Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 230 It's like fighting wild monsters! Back to basics!

At this moment, Di Shitian appeared in the Void Illusion.

His image is like the door god posted during the festival. He is burly and strong, wearing armor, holding a big knife, his eyes shining with golden light, and he is not angry and arrogant!

Emperor Shitian is the No. 25 boss of the Void Illusion, and it is also the most powerful boss.

Tianlong officially gave Di Shitian a score of 1.268 million. It is recommended that players do not have a million scores and do not challenge easily.

Di Shitian's strength is inseparable from his powerful five skills, in addition to his high attack and blood volume.

Tian Li Tian Zhu: Cooldown time is 30 seconds, Di Shi Tian's clone is aggressive, and the damage is around 10,000, and if it exists for a long time, it will strengthen the output of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​up to 20W, and multiple clones can exist at the same time.

True God Appears: The cooldown is 30 seconds, and the power dissipation lasts for 5 seconds.

Demon Slayer: The cooling time is about 10 seconds, reducing the target's resistance to four attributes. In this state, the damage caused by Di Shitian is based on twice his own attack.

Soldiers first and then soldiers: Cooldown time is 30 seconds. The skill that threatens the character the most, damages about 40,000 and will carry a state of continuous blood loss, which is nearly 10,000 blood per second.

Birth of a God: Cooldown 90 seconds, invincible, Di Shitian's signature skill, immune to any damage and control, lasting 4 seconds, invincible before each berserk.

In short, Di Shitian, who has various powerful skills, is very difficult to fight.

And Su Yu was naturally prepared before attacking Emperor Shitian, and studied some brief information on attacking "Nine Five Zeros".

"Second clone", "card madness", bringing a baby with the best physical strength, etc., I understand it.

Su Yu also took some medicines that increased attributes in advance, supplemented various states, and slightly enhanced his own panel.

He brought a prudent baby, a level 95 Vajra Ape with a physical aptitude of more than 5,000.

It was he who spent 150,000 yuan to receive it from a player.

The role of bringing a baby is to resist the damage of Emperor Shitian.

Be prepared!

As soon as Di Shitian appeared, Su Yu was not afraid and directly greeted him.

Pure Yang Wuji, slashing with rage, after turning on the state, the Jiuxiao Yanyang in his hand slashed.

Although Di Shitian is strong, Su Yu is also strong!

Su Yu has millions of ratings, millions of HP, and nearly 13,000 fire attacks. After firing rage and slashing, the damage is extremely high.

The first knife to cut down, it will hit 360,000 crit damage! (The damage of monsters is generally five times that of hitting people)

Preliminary estimates, if you finish 15 anger, you will be able to deal more than three or four million damage.

Moreover, after Su Yu fired the Furious Clash, he just kept pushing straight without using any attacking skills.

Why push it flat? In addition to the small release of some skill damage bonuses, it does not make much sense, the main reason is to play a heavy building state!

Su Yu has a heavy building chain and a heavy building jade on his body.

The heavy building chain is 20 seconds of blindness, and the heavy building jade is 15 seconds of numbness.

The control probability of a single push of a heavy building is 2%, and the probability of two heavy buildings is 4% for the time being.

This probability is still not small, and after a few more pushes, it is very likely to come out.

If Di Shitian is in the state of being in a heavy building, his powerful skills such as clone and madness cannot be used.

Moreover, if Su Yu plays the heavy building state one after another, then Di Shitian is likely to be easily defeated by Su Yu.

One knife, two knives... Until the ninth knife, Su Yu was in a state of numbness, and Di Shitian was controlled for 15 seconds!

The corners of Su Yu's mouth rose slightly, with a smile: "It's good to hit the heavy building, those complicated strategies should be useless."

With the strong control of the heavy building, if the heavy building state is played again and again, then Di Shitian may not even be able to release his skills, and he will be killed by Su Yu.

Those on the tie bar forum that seem to be complicated, but are actually more complicated to operate, are not very meaningful to Su Yu.

