Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 62 It's only a few knives, it's gone?

Qingshang's body trembled and her pupils shrank: "How can this damage be so high?

With more than 13,000 injuries, Qingshang can't believe his eyes!

In his impression, Su Yu is a 4th-level number, and his attribute attack is similar to his, and the damage should not be too different!

You must know that he now has more than 1,800 ice attacks, and his flat push damage is less than 4,000!

Even if Su Yu opened Pure Yang Wuji, he added three or four hundred ignition attacks, and opened the rage attack.

The damage increase of the first slash of Rage Slash is not high, just a little higher than the normal level.

Then Douzhuanxingyi added an external attack. No matter how he counted it, it was impossible for Su Yu to deal such terrifying damage!

If the damage was a crit, the grief would be understandable.

However, the damage value he just saw is very small, it is not a crit at all! (The damage value of a crit will be displayed much larger, obviously)

"Could it be that I saw it wrong?"

Qingshang took a deep breath, thinking that he might have read it wrong just now, and quickly rubbed his eyes.

In fact, Su Yu's first anger can deal 13,000 damage, which is very normal.

His own fire attack reached more than 4,500, and the lower limit of fire resistance was 19! And when he opened Chunyang Wuji, he increased his fire attack by three or four hundred.

There are more than 36,000 external attacks, and the external attacks still have a little damage in the early stage.

With more than 1700 secondary attributes, Qingshang himself only has poison resistance and can only resist Su Yu's poison attribute, and most of the secondary attributes can also be exerted.

Douzhuanxingyi itself is an increase of tens of thousands of external attacks, and the first slash of rage slash increases a little damage.

The above.

Su Yu's first sword hit more than 13,000 damage is really normal!

But Qingshang still couldn't believe it, he thought it was a mistake, rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen carefully!

Su Yu's second shot was a flat push.

However, Qingshang was dumbfounded again.

I saw that the damage value of Su Yu's next knife was still terrifying!


Because it is a flat push, the damage is a little lower than the first knife.

But this damage value fell into Qingshang's eyes, making him completely stunned!

"I... My God! I read it right, this... how can this damage be so high! 35

He read it right, Su Yu's damage is so high!

Qingshang was dumbfounded, his mind was blank, as if his whole body was struck by thunder.

"He... Isn't he only about 2,000 fire attacks? How can he hit such a heaven-defying output?

Qingshang's impression of Su Yu has remained in this morning, and she also thinks that Su Yu is the 4th grade of the boutique.

He felt that Su Yu had just risen to level 80! When he saw Su Yu on the school grounds just now, Su Yu was still the same image wearing a blood-colored armor, which seemed to be no different from before.

Su Yu slashed again when he was stunned and forced.


The damage is getting higher and higher!

Qingshang's equipment is a level 50 transitional equipment. Although it has 5 bodies and 5 carvings, it only has a total of more than 130,000 HP.

With these three strikes, Su Yu wiped out more than 40,000 of his health, and lost a small amount!

If Qingshang hasn't reacted yet, then he is really stupid.

He took a deep breath and quickly right-clicked on Su Yu to view Su Yu's equipment information!


He sucked in a breath of cold air!

"5 or 5 gems""?"

His mouse clicked on Su Yu's sunset gold melting knife, and he saw four level 5 gems embedded on it!

"The equipment has also been changed, and all four holes have been marked! 35

'It's all level 5 gems!! A true full 5!

"I'm dick! Glyph has even risen to level 7!

"All 5 plus 7 carvings, this has become a limit of all 5 Great Ming sects!! 35

The more I look at the sadness, the more frightened I am, I am amazed, and I am gasping for breath!

"And this martial spirit, the synthesis has reached 7, and the extended attributes are all full!

"Oh my God, a single martial spirit can only add more than a thousand sub-attributes, and the fire reduction resistance has reached 19 points!! 39

Sorrow was astonished.

However, when he clicked on Su Yu's real yuan interface, he was even more shocked and almost fell off his chair!

"This... this real yuan!!

"Orange! Purple! Level 6! Level 7?!"

At this moment, Qingshang's mind couldn't turn around.

Not long after the opening of the district, I was wearing a mix of 6 and 7 levels of orange and purple. How much does it cost to do this!

It is estimated that there is no two or three thousand, and it is impossible to do it!!

At this moment, Qingshang completely admired Su Yu.

I think Su Yu is really too ruthless!

I haven't seen you for a long time, from a full 4 Mingjiao to an extreme full 5 Mingjiao!

ruthless, fierce!!

At the same time, he was also stunned.

Knowing why Su Yu was a little hesitant when he invited Su Yu to discuss with him just now.

Because the strength of the two is not the same level at all.

There is no comparison at all!

Not to mention Su Yu's super high fire attack and blood volume, it is Su Yu's level 5 ice resistance, and the grief can't be reduced at all!

how to spell?

