Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 233 A good gift for the hero, what I have in my pocket!

Su Yu chuckled: "I'm a supreme player, of course I'm going to hit 8!"

He was originally just an ordinary student, an ordinary Tianlong player.

However, he activated the Goldfinger Supreme Player Card.

This completely changed his game and real life.

Now that Tianlong has officially launched level 8 gems, Su Yu, who is a Tianlong Supreme player, naturally cannot lag behind, and must update the level 8 gems in line with the changes and development of the game.

Otherwise, is it still a supreme player?

The price of 8th grade gems is not cheap.

However, after Su Yu rose to level 110 in December and received the status of "killing the god of the world", he killed opponents in various ways and obtained a large number of ingot items (such as golden cicada silk, level 3 or level 4 or level 5 gems, Cotton Mithril, etc.), as well as ingot tickets and cash back amounts.

Only estimating the amount of ingot tickets and cash back, Su Yu gets about 500,000 yuan in treasure tickets and 50,000 RM in cash back every day.

For almost 5 months, the ingots in his package reached an extremely terrifying number.

More than 75 million yuan treasure!

Equivalent to RM coins, almost two million yuan!

The direct cashback of RM coins has also reached more than 7.5 million.

With such financial resources, Su Yu, it is not difficult to create a class 8 number!

An ordinary 8th grade gem is about 24,000 RM.

Let's not calculate the 8th-level spar, and calculate it according to the ordinary 8887 gem standard.

(8887 gems are enough to reach the third step)

A character can be inlaid with a total of 64 gems, excluding 10 spar, that is 54.

An ordinary level 8 gem is 24,000 RM, and 54 gems are almost 1.3 million RM.

A tier 8 gem needs 4 tier 7 gems to synthesize, and Su Yu's 950 is full of tier 7 gems, and he buys 3 more tier 8 gems for each hole.

Spend less!

It is estimated that Su Yu will spend about 1 million RM to update the gem to 8887. (Excluding Pluto and Wanbao)

With more than 75 million yuan of treasure in his package, it is easy to create a body of 8887 gems, more than enough!

Su Yu is destined to be a third-level Da Ming sect soon!

The 8th-level gems that most players in Tianlong can't reach, but for Su Yu, they can be easily filled and filled.

Simply a world apart.

I have to say, the golden finger is good, and the supreme player is fierce!

Even Su Yu couldn't help but sigh with joy: "It's great, the ingot tickets in the bag finally have a place to use."

Since Su Yu kills enemies every day, he can get a lot of ingot tickets, and the amount is huge.

And he bought everything in the game mall that should be bought, and he couldn't spend it at all.

As for the ingot set-xian and the like, Su Yu didn't bother to do it either, and found it troublesome.

He doesn't care about the money, it's better to beat a few more opponents.

So, Su Yu can only watch the amount of ingot tickets in the bag grow more and more... there is nowhere to use it!

Now that the 8th grade gems are officially launched, he lamented that so many ingots in the bag can finally be spent!

If Su Yu's words were heard by other Tianlong players, he would probably have the urge to beat him up...

"By the way, there seems to be an event.

Su Yu looked at the top of the game interface, and there was an event called "Heavy Buildings and Gifts to Heroes".


His eyes suddenly lit up: "Heavy building!"

Chonglou Gifts for Heroes: From April 9th ​​to April 16th, the player with the highest single-server spending can get the Chonglou gift, and can choose a Chonglou ring or Chonglou jade.

At the same time, players can exchange corresponding gift boxes for every 2,000, 5,000 and 20,000 yuan spent during the event.

The higher the level of the gift box, the richer the rewards, and you can get golden silk, real yuan amu, diamond file, high-level gem combination charm, high-level inscription charm and other props.

The official launch of this event is to encourage players to spend, encourage some big gods to spend a lot of money to build accounts, and even update level 8 gems.

The first person to spend on a single server can get a Chonglou Ring or Chonglou Jade.

This is naturally a good thing for him, anyway, he must consume the update number.

Or it can be said that this event is specially prepared for Su Yu.

I don't know about the situation in other districts, but the only ones who can compete with Su Yu in this district are the idiots.

But it is definitely impossible for the world to reach 8, so the first place in this consumption is Su Yu in eight to nine cases.

He can take a heavy building for nothing!


Su Yu smiled: "Chonglou, this is naturally what I have in my pocket!"

At that time, if nothing else happens, Su Yu will be a four-story building, and one step closer to the full-heavy building (six pieces)!

The fourth-level building of the Great Ming Sect, and the third-level gemstone advanced level, it is terrifying to think about it.

Absolutely suppress Aunt Wang, He Fang Xiaoxian, Cheng Ming... and many other Ming Cult gods, absolutely the first Ming Cult in Tianlong!

