Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 59 The panel exploded, I was already invincible!

Su Yu came to Suzhou blacksmith shop.

Of course he wants to create true essence!

He now has 1000 True Essences in his backpack!

[True Yuan Lingpo], after using it, you can get 2500 points of True Yuan essence, and the price is 1300 Yuanbao in the ingot store.

The total value of 1,000 True Yuan Spirit Souls is 1.3 million yuan treasure-!

Nearly 30,000 RM coins!

It can be worth the level 5 gem of Su Yu!

Therefore, Tianlong is not only looking at gems, but also spends a lot of money in other aspects.

Zhenyuan NPC Zhang Shiyuan is just above the artifact NPC Ou Yezi, and Su Yu is just a few steps away.

At this time, Su Yu was alone at the Zhenyuan NPC.

It feels a little deserted, far less than the Luoyang Gem NPC.

Maybe it's because True Essence is a thing that has only been around for a few months, and many players don't know much about it.

Moreover, the real yuan thing is not the same as the gemstone carving.

The gem glyph can be directly purchased and added to the equipment, which can improve the attributes of the equipment directly and intuitively.

But it's a matter of luck to create real yuan.

If you are lucky, you will be able to shake out the best real yuan at a very small price, but if you are unlucky, you will not be able to get it out of tens of thousands!

Therefore, even some local tyrant players of the fifth or sixth level, who want to create a top-quality True Essence, are likely to have headaches and distress.

However, Su Yu is different!

He has so many true essence souls, how can he think so much, just do it directly and it's over!

Su Yu click to talk to the True Yuan NPC.

[Zhang Shiyuan: After ten years of painstaking refinement, he finally created the technique of True Yuan. 】

[True Yuan is not an ordinary thing, it can improve certain attribute effects in equipment. If it is carefully cultivated in the later stage, the improvement effect will be even more amazing. 】

[True Yuan is also divided into three, six and nine grades. There are white, green, blue, purple and orange points. White is the second, orange is the best. Come to the unexpected amazing effect! 】

Zhang Shiyuan said it rightly, in short, it cost money to build.

Spend money to build real yuan, you can become stronger.

Otherwise, if you want white piao, it is almost impossible.

The way to get the True Essence Item One True Essence Po, in addition to direct purchase from the ingot store, generally only has the chance to get it by the Misty Peak BOSS Li Qiushui and opening the Active Treasure Chest.

But if you want to rely on such a white piao to create a purple or orange full-level True Essence, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Therefore, in order to quickly become stronger, the real yuan materials can only be purchased directly in the ingot store!

Su Yu talks to NPC Zhang Shiyuan to complete the task of receiving the real yuan.

Then, using all the thousand True Essences in the package, Su Yu got 2.5 million True Essences!

Next up: Unsealing the True Yuan Kong.

The true essence of a character is divided into Qiantian and Kundi.

Qiantian is the true essence of placing offensive equipment. Necklace, Bracers, Ring*2, Amulet*2.

Kundi is the true essence for placing defensive equipment. Clothes, hats, shoulder pads, gloves, belts, shoes.

A total of 12 True Essences can be placed in Qiantian and Kundi,

The True Essence can only be put in after unsealing the True Essence hole.

Unsealing the True Yuan hole only needs to spend some gold and True Yuan.

Su Yu quickly unsealed the 12 real holes on the character.

Next, start shaking the real yuan.

Shaking True Yuan is indeed not an easy task.

It is said that the probability of shaking out the orange true essence is less than 1 in 1,000, and the probability of shaking the purple true essence is less than 1 percent.

Therefore, in the early days of Tianlong, it was really very, very expensive to get an orange or purple true essence!

Su Yu took a deep breath: "Shake it!

First set: The real element below the blue quality is automatically quenched.

The white and green true essences are meaningless, and naturally they must all be quenched.

By quenching the True Essence, the True Essence can be obtained, and the True Essence can be used to upgrade the True Essence.

Su Yu clicked the "Enable One-click Condensation" button and shook the true essence.

Immediately, the true essence of various color attributes was shaken out by Su Yu.

Green poison attack, white body technique, green knowing attack, blue inner strength defense...

Shaking it for two or three minutes, it's all rubbish!

"too slow…."

"If you shake it like this, you may not be able to shake it after two clocks."

"Also, it's kind of nasty to shake it for a long time without purple or orange. 35

Su Yu seemed to lose patience.

There is also a quick way to shake True Yuan.

