Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 57 All 5 Great Ming Sects, Too Ruthless!

Su Yu: "If I don't take off the old gems, how can I get to level 5 gems!"

Su Yu's 5th-level gems are all wrapped, naturally, the gems of weapons, hidden weapons, martial arts, etc. must be taken off first, and then re-installed.

Barbie, who was still a little anxious and confused, was dumbfounded when she saw Su Yu's reply.

"Go up... Go up to the 5th gem?"

She had always assumed that Su Yu would transfer the 4th-level gem on her body, and then set it with four holes. She never thought that Su Yu would go directly to the 5th-level gem.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were also stunned, and they had almost the same idea as Barbie before.

It's not that they feel that Su Yu can't beat the 5th gem.

It's just their habitual thinking.

Basically, after a character is inlaid with gems at a low level, and then change equipment, most of them can be directly converted, or four holes are punched to fill the gems.

Very few players will quickly upgrade the gem by one or two levels after hitting the gem.

After all, increasing the gem level requires a lot of financial resources. Level 4 gems are raised to level 5, and level 5 to level 6, and the cost is a huge amount!

Either you can directly fill the high-level gems in one step when you open the area (such as the 6th and 7th level big players), or you can slowly inlay upgrade gems in the later stage (such as life players, petty bourgeoisie players).

Unless, really not bad money.

In everyone's impression, Su Yu has always been a full-level 4 Mingjiao.

Who would have thought that he would suddenly have a level 5 stone!

Everyone just realized now.

"Hahaha, it turns out that Su Huo is going to level 5 gems! I was wrong!"

"Yes... yes, I, why didn't I think of it just now, how can I get to level 5 without picking up old level 4 gems?

"Let me just say, Su Huo is definitely not a novice, he must know that there is a gemstone function, and there are other reasons for picking gems!

"Su Huo boss Niubi! We need to go from all 4s to all 5s, powerful players, squat!"

"Barbie, look at you, why are you so anxious! What does little brother Su Huo need to do with your mind, hahaha! 35

Barbie covered her face at this time, and she laughed at herself:

"It turns out that little brother Su Huo is going to go up to level 5 gems again. It was Barbie who was thinking about it just now..."

At the same time, she also sent Su Yu an emoji of "covering her face and smiling", and she couldn't help laughing or crying.

Barbie also kindly reminded her just now, and Su Yu also gave her a good word.

Su Yu had already removed all the gems from the old equipment and started to add 5 gems to the new equipment.

[System message: Su Huo inlaid a ruby ​​(level 5) into the Aihuang Sky Armor, which greatly improved the ability of the equipment. 】

"Do you want to call 5544 or 5554?" Barbie asked curiously again.

Generally speaking, 5544 means that the stamina gems and attribute gems are level 5, and the others are level 4; 5554 means that the resistance reduction gems are level 4, and the others are level 5.

Su Yu did not reply immediately and continued to set gems.

[System message: Su Huo inlaid a pure halite (level 5) into the Aihuang Sky Armor, which greatly improved the ability of the equipment. 】

[System message: Su Huo inlaid a green stone (level 5) into the Aihuang Sky Armor, which greatly improved the ability of the equipment. 】

Resistance gems, still choose ice resistance.

As for the gems on the four holes of the armor, the gems of movement are used.

Su Yu felt that Mingjiao was a fighter, and he needed high accuracy and high awareness, so as to maximize the power of Furious Slash.

And level 5 ice resistance is almost enough for the time being.

A 5th-level ice resistance gem increases ice resistance by 50 points, and 6 pieces of 6 pieces of armor are used, that is, 300 points of ice resistance.

In addition to the level 8 ice resistance skill of the Great Perfect Martial Spirit, it can increase the ice resistance by 92 points, adding up to a total of almost 400 ice resistance points.

Tianshan with level 3 resistance reduction in the early stage can definitely resist death, and ordinary Tianshan with level 4 resistance reduction can almost survive.

After Su Yu finished playing the gems on the dress, she replied to Barbie: "Shangquan 5" """

In fact, even if Su Yu didn't know, Barbie almost guessed it.

After all, she saw that Su Yu's dodge, resistance and movement skills were all level 5 on the clothes.

However, she was still a little surprised.

Su Yu said that if you have a full 5, then the resistance reduction gem is also level 5!

The price of a resistance-reducing gem is three times that of a resistance gem!

Three times as much!!

In particular, the higher the level of resistance-reducing gems, the more expensive it is.

A level 5 attribute gem, converted into RM coins, is more than 270 yuan; a level 5 resistance reduction gem is more than 820 yuan!

Under normal circumstances, a character needs to be inlaid with ten pieces, that is, 8,000 oceans!!

This amount is really too huge!

Many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but gasped.

I saw Su Yu yesterday, she was only a full 4, but now she has to go straight to a full 5, and even the anti-resistance gems are all level 5!