It is not impossible to even become the first person in the whole server!

Meanwhile, Moon Man West Tower.

Gang chat channels have always been lively.

[Longhushan Taoist priest (Wudang): Oh my god, even the 8th-level gems are officially reopened - it's released, it's terrible, I haven't even filled the 4th-level gems! 】

The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain sighed that he had only hit half of the 4th-level gems, and he didn't even dare to think about the 5th-level gems, let alone the 8th-level gems that were out of reach.

[Innocent little monk (Shaolin): Level 8 gems are not prepared for us players, but for the very few great gods. We, ordinary level 4 and 5 players, don’t need to care, just watch The big guys are doing well. 】

At present, with the improvement of consumption level, more and more players of Tianlong can play 7th-level gems.

But this base is still too few and too few compared to the vast number of Tianlong players. It is estimated that there are only a handful of great god players who can go up to level 8 gems.

Therefore, the 8th-level gems are too far away from ordinary players, and are only related to super god players.

[Little civet cat (Tianshan): There is also an event to give gifts to heroes in the heavy building. The first place in each district can get the heavy building! The heavy building is so enviable! 】

Which player doesn't like the heavy building? Except for the shoulder of the heavy building, which can be purchased directly with ingots, the other heavy buildings are very difficult to obtain, leaving many players with 5th and 6th level numbers beyond their reach.

[Little Papaya (Emei): Hehe, I don’t dare to think about the heavy building, but I think it doesn’t matter if I update it, and update the ice resistance gem to level 6. 】

At the end of last year, Nether spar and double-level glyphs were released, and Tianshan's attribute attack was higher, and the resistance reduction was also higher.

Before, there were five other secrets and one more control skill. Tianshan also became more violent, and the second person was very powerful.

Now, taking advantage of the event, consumption can also get some gift boxes, open to get items such as True Essence Po, Xiao Papaya plans to update the level 5 ice resistance on his body to level 6, resisting most of the Tianshan Mountains in this area.

[Qingshang (Tianshan): The first place in consumption to take the heavy building? Brother Su Huo... Does the deputy leader have any ideas?]

Speaking of heavy buildings, Qingshang naturally thinks of Su Yu.

Su Yu is now a triple building, if you take another one, it will be a quadruple building!

Which Heavenly Dragon God doesn't like heavy buildings!

With Su Yu's temperament and consumption strength, it is very likely that the characters will be updated and grab one!

Seeing Qingshang's words, many people in Yijian listened to Xue were also curious and looked serious.

[Big Egg (Tianlong Temple): Hahaha, Su Huo probably likes the heavy building, Su Huo, do you want to grab it? Don’t give it to me, haha, if no one grabs it from me, I will go to 6 to grab the heavy building !】

Big Egg asked half-jokingly. It seems that if Su Yu said that he didn't want to rob the heavy building, he would really spend the full 6 gems to rob it.

[Heyi (Xiaoyao): Don't think about it, even if Su Huo's deputy gang leader doesn't grab it, there is still Mie Shi Benben, who also likes heavy buildings. 】

He Yi's words made Big Egg's originally excited expression suddenly wilt.

Even if Su Yu didn't snatch the heavy building, and there was a world-killer stupid, and a crowd of people, the probability of a big egg grabbing a heavy building was almost zero.

Big Egg sneered a few times.

[Hey, Heyi, don't hit people like that, I'm just joking. I am a Tianlong Temple with a rating of 220,000, what is the use of taking a heavy building? 】

[Things like heavy buildings should belong to great gods like our Su Yu, haha, are you right?]

Dasha Li (Shaolin) coughed dryly.

[Cough cough, in fact, I really want to take this old monk, but I feel that I can't grab the big guys...]

[I think this heavy building is most suitable for Su Huo, if Su Huo can get it, it will definitely be even more powerful. 】

Heavy building equipment, in addition to increasing the high blood limit itself, also has a strong control effect, which is very suitable for Shaolin with short legs.

At present, Tianlong No. 1 Shaolin Laughs at Me Crazy, and he is a fan of the heavy building. It is estimated that he will also take the heavy building this time.

Although the appearance of the Five Essences Jiuyin Zhenjing has also strengthened Shaolin, but who doesn't want to be stronger.

But even if Da Shili wants to rebuild the building again, he has no confidence to grab the first place in the consumption list in this area.

Therefore, the large relic, who is quite self-aware, thinks that if Su Yu obtains this heavy building, it is the most suitable.

At this moment, Su Yu saw the chat of everyone in the gang, smiled slightly, and said to himself: "Heavy building, I naturally want to take it, do my part!"

Meanwhile, he replies on the gang chat channel.

[This heavy building, I do have some ideas, haha!].

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