Click the shortcut one-key to condense the essence, and you can choose the essence of the essence that consumes a certain value (5,000 to 100,000).

Simply put, the process is omitted and the result is directly produced.

Su Yu set the shake to use 10,000 True Essence at a time, and only the purple and orange True Essence remained.

(Why 10,000 shakes once, not 50,000 or 100,000? Because if the amount is too large, too many purple and orange real yuan will be shaken, and the back pack will be automatically quenched! The 50,000 and 100,000 options are only suitable for Shake Orange True Won!)

Su Yu has a total of about 2.5 million real essence essences, so just shake it two hundred and fifty times, which is much faster than shaking one by one.

Start the quick shake!

[System message: Su Huo came to Zhang Shixin in Suzhou with the 10,000 essences he had collected so hard, and asked Zhang Shixin to condense it into true essence. He thought he would have to wait for a long time, but who expected that 500 times of condensing essence would be completed in an instant. As a result, 7 purple real yuan and 10712 yuan crystals have been condensed, which is really gratifying! 】

The orange true essence was not condensed, but 7 purple true essences were condensed.

However, none of these 7 True Essences have fire attacks, blood caps, or physical stamina.

This kind of real essence is useless, it can only be completely quenched.

Keep shaking!

This time, there was still no orange true essence, but 8 purple true essences, and one physical strength, which was still usable.

next time.

[System message: Su Huo came to Zhang Shixin in Suzhou with the 10,000 essences he had collected so hard, and asked Zhang Shixin to condense it into true essence. He thought he would have to wait for a long time, but who expected that 500 times of condensing essence would be completed in an instant. As a result, 2 orange real yuan, 6 purple real yuan and 10572 yuan crystal were condensed, which is really gratifying! 】

It's orange!

However, both oranges are useless!

An orange attack defense, an orange hit!

Su Yu saw these two real yuan and wanted to greet g/m directly!

Fortunately, there is still a purple fire attacking Zhenyuan to comfort him.

Keep shaking, don't stop!

This time, two more orange real yuan were shaken out.

A knowing attack and a mysterious attack!

Su Yu's face twitched.

He took it, he was a Ming Cult, he wanted fire attacks, not other attributes!

Keep shaking: 0 orange, 7 purple.

0 orange, 8 purple. There is a purple blood cap.

0 orange, 6 purple.

1 orange, 8 purple. Orange poison attack.

1 orange, 8 purple. Orange hits.

0 orange, 11 purple.

After more than ten shakes, Su Yu finally came out with a working orange!

Orange blood cap, the effect of the original blood cap of the equipment is increased by 20%, in the next stage, the effect of the original blood cap of the equipment is increased by 38%.

"Okay, I can finally give a useful one!

Su Yu looked at the orange blood-capped real yuan and was quite satisfied.

He estimated that if he shook it 250 times, he would definitely be able to collect the purple true essence.

I just don't know if I can get 12 orange true essences...

Don't be shy, keep shaking!

Orange Aura.

Orange internal attack.

Orange ice attack.

Orange dodge.

Orange fire attack, orange gas cap.

After shaking for more than twenty times, an orange fire attack was finally shaken. It's really not easy!

Su Yu just kept shaking and shaking.

The system channel is full of news that Su Yu is shaking Jin Yuan!

[System message: Su Huo came to Zhang Shixin in Suzhou with the 10,000 essences he had collected so hard, and asked Zhang Shixin to condense it into true essence. He thought he would have to wait for a long time, but who expected that 500 times of condensing essence would be completed in an instant. As a result, 1 orange true yuan, 7 purple true yuan and 10028 yuan crystals were actually condensed, which is really gratifying! 】

Been frantically brushing!

For a time, many players in the district knew that Su Yu was shaking Zhen Yuan.

"Fuck, this Su Huo has been swiping the screen, I watched him shake for a long time, what a ruthless man!

"I don't even dare to get real yuan, because spending money can't necessarily get good purple and orange real yuan, it's better to play gems! 35

"What a big guy! I really want to know how much he spent for this shake? There should be a 5th grade, right?

"Hey, a white piao player like me, not to mention purple and orange real yuan, even if he is full of green and blue real yuan. The color is green, how long does it take to play Misty Peaks and how many active boxes to open! It may not be done in half a year!"

At this time, Barbie returned to the underground palace for three brushes of experience.

She also saw the news of Su Yu's shaking of the real yuan, and she was stunned again.

"Have you even started to build real essence?"

"It's too... ruthless, isn't it?"

