Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 47 Grab Some Points, Hang Up Was Cleared?

What shocked everyone more was not the perfect growth rate of Su Yu's martial spirit.

After all, the Great Perfect Martial Spirit can indeed be washed out when you are lucky.

However, the five level 8 expansion skills on Su Yu's spirit are even more shocking.

"Lying-trough! Mingjiao's spirit expansion attributes are all level 8!"

"How much gold does it cost!"

Xianfeng and Feng Ruhua widened their eyes, their faces full of incredulity.

Qing Qian also took a deep breath and replied in the team chat box: "If you want to upgrade a martial soul expansion skill to level 8, you need to consume more than 600 soul moisturizing stones. 98 ingots..."

"It takes more than 300,000 yuan to raise 5 skills to level 8!!"

"My God, more than 300,000 yuan of treasure can be used for two 4th grade numbers!"

Several people in the team were shocked.

They never imagined that someone would have fully upgraded their martial arts expansion skills when they were in the open area. It was crazy!

Even those great gods with level 6 numbers will only upgrade their extended attributes to level 5 or 6 first!

"This Mingjiao is really cruel!" Feng Ruhua swallowed her saliva and was extremely surprised, "I'm afraid it will cost more than a 5th grade!"

Xianfeng's cheeks were a little hot at this time.

When Su Yu came over before, he didn't want Su Yu to join the team, for fear that Su Yu would affect the team's monster farming efficiency and reduce experience.

He, a small Wudang with 50,005 HP, is also qualified to dislike Su Yu?

Now it looks really funny.

The gap between him and Su Yu is too big. Compared with Su Yu, he is nothing.

He is Wudang, the output is the same, Su Yu can stand and let him play three sets of skills!

And if Su Yu slashed him a few times, he would definitely lie down soon with this amount of blood.

Xianfeng smiled bitterly: "So the clown turned out to be me..."

At this moment, everyone felt that Su Yu was too cruel.

Equipped with seven or eight stars, Glyph level 6, strengthening 9, Martial Soul Great Perfect Expansion Attribute Full Level!

Everyone thinks that Su Yu is definitely capable of playing a higher gem number.

It's just that I don't know why the gem just hit level 4...

In fact, Su Yu is also helpless. His level 4 gem was given by the Supreme Player Card when he was at level 30. Later, he did not send other gems until the Supreme Player Card at level 60.

Therefore, the gems on the body are temporarily maintained at the level of 4.

Although Qingshang has a good face, he also praised: "Brother Su Huo, your level 4 Ming Sect is really amazing. The panel is even above my level 5 Tianshan. It's amazing, amazing!"

"Are you planning to play an extreme 4th grade number?"

The ultimate level 4 number, roughly means that the gemstone is level 4, but other configurations such as glyphs, equipment, etc. are as high as possible, even higher than the configuration of level 5 and 6 numbers, which is called the limit level 4 number.

Simply put, it is to limit the gem level, and other configuration levels are pulled very high.

There are many people in Tianlong who play like this.

If you spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, playing an extreme level 4 or 5 number, the panel may be stronger than a level 6 number.

As for why these players like to play like this, maybe they want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and experience the sense of accomplishment of leapfrog killing!

For example, I am a level 4 Tianshan, equipped with all the big eight stars, the glyphs are level 8, the real essence is all orange level 7, and the strengthening is full.

Then, after passing two gem levels and killing an ordinary 6-level number, you may get a great sense of achievement and satisfaction...

Of course, there are also some players who spend a lot of money to play the limit 4 or 5, just simply like it.

At this time, Qingshang felt that Su Yu should just want to play an extreme fourth-level Mingjiao.

Rich and willful!

I admire Su Yu very much!

Su Yu smiled helplessly, and simply admitted: "'s like this for the time being."

Everyone in the team gave a thumbs up: "[Strong]!"


The team of six smashes monsters together.

The level of the underground palace monster is more than seventy, the defense is very high, and the experience gained by killing it is also very high.

Su Yu is now slashing a wild monster, and the damage has reached about 23,000!

A single crit will do more than 45,000 damage!

This damage is very high in the early game!

This is also due to the attributes and the lower limit of resistance reduction brought by Martial Soul.

Although Su Yu is a melee player, his attack is high. After his teammates who attacked from a distance pulled the monsters over, he stepped forward to compensate for the damage, and the efficiency of killing monsters was improved a lot.

The experience bar below the character is rising.

At this time, it was almost midnight.

Su Yu was really tired.