Sure enough, after playing for more than ten seconds, Su Yu played a heavy building again.

The state of the heavy building this time is the 20-second blindness of the heavy building chain.

No matter how strong Ren Di Shitian was, he still couldn't move at all in the state of two heavy buildings.

Su Yu can beat Di Shitian for 20 seconds.

And in these 20 seconds, Su Yu is likely to play a heavy building again and hack Di Shitian to death!

Not to mention, Su Yu is equipped with two heavy towers (ornaments), and the chance of hitting the heavy tower state with a flat push is quite considerable.

Basically, the control time of a heavy building state has not ended, and the control of another heavy building state is connected, one after another!

Since the appearance of Di Shitian, after slashing Su Yu a few times at the beginning, he has never moved!

Only passively beaten!

"It's not bad, it's easy to use the heavy building, and I don't feel any pressure to fight Emperor Shitian!"

Su Yu couldn't help but sighed in admiration. Chonglou is worthy of being the most powerful equipment in Tianlong (except for the divine artifact dragon-marked martial spirit), whether it is beating people or monsters, it is a great weapon!

For Su Yu, there is no pressure at all for Su Yu, the strongest BOSS in the Void Fantasy Realm, considered by countless Tianlong players to be almost invincible.

Just keep cutting.

With Su Yu's super high output, Di Shitian's three tubes of blood are now directly missing one tube!

When Su Yu easily punched and kicked Emperor Shitian, there were many people standing at the NPC.

These players either came to challenge the Void Fantasy, or were teleported out after failing or succeeding in the challenge.

Among these players, there are many familiar faces of Su Yu.

The small papaya (Emei), the big egg (Tianlong Temple), the big relic (Shaolin)...

Cockroach Bully (Tianshan), Shark Pepper (Wudang), Scorpion Lailai (Beggar Gang) of Thunder Palace

The God of Destruction (Tianlong Temple), Innocent (Wudang), Xiaoxue (Emei) of the Destroying Family

Even, there are 830,000 ratings of the world-destroying stupid!

"I - rub, Di Shitian is so hard to fight! I need to study and study the strategy more." Mie Shi stupidly smiled bitterly to himself.

He was also challenging the Void Illusion just now. With his rating and configuration, he naturally went all the way unimpeded, defeated the first 24 bosses, and challenged the final boss, Emperor Shitian.

However, Di Shitian should really be difficult to fight, and Mie Shi Benben is not very familiar with the strategy, and his only one ring of heavy buildings is not very powerful.

After he beat Di Shitian with half of his blood, he fell down.

I want to do more research and try again.

【Help Master, have you defeated Di Shitian to clear the level?】

Seeing World Mie Benben come out, Mie World asked curiously on the gang channel.

[The gang leader should have failed to defeat Di Shitian. I have been paying attention to the system news of the World Channel. It seems that there is no news of defeating Di Shitian, and the gang leader does not have the title of [Return to the Basics]...]

Before Mie Shi Benben could answer, Mie Shi Xiaoxue answered first.

There should be systematic information about defeating Emperor Shitian, and after clearing the Void Illusion, you can get the title Return to Basics.

This title has no attributes, but it can add some experience and directly prove that you have cleared the Void Illusion.

[I really couldn't defeat Di Shitian, Di Shitian's clone and scattered power state are so annoying, it's really hard to fight. 】

Mie Shi Beng Ben said truthfully.

Indeed, if you don't master some strategy skills, even a player with a million ratings will not be able to win against Emperor Shitian.

In fact, the people of the extermination family were not too surprised by this result.

After all, the official score for Emperor Shitian is 1.268 million, while the score for the world is 830,000.

World Destruction Benben has a low score of more than 400,000, and it is the first time to play, so he is not very skilled, and it is normal to fail.

[Haha, the helper should study the strategy more, the helper is a second-advanced Datian Mountain, you can definitely pass it! 】

Destroyer King Dao (Xiaoyao) smiled and said comfortably.

