Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 273 The strongest 32 teams compete against each other

After the regional competition, 29 teams will advance to the national competition, while the other 3 teams need to be selected through the "resurrection competition" before the final list of the top 32 teams in the country can be determined.

The resurrection is a "shortcut" to the national competition


All regional players who have not advanced to the top 32 in the country will be eligible for resurrection. (The qualifications are for teams that enter the regional competition, not for ordinary teams in the single server competition)

To put it bluntly, it is time to compete for popularity and data! Give the teams that are unable to enter the top 32 in the country the last chance.

A few days later, on July 24, 2013, the official "Resurrection Competition" officially opened,


The event time is: 25th to 31st, for a week.

During the event, Tianlong players with a level of 10 or higher can go to the Luoyang Tournament NPC to deliver the "Ba Ming Post" to support their favorite team.

The top three teams in the entire server will be directly promoted to the top 32.

Finally, a week later, the voting results came out.

The top three teams with the most votes are:

1. The [Friendship Eternal] team from the Supreme Telecom Dragon Battle Jiutian server has 130,000 votes.

This number of votes is really high, and it's a bit strange. Maybe this team has invested a lot of money!

To be honest, Su Yu is still a bit impressed with the Friendship Eternal team, after all, they played against each other in the regional competition.

The strength of the Eternal Friendship Team is still quite good. On the second day of the full server, Longsi has no regrets, with nearly one million ratings, and the team's strength is strong.

It's just that they failed to qualify for the regional competition. 970 is the better team of Yijian Tingxue or Youlong Xifeng.

2. The [Domineering] team from Supreme Telecom Solitaire has 80,000 votes.

It seems that the first day of the whole server, Brother Lafeng of Tianlong Temple also has a good popularity, or has invested some funds.

3. The [Ordering the World] team from the server of Xue Muhua in the Netcom area has 67,000 votes.

The fans of Aunt Wang's Order of the World are still relatively powerful, and directly sent the defeated Order of the World team to the top 32 in the country.

As for whether the people in the world can live up to the expectations of the fans, and whether they can take revenge and Xuanying further in the competition for the hegemony, it will be revealed in the future!

So far, the top 32 teams in the country have all been born!

In order to start the group stage in the future, the official will divide all the teams into 8 groups according to certain rules, and each group has 4 teams.

Group A: Eternal Battle Spirit, Scarlet Blood Alliance, Dragon and Phoenix, Defying the Sky.

Eternal Battle Spirit is the battle spirit family's team, all members have more than one million points, and the biggest favorite team to win the championship this year.

The Red Blood Alliance, from the Leshan Giant Buddha in the first district of Southwest Telecom, has 700,000 ratings from the top 8 players in the first Tianlong competition.

The other team members also scored very high, such as 850,000 points for Constellation, 650,000 points for Emei, and 600,000 points for Tianlong Temple. The overall strength is very strong.

You Long Xi Feng is another team of Supreme Telecom, and its comprehensive strength is not bad.

Defying the Sky, from the Wushuang Netcom famous world server (dacg) server, there is a million-point free and easy God in it - Defying the Heavens, the other members of the team have a rating of around 300,000 to 400,000, and their overall strength is relatively average.

Group B: Royal Family Myth, No Heaven, Domineering, No. 1 in the world.

The myth of the royal family needs no introduction. The champion of the first competition and the runner-up of the second competition are extremely powerful, and they are also popular teams to win the championship.

Wutian, a team from Southern Telecom's mandarin duck partner, with 1.18 million ratings, the No. 1 Xiaoyao Dashen in black.

In addition to the black clothes in the team, there is also a big Emei with a rating of 840,000, and the rest of the players have a rating of between 300,000 and 400,000, and the combat power is equally strong.

No. 1 in the world, from the Midwest Telecom Tai Ajian server, there are no well-known gods in the team, but the score of the players is relatively average, about 400,000, and the comprehensive strength should not be underestimated.

Group C: Eternal Wings, Domain Legion, Trendsetter, Legend.

Eternal Wings, from the Shuibo Liangshan server in the first district of China Netcom, has two players with more than 900,000 ratings, Eternal Wind and Rain (Tianshan) and Eternal King Road (Xiaoyao), as well as other 500,000.60 million rated players, the overall strength is very strong!

The Domain Legion, the team that laughed at me crazy, they and the team of the Soul Clan entered the top 32.

Laugh Me Crazy has a score of 1.45 million, and the scores of the rest of the team are between 300,000 and 600,000, and the score span is quite large.

Leading the trend, the servers from the Songhua River in the first district of Northeast Netcom are all level 6 numbers.