[Su Huo: Everyone, I'm a little tired. I turned on the assistant and went to bed. 】

Auxiliary (script/book) is a kind of work that automatically kills monsters or does tasks.

After all, the game of Tianlong needs to look at the experience of hanging monsters and killing monsters. It is impossible for players to manually brush monsters in front of the computer throughout the whole process, so let alone a person, a machine may not be able to stand it.

Therefore, in many cases, auxiliary tools are needed to brush monsters.

[Xiao Zan Hong Yanmei: It's getting late, I also want to rest. Shouldn't someone come to clear us? 】

Xiaozan Hongyanmei (Tianlong Temple) also opened the assistant, and automatically spawned monsters.

[Feng Rujia: All have automatic counterattacks, this is better. 】

Automatic counterattack is to automatically counterattack the opponent when attacked. For example, if Brother Cai Gan wants to come over and attack Su Yu, then Su Yu who has activated automatic counterattack will fight Brother Cai Gan, which will be safer.

[Qingqian: Our team configuration, unless there are a few 5th-level numbers, even if we hang up, we will not be able to clear us. 】

[Qingshang: Well, you go to rest, I will watch a drama for a while, and I will go to bed after two o'clock. If someone comes to sao to disturb us to brush our experience, whoever comes to me will stop me! 】

Qingshang is also a 5th-level Tianshan Mountain. If someone dares to come and count them, Qingshang will definitely not be spared.

When Qingshang said this, everyone felt more at ease.

So, the six people in the team, except for Qingshang, all started supporting and went to rest.


At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Qingshang yawned. After watching these episodes, he was about to rest.

But at this moment, two people suddenly appeared at Point F in the underground palace.

They are all over seventy levels, one is constellation, the other is Xiaoyao, and they all have the mood of "600 ingots an hour" on their heads!

Apparently the studio's code-practice number!

Seeing these two people coming, Qingshang frowned slightly and clicked to view the equipment information of these two people.

They are all half 5 gems! !

(In order to save costs, the studio code-practice basically only uses physical strength, attributes and a small amount of resistance reduction gems, and rarely hits gems such as evasion resistance and movement skills)

"Will the studio come to grab some?"

Qingshang's brows furrowed even more, and she was ready to fight.

The two of them in the studio couldn't help but declare war by clicking one by one.

Xiaoyao declares war on Qingqian (Emei), and Constellation declares war on Xianfeng (Wudang).

Although Qingqian and Xianfeng have both activated automatic counterattacks, the configuration of the number is too different, and it is impossible to counterattack.

Xianfeng's HP is only 5.5, and he was quickly given a second by the 5th-level star of the studio!

Qingqian automatically counterattacks and adds blood, and the blood volume is more than half, which is at stake.

After Xingsu killed Xianfeng, he declared war and praised Hongyanmei (Tianlong Temple)...

"It's a code, dare to grab some, I won't stop you two bastards!"

Qingshang stepped directly behind the 5th-level Xiaoyao, and used an orchid acupuncture hand to seal Xiaoyao's acupoints for 4 seconds.

Move flowers and join trees to open, bang bang bang!

Then the last one will live and die together, and destroy this happy life.

Xiaoyao resorted to drawing a dungeon as a prison, but after all, he was only a half-5 number, and his hits were low, and the drawing as a prison did not hit.

Then, Qingshang used a set of skills to successfully make this happy second!

And the constellation in the studio is now attacking Xiaozan Hongyanmei.

Constellation's skills are all must-win, and the auxiliary counterattack is definitely not as good as the real person's work. Although Xiao Zan Hongyanmei counterattacks this Constellation, she must be unable to beat it. At this moment, her blood volume is less than half.

"Go to a special studio and die for Lao Tzu!"

The white horse of love came forward through the gap and attacked the constellation.

Facing the simultaneous attacks of Qingshang and Xiaozan Hongyanmei, this constellation naturally couldn't beat them.

He wanted to escape, but Xing Su had short legs and couldn't escape at all, and was chased and hacked to death by Qing Shang.

"You bastards, do you dare to come again?"

Qingshang snorted coldly, and then stood guard in front of the computer to see if the numbers of the two studios still dared to harass.

And two or three minutes later, Qingshang was dumbfounded, and he was powerless!

Because, the studio has opened a group of numbers, a group of 5-level numbers! !


the next day.

Su Yu got up at eight o'clock and turned on the computer monitor.

It was discovered that his Ming religion was in the underworld.



PS: Thanks to SpongeBob SquarePants, Sake, Shidao, and Lonely Drunk boss for their monthly passes, and thanks to a big boss for his large amount of flowers, thank you very much! !

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