If you have mastered some strategy skills, with 830,000 players, it is not difficult to pass Emperor Shitian, eight to nine out of ten can pass... 0

It's just that it won't be over for a while, so we have to do more research first.

So, Mie Shi Benben went to study Di Shitian's strategy.

Yijian listens to the snow.

[Big Egg (Tianlong Temple): According to the gossip, the final boss Emperor Shitian who challenged the Void Illusion by Destroying the World, failed to pass, and only got half blood! 】

The news that Mie Shi Benben failed to defeat Di Shitian was known by Big Egg and some players.

Big Egg was surprised, after all, these ordinary 6th-level numbers, their equipment ratings were only more than 20 to less than 300,000.

And the 830,000 equipment rating of World Destruction Stupid was not able to defeat Emperor Shitian in the Void Illusion, which really surprised many people.

[Little civet cat (Tianshan): Can't pass the level even if the world is destroyed by stupid, this virtual illusion is too difficult? The official copy is too difficult! 】

The little civet cat felt ashamed, if even the second-advanced Datian Mountain like Destroying the World could not pass the Emperor Shitian, then they would not even think about these ordinary 6th-level numbers.

Those living players with tier 3 and 4 gems may have no hope of seeing Di Shitian in the Void Illusion Realm for the rest of their lives.

[Little Papaya (Emei): I have been playing for a long time, and I can only hit the No. 15 BOSS at most, and I can't fight anymore...]

The rating of Papaya is 230,000, which is a relatively powerful Emei.

However, she has challenged the Void Vision for so long, at most defeated the No. 15 BOSS, and can no longer fight.

This is still the case that relying on Emei to increase blood supply indefinitely!

For many other players with more than 200,000 ratings, the No. 15 BOSS may not be able to beat!

Players who are dissatisfied with those level 3 gems may not even be able to defeat the angry Ge Rong, the fifth boss of Unreal Realm...

Therefore, many players are now scolding, and they all think that the official difficulty of the dungeon of this illusory fantasy is set too high.

However, at this time.

A seemingly unremarkable message appeared in the system channel.

【System news: Hero Su Huo has reached the pinnacle, using eighteen martial arts in the Void Illusion, even if he is as strong as Emperor Shitian, he will be defeated! 】

This message flashed by in a flash, and was quickly overwhelmed by new system messages.

However, it is still seen by a small number of players.

Su Yu, defeated Di Shitian!

At this point, he yawned, relying on his powerful output and the continuous control of the two heavy towers (Accessory 2.6), Su Yu cut the whole process flat, and easily defeated Di Shitian.

"Sure enough, it's not difficult, it's like fighting a wild monster with thicker HP..."

"If I had known this earlier, I would have been too lazy to study any strategies. 39

Su Yu believes that there is really no difficulty in fighting Emperor Shitian, just like fighting a wild monster with thick blood.

And if he knew this, he would not study the so-called "Going Emperor Shitian" strategy.

Just enter the Void Illusion and challenge it, it's as easy as the palm of your hand to pass the emperor!

It's just that if his two words were heard by other Tianlong players, they would most likely vomit blood!

Su Yu picked up the residual pages of the cheat book dropped by Di Shitian, and then came to the Void Fantasy Realm to teleport the NPC, and teleported out of Suzhou.

"After the Void Illusion is fully cleared, it seems that I can get a title to increase my experience or something."

So, Su Yu talked to the cheat NPC and clicked to get the "Clearance Title"



【Congratulations on getting the title of Back to Basics!】

A colorful light shot up from Su Yu's body, and the title of "Return to the Basics" appeared on the top of Su Yu's head.

"Returning to the basics, it sounds good." Su Yu said casually.

At the same time, the news that Su Yu won the title of Returning to Basics also appeared on the system channel.

[System message: Hero Su Huo has gone through thousands of hardships and finally defeated the demons and defeated all opponents in the Void Illusion. Not only has he succeeded in making his skills further, but he has also won the name of returning to the original, which is widely circulated in the rivers and lakes!].

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