How cool!!

"Fuck, it's too ruthless, if you don't agree, you will get all 5? Bulls criticize!!""

"The limit is all 5, Su Huo boss, please hug your thighs, woo woo.

"Brother Su Huo, I'm also in this area, are you short of a partner? I chatted with you privately [shy], hum.

"Upstairs, aren't you a man, I want to vomit!

Next, I saw Su Yu swiping.

[System message: Su Huo inlaid a red ghost stone (level 5) into the sunset melting gold knife, which greatly improved the ability of the equipment. 】

[System message: Su Huo inlaid a pure red sapphire (level 5) into the sunset gold melting knife, which greatly improved the ability of the equipment. 】

Su Yu likes to hit the red ghost stone on the first gem of the weapon, he thinks the light emitted by the red ghost stone looks better.

In a short while, to the amazement of many people, Su Yu filled all the level 5 gems on all equipment!

Various attributes have been greatly improved, and it has become a real 5th-level Da Mingjiao!


Su Yu exhaled lightly, and after finishing the gems, he must go to create the glyphs!

This time, it is much easier to create glyphs than setting gems.

For example, the glyphs on weapons, hidden weapons, and martial spirits do not need to be removed, and they can be upgraded directly.

As for the glyphs on other equipment, it is very convenient to first transfer them to new equipment and then upgrade them.

【System message: Under the guidance of Zhang Jianglong from Luoyang, Su Huo transferred the carvings on Qixing's wrist to Mushuitian's wrist, only to see a colorful beam of light rising into the sky, and it dissipated after a long time! 】

【System message: Su Huo, under the guidance of Zhang Jianglong from Luoyang, transferred the carved pattern on Jiu Lian to Qing Han, and saw a colorful beam of light rising into the sky, and it dissipated after a long time! 】

Glyph upgrade!

The 80-level Supreme Player Card has just rewarded Su Yu 5000 golden silk, enough to upgrade all the glyphs on his body to level 7.

[System message: Su Huo successfully used the glyph upgrade function to upgrade the level 6 to 7 of the fire attack glyph etched on the molten gold sunset knife at Zhang Jianglong in Luoyang! 】

[System message: Su Huo successfully used the Glyph upgrade function to upgrade the level 6 to 7 of the physical glyph etched on Mushuitian's shoulder at Zhang Jianglong in Luoyang! 】

Soon, all of Su Yu's Glyphs will be level 7!

All 5 gems plus 7 glyphs, strong!

Su Yu went to transfer the enhancement level on the old equipment to the new equipment.

The qualifications of the new equipment are also washed to perfection (the medium is perfect).

Preliminary build completed!!

Level 5 Great Ming Sect!

Su Yu's panel at the moment.

Role: Su Huo

Sect: Mingjiao

Level: 80

HP: 228,000

Fire Attack: 3830

Fire Resistance: 592

Secondary attribute: 924

Ice Resistance: 401

External Attack: 35405

Hits: 36316

Dodge: 12219

Knowing: 193

Knowing Defense: 102

This panel, Su Yu, has improved tremendously!

But in terms of blood volume, it has increased from more than 140,000 to almost 230,000!!

The fire attack has increased from the previous 2,000 to more than 3,800!

Hit dodge awareness, etc., have also been greatly improved!

I can only say that all 5 Great Ming sects, fierce!!

Barbie has been paying attention to Su Yu's build number. Now she sees that after Su Yu's initial build is completed, at the request of many viewers in the live broadcast room, she sends a message to Su Yu and asks: (Qian De's)

"々`Little brother Su Huo, congratulations on becoming a 5th-level Great Ming Sect, can you easily tell Barbie how much your HP and fire attack are now? [Poor]"

There is no need for Su Yu to hide it, so he replied lightly: "HP 22.8, fire attack 3830.

Seeing Su Yu's answer, Barbie opened her mouth slightly: "So tall?"

The audience was also amazed!

Apparently Su Yu's answer was a bit unexpected!

You must know that Barbie's Emei is full of level 5 gems, and the carvings are also level 5, which is a pile of blood, but the blood volume is only more than 140,000 points.

Su Yu is also a level 5 number, but his HP can be as high as 228,000!

In addition to the fact that Mingjiao's own HP growth is higher than that of Emei, there are various problems, such as carving level, equipment, possession and so on.

As for Su Yu's more than 3,800 fire attacks, Barbie was even more astonished.

With such a high fire attack, how high is the output? How painful is it to hit someone!

With the combination of sub-attributes and external power attacks, it should be able to hit more than 10,000 people...

If Su Yu fires his rage, who can withstand the stacking damage?!

Many viewers were amazed.

Barbie also took a deep breath and sighed:

"Brother Su Huo, you Mingjiao, too... too cruel!"

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