him and asked him to show up to give an explanation.

These posts, split the sun and cut the moon, click on each one to read.

The more he looked, the more annoyed he became.

"What the hell, you guys, how much do you despise me for splitting the sun and the moon?!""

"It's just Aunt Wang and Su Huo, do you really think they can really beat me?

"I'm a stance and a sage! Output violence!"

Splitting the Sun and the Moon is the gem configuration of 7776, with 760,000 points, and both Aunt Wang and Su Yu are more than one million points.

Although the gems are a bit different, the ratings are a lot worse.

But he still believes that if he heads up against Aunt Wang and Su Yu, he will have a better chance of winning.

Of course, he also knew that his chances of winning were definitely not as high as 90%.

Ninety percent, he was indeed bragging before.

Splitting the Sun and Zhanyue took a deep breath: "The winning rate is probably... 60%! 35

"But it's not enough..."

Splitting the sun and the moon thinks that he still has a 60% win rate.

However, he was still a little reluctant to go head to head with Aunt Wang and Su Yu.

Because 60% of the winning rate is not high, if he loses, it will not prove that what he said before is big talk.

Wouldn't it be laughed at by many Tianlong players?

"Zhuo, Aunt Trash King, Trash Su Huo, it's not that I can't beat you, but I don't want to fight you! 99

"Come on, it's your luck.

Splitting the sun and the moon pouted, comforting himself.

In order to keep his "90% win rate", he planned to pretend that he didn't know anything, that nothing happened and that he didn't do anything.

Just to challenge Aunt Wang and Su Yu.

However, the silence of splitting the sun and the moon has attracted more and more ridicule from many players in Tieba and the forum.

Even, as soon as you open the tie bar or forum today, nearly half of the posts are scolding the sun and the moon as shrewd-headed-crow-turtles.

After all, in Tianlong, Aunt Wang− has an amazing number of fans.

Su Yu also has quite a few supporters.

Splitting the sun and cutting the moon was like stabbed a hornet's nest, and was abused by many players.

What's more, they went to the top of the Forbidden City to establish some trumpets.

There are as many as ten of these trumpets.

Their IDs are roughly like "Split the Sun and Cut the Moon Spicy-ji", and the mood on the top of their heads also says that Splitting the Sun and the Moon is a coward-bag.

More than a dozen trumpeters stood on the Luoyang campus, chatting and shouting nearby, shouting from martial arts, shouting from World Channel...all kinds of shouting.

Its content, naturally, is also scolding the sun and the moon...

This is quite a funny scene, which is seen by many players in the Forbidden City.

In particular, the hostility of Split Sun and Zhanyue in this area, or when some life players saw them, also "fall into stone" and ridicule Split Sun and Zhanyue.

"Hahaha, splitting the sun and cutting the moon, are you still a man? You used to talk so vigorously, but now you are so embarrassed!"

"Go ahead, split the sun and cut the moon, and prove your 90% chance of winning! Su Huo and Aunt Wang are nothing more than two million-percent sects, what are you afraid of, go!

"You are the most brazen person I have ever seen in my life, no one! Hahaha!"9

For a time, many players in the tie bar forum or the Forbidden Summit area were scolding the sun and the moon.

Splitting the sun and cutting the moon finally couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't bear it any longer.

"I **! Labor and management are not afraid of them, labor and management are stronger than them!"

"I'll let you guys see if I'm talking big!

The unbearable splitting the sun and the moon has replied on the te bar and the forum, and also brushed a group of speakers in this area.

[Give me an hour, if Aunt Wang and Su Huo are at the Bianjing campus, they can come and compete, and I will prove what I say is true! 】

Splitting the sun and cutting the moon can't stand the ridicule of everyone, and promises to fight against Aunt Wang and Su Yu... 0

He originally felt that he was stronger than Aunt Wang and Su Huo in terms of movement skills. Although the winning rate was not 90%, it was almost 60%.

Now, he is arrogant and arrogant, he just wants to defeat Aunt Wang and Su Huo and prove himself.

Hit those who mocked him hard in the face and make them shut up obediently!

"In order to improve the winning rate, let's take the heavy building chain of Tianshan."

"There are also some details, which are also updated."


Splitting the sun and cutting the moon with a long exhalation, it seems that making this determination is not so easy for him.

Afterwards, he opened his Tianshan account, Juntong Ruoshui (740,000 points of Tianshan), took off this unbound chain of heavy buildings, and traded it on the Mingjiao account that splits the sun and the moon.

At the same time, he charged another fifty thousand and updated the details.

Soon, the Mingjiao title of Splitting the Sun and Zhanyue increased from 780,000 points to 820,000 points.

Don't underestimate the 40,000 points mentioned, it cost 50,000 oceans!

He has also become a three-level building Da Mingjiao (Chonglou chain, Chonglou shoulder, Chonglou ring), very powerful.

"Hmph, see if I don't beat you up tonight!""

"Hope, you dare to appear in Bianjing!"

There was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked very confident.

Soon, the news of splitting the sun and the moon about fighting Su Huo and Aunt Wang was like a gust of wind, which immediately caused quite a stir.

Many players who like to be lively are talking about it, waiting to see a good show.

Xue Muhua District.

When Grandpa heard the news, he immediately snorted coldly, and his face was refreshed.

"Hmph, split the sun and cut the moon, you really dare to ask the aunt to single out, but the difference between you and the aunt is 20,000 to 300,000 ratings!"

"Since you dare to come and fight, then I will let the aunt fulfill you!

In the second hegemony competition, on 2.6, he boasted that he had a 90% chance of defeating Aunt Wang, which made Ye Chao feel very unhappy.

Now splitting the sun and cutting the moon actually dares to speak up to challenge Aunt Wang, just to let Aunt Wang treat him, otherwise he will not know how high the sky is.

Ye Chao immediately called Aunt Wang and told Aunt Wang about the matter.

When Aunt Wang heard the words, she smiled, and then she wanted to get on the number herself.

Get ready for this challenge of splitting the sun and the moon.

Grandpa was overjoyed immediately, and quickly flashed a set of speakers in the district.

[Master Chao: Do ​​you have any friends to tell Piri and Zhanyue, let him hurry up, the aunt has already signed up in person and is waiting for him at the 1st line of Bianjingcheng! 】

The content of the speaker, Lord Super, immediately aroused the excitement of many players.

Aunt Wang agreed to have a discussion with Split Sun and Zhanyue, and it was Auntie herself who was already waiting!

Soon, the news spread, and many Tianlong players knew that Split Sun Zhanyue and Aunt Wang were about to go head-to-head.

Many people flocked to the first line of Bianjingcheng.

The number of people will soon be limited...

And Su Yu, at this time, is on the 3rd line of Bianjingcheng.

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