Can't beat it at all!

He just thought that Su Yu felt that he could not beat him, so he hesitated and did not accept the invitation to discuss immediately.

He also gave advice and comfort to Su Yu. Only in actual combat can the damage of anger be tested more accurately, so that Su Yu can be more confident and let go. Cao still has a chance to win him, just for entertainment...

"Why did I think and say these words in the first place!

Thinking of the funny scenes just now, Qingshang covered her face, feeling her face hot.

Smile helplessly.

At this time, Su Yu had already hit six knives of anger.

Except for the first knife, which was Douzhuanxingxiang, the others were all flat pushes, and one of them missed.

But these 5 knives have already wiped out Qingshang's nearly 78,000 HP!

Anyway, it's not a lot.

After all, Su Yu's flat push damage is around 12,000.

In the state of rage slashing, it can hit 15 knives with increasing damage (not advanced).

First Sword: Damage increased by 1.5%

Second Sword: Damage increased by 4.5%

Third Sword: Damage increased by 9%

Fourth Blade: Damage increased by 15%

Fifth Blade: Damage increased by 22.5%

Sixth Blade: Damage increased by 31.5%

Seventh Blade: Damage increased by 42%

Eighth Blade: Damage increased by 54%

Ninth Blade: Damage increased by 67.5%

Tenth Blade: Damage increased by 82.5%

Eleventh Blade: Damage increased by 99%

Twelfth Blade: Damage increased by 117%

Thirteenth Blade: Damage increased by 126.5%

Fourteenth Blade: Damage increased by 157.5%

Fifteenth Blade: Damage increased by 180%

The sixteenth knife: damage increased by 204% (advanced rage slash)

Seventeenth Blade: Damage increased by 229.5% (Advanced Rage Slash)

Please note: this is an increase in damage! For example, in the 15th knife, a 180% increase in damage does not mean that the damage is increased by 1.8 times, but it means that the original damage plus the original damage is increased by 1.8 times (that is, 2.8 times).

Because the damage fluctuates, and with the amplification of the rage slash, the damage fluctuation will also become larger. Sometimes the damage of the next knife is much higher than the previous one, which is normal.

Fifteen knives have an average magnification of more than 68%. The damage amplified by the first few knives is not too high. The real high is after ten knives!

Therefore, in most cases, it mainly depends on the number of knives behind the anger!

If a Ming Cult wants to deal high damage, he must stack the knives, the faster the stacking, the better!

In Tianlong, the character push is about 0.83 seconds to cut a knife.

Theoretically, it takes about 14 seconds for a flat push to hit 15 knives of rage.

Because some skills range is relatively low, the release speed is relatively slow.

For example, the three skills of flooding the Seventh Army, burning Chibi, and Douzhuanxingyi are all a few tenths of a second slower than the horizontal push.

Flooded Seventh Army is to increase the ice attack, this skill Su Yu lost from the beginning and never used.

Generally speaking, in order to stack up the knives as quickly as possible, after firing the anger, Douzhuanxingyi anger (this skill also has a large range of movements, but the main purpose is to knock out the opponent's anger), and keep pushing.

Then pick up the control skills and continue to push.

After stacking a certain number of knives, the skills will be lost, Skyfire Burning Dome, Flame Chain Slash, Fire Burning Chibi, Martial Soul 90 Skills, Yanlong Wushuang.

(The sky fire burning dome and the flame chain slashing move very quickly, you can cancel the flat push and shake it, and the proper release can slightly increase the speed of stacking knives)

The damage of the attack skills is combined with the magnification of the ten-knife rage (good money), and if you use it well, you can hit a super high burst damage!

Therefore, Su Yu's general style of play after opening the rage slash is basically the same as fighting the stars and shifting the anger. After that, he keeps pushing the stacked knives horizontally, and then uses the skills when he reaches a certain number of knives.

Usually like this.

At this time, Qingshang's blood volume was less than 60,000.

Su Yu only slashed 6 times and missed one. (In Tianlong, it does not mean that the hit is high, all pushes or skills must hit)

Su Yu connected with a beacon fire, and then controlled the feelings for 3 seconds.

The seventh knife fell flat and dealt 17265 damage!

A, 18937!

, 20146!


Carrying Su Yu9 knife and anger, Qingshang fell.

This is only the ninth knife, and there are still six major knife cuts in the back!

What a pity!

This simply doesn't test the full power of Su Yu's anger...

At the same time, seeing his own Tianshan fall, Qingshang also recovered.

He had been in a state of daze or shock just now, completely ignoring how many knives Su Yu had slashed at him in total.

He only felt that the time was so fast, it seemed like a few blinks of time from Su Yu's anger at him until now.

"々`This... how many times did you hit me? I'm gone!

Qingshang couldn't help shaking his head!

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