Legend, from the Elephant Trunk Hill server of South China Telecom, is weak, and none of the team members has more than 400,000 ratings.

Group D: Triumph Legion, whoever competes with each other, just do the dragon roar, and be happy.

The Triumph Legion, from the Eastern Telecom Hanshan Temple server, was the top 8 team in the second hegemony competition. At the beginning, it almost eliminated the royal mythology, and its strength was very strong.

Whoever competes with each other is from the Yuyue Longmen server in the first district of the National Telecom. There are many 500,000.6 million scoring players in the team, and the overall strength is very strong!

Diangan Longxiao came from the Cangshan Snow server in the first district of National Telecom. The captain was a Murong with a rating of more than 800,000. The team members' ratings were basically around 300,000, and their overall strength was weak.

Just be happy, the top 8 teams in the second hegemony competition, but now, the strength is weak, and the players are basically 300,000 or 400,000 ratings.

Group E: Commanding the world, Emperor Violence, Brilliant Still, Dazzling Shadow Field.

Commanding the world, Aunt Wang and Ye Chao's team actually lost to the Hyun Shadow Domain team whose members were all rank 6 in the regional competition. It was really embarrassing.

It just depends on whether he can perform well after entering the top 32 through the resurrection match this time, and whether he can take revenge for Xuanying.

Emperor Violence, the team that was in the first day of the full server, the big A team, now has a score of 1.14 million, and also brought his own 700,000 points of Xiaoyao, the team is very strong.

The brilliance is still the same. It comes from the Taihang Mountain server in the first district of North China Netcom. There is a 940,000-rated Happy God Odosan, and the team strength is not bad.

In the Hyun Shadow Field, the super dark horse team that eliminated Sakuragi Huadao, Aunt Wang and many strong players, all the equipment scores are around 300,000.4 million, but the operation and tactics are first-class and cannot be underestimated.

The official now puts the command world and the Xuanying field in the same group, and the purpose is self-evident.

Group F: Indestructible War Madness, Prince Corps, Eternal Friendship, Across the World.

The inextinguishable battle situation comes from the Taihu Xiandao server in the first district of East China Telecom, that is, the team of the extreme 7 Tianshan God Scorpion Tail Needle.

The team number of the scorpion needle is all 2 advanced! The gem hardware has nothing to say!

Speaking of which, the scorpion tail needle is also quite powerful. He has entered the top 32 in the country in each of the three Tianlong competitions.

The Prince Corps, led by the 960,000-rated Prince Xiaoyao, created all kinds of "miracles" in the second hegemony competition and reached the top 4 all the way.

The friendship is eternal. It entered the top 32 through the first place in the resurrection competition. It was led by Tianlong Temple with 980,000 ratings and no regrets.

Across the world, Huifeng Wuxue from the second district of East China Telecom, the team is weak, with less than 300,000.

Group G: Leng Yan, Yijian Tingxue, Together in the Wind and Rain, codenamed Qingmang.

Leng Yan, from the super double-line Tianlong server, has a million rating Murong Dashen Xiao Loach's team, and its comprehensive strength is also very strong.

Yijian Tingxue, Su Yu's team, is also very strong.

Standing together through thick and thin, the team members are generally rated between 300,000 and 400,000.

The code name is Qingmang, and the score of the players is the same as that of the team in the same boat, which is not high.

Group H: Who can stop us from the earth, the pride, the world, the inextinguishable soul.

Who can stop us from the earth, Ting Xiangxie, one of the super "God Zones" of Tianlong, is led by well-known 7th-level gods such as Magic Mirror, Hojojo, and Lingling Shuai, and his comprehensive strength is very strong.

Pride situation, from the Jiuzhaigou server in the first district of Southwest Telecom, the first Emei absolute zero team in the whole server before, the strength should not be underestimated.

Unique in the world, from the first district of Huazhong Telecom, Marshmallow, all members are the "Butterfly War" family accounts, although all the configuration of all 6, but there are even a few 6-level accounts that have reached more than 600,000 ratings, it seems that these accounts are almost the same It's all "Extreme 6" configuration, and the overall strength is also very strong!

Indestructible Soul, the strength is very ordinary, and the equipment rating is between 200,000 and 300,000.

The above are the 32 strongest teams in this year's Tianlong National Championship.

The group stage will begin on August 9.

The competition is still based on the rules of the points system. The teams with the first and second points in the group stage can qualify and advance to the top 16.

However, just as everyone was looking forward to the start of the top 32 group stage, a message suddenly came.

This surprised and regretted countless players.

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