Barbie took a deep breath, she just thought that after Su Yu scolded King Kong for creating all 5 gems and all 7 glyphs, the creation should come to an end.

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But I didn't expect Su Yu to go to Zhenyuan again!

To know the thing of true essence, many 5th and 6th level bosses don't dare to do it!

But Su Yu keeps swiping the screen like this, and the money spent must be a lot!

Su Yu is so ruthless and powerful!!

This is the sigh of Barbie and many viewers in the live broadcast room at this moment.

Twenty minutes later.

Su Yu quickly finished shaking the real yuan.

A pile of purple real yuan.

And there are 9 oranges that can be used.

They are: Orange Fire Attack*3, Orange HP Limit*2, Orange Stamina*4.

Su Yu proves it with practical actions.

1,000 True Essence Spirit Souls, worth 1.3 million yuan, and nearly 30,000 oceans, still can't shake an orange True Essence.

Of course, this is also ok, if the orange true essence is not enough, use the purple one instead.

In the end, Su Yu's Jin Yuan is like this.

dry days.

Necklace: Purple Fire Attack True Essence.

Bracers: Orange physical strength.

Ring: Purple fire attacks True Essence.

Ring: Orange fire attacks True Essence.

Talisman: Orange Fire Attack True Essence.

Talisman: Orange Fire Attack True Essence.

Although Su Yu has two orange blood-cap true essences, he still chooses to put purple fire attack true yuan on the necklace, because he thinks attribute attacks are better than blood-capped ones.

Kun land.

Clothes: Orange Blood Cap True Essence.

Hat: Purple Vitality True Essence.

Shoulders: Orange stamina.

Gloves: Purple Vitality True Essence.

Belt: Orange physical strength.


Shoes: Orange physical strength.

Next, Su Yu took this orange-purple mashup to level 6 or 7.

Purple True Essence is level 7, which can increase a certain attribute bonus of equipment by 84%.

Orange True Essence is level 6 or 7.

Level 6 orange true element bonus is 110%, and level 7 orange true element bonus is 128%.

After Su Yu equips this orange-purple true essence with a mix of level 6 and 7, it also activates the hidden attributes of Qiantian and Kundi.

When six True Essences have been placed, and the lowest level is purple.

At level 1, an additional 800 hits can be added to the character.

At level 3, an additional 240 evasion can be added to the character.

At level 5, an additional 30 all attributes can be added to the character.

Both the hidden attributes of Qiantian and Kundi are activated.

Therefore, the total data added to the character by the true element hidden attribute is .


Dodge +480

All attributes +60

It is also a small addition.

Now, Su Yu has created this real body, and the panel has been greatly improved again!

Now he has to do one more thing, which is to synthesize the martial spirit on his body to 7, and after learning the extended attributes, he will also be upgraded to the full level.

Subsequently, Su Yu acquired a sufficient number of martial arts at the price of 700 ingots.

Synthesize your own Great Perfect Martial Spirit to level 7.

Learned the two martial arts skills that had not been learned before, and raised them to full level.

Su Yu's martial arts are also all finished.

[Glass Flame]

Growth rate: 899

Level: 80

Synthesis Level: 7

Extended property bar: 7

Fire Attack (Level 8) +362

Ice Attack (Level 8) +362

Fire Attack (Level 8) +362

Fire Attack (Level 8) +362

Ignore target fire resistance (level 8) +92

Lower limit of fire resistance (level 8) +19

Ice Resistance (Level 8) +92

Su Yu's martial spirit is definitely number one in the region, no one!

At this point, Su Yu's current stage is all completed!

Su Yu's panel is so cracked that it has reached an appalling level!

It even made Su Yu feel like he was going to be invincible!

Role: Su Huo

Sect: Mingjiao

Level: 80

HP: 261,000


Fire Resistance: 608

Secondary attribute: 1753

Ice Resistance: 422

External Attack: 35746

Hits: 38207

Dodge: 12835

Knowing: 196

Knowing Defense: 104

The upper limit of blood exceeded 260,000, the fire attack exceeded 4500, and the lower limit of resistance reduction was 19!

Su Yu, such a cracked panel, is unique in the early stage of the new area and in the 5th grade!

The ultimate all 5 great Ming religions!!

Even if it is a 6th grade, I can't say that the panel is stronger than Su Yu's!

Looking at his own panel, Su Yu couldn't help but praise him.

He let out a light breath and grinned: "It's too strong, I'm already invincible!!" Lose.

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