Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 64 It's Like Fighting Monsters

Underground Palace 1 is a very large map with many monster spawning spots, but the good spots are basically occupied by the studio.

This makes many ordinary players have no experience at all in the underground palace!

And because the gem level of the account in the studio is high, the number of accounts is large, the professionalism is strong, and the strength is very strong.

Ordinary players can't compete with it at all!

Many players want to upgrade, but in the end they have no choice but to hand over money to the work-room generation-training, and be a "stander"


And the price of being a "standing god" is very expensive.

For example, point A on the first floor of the underground palace costs 600 ingots per hour, and at least 400 ingots for other points!

If an account wants to spend a day in the underground palace, it will cost nearly 10,000 ingots!

Underground Palace II's generation - training price, point A costs 800 ingots for one hour, and other points are at least ~600 ingots!

Underground Palace III, the price is even higher, ranging from 1,000 to 1,200 ingots per hour-!

Because now the assistant (foot ben) is very powerful, after the work room occupies the underground palace point, open the foot ben, the foot ben will automatically replace-practice, automatically return to the point, the automatic trading station will eat ingots, and when the time is up, please leave automatically... very -intelligent.

Check it out every now and then!

Just lie down and eat money! Very profitable!

Last night, the Thunder studio robbed Su Yu and others of the point, to put it bluntly, it was for profit.

This has led to Su Yu's promotion to level 80 only now, and Su Yu naturally has to settle with the Thunder Studio for this account!

At this time, Su Yu came to the top left corner of the underground palace.

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Then, let me clear you all up!"

Having said that, Su Yu summoned his top rhino.

This top-notch rhino has more than 4,800 qualifications, and has played all 7 skills, wearing a level 75 cautious baby suit.

The blood volume is nearly 60,000!

This is already an extremely powerful PK baby.

Next, Su Yu filled himself up with various states.

Sunflower divine power, Sunflower Xiangyang, Anger Chongguan, Li Dai Peach Stiff, Pure Yang Wuji, etc.

Then, go to the right side of the underground palace!

That's right, Su Yu's goal at this time is not to go to the second underground palace to find Lei Ting*Tian Shao, Lei Ting*Yi Shao and others.

Instead, he intends to wipe out all the sub-training of the underground palace one by one person!

In this way, the work-room's substitute-practice business will be affected, and the loss will definitely not be small!

This is much more "fun" than simply killing someone in the studio!


Su Yu, one knife and one rhinoceros, quickly reached the upper right corner of the underground palace.

Here, but the A point of the underground palace, the best experience point for spawning monsters!

However, as expected, they were all occupied by the work-room.

Two workshops-room generation-training, one level 76 level 5 gem Wudang, and one level 77 level 5 gem Tianlong Temple, one person standing and brushing monsters.

After all, this is point A of the underground palace, and it is normal to send two rubbish-level 5 numbers to replace it here.

Above their heads, the words 600 ingots an hour were on them.

The gang is Thunder House! Thunder Studio-room's number!

In the middle of the two generations, there were four trumpets of about 50 or 60, and there were not many gems on them.

These are the "stand-up gods" who pay the money to the work-room generation-practice

I really don't understand. They are willing to give 600 ingots for an hour. Wouldn't it be more fragrant to use these ingots to make gems for themselves?

Su Yu glanced at Wudang and Tianlong Temple lightly, and said with a smile:

"Since it belongs to the Thunder Palace, then you can die.

Right click on Wudang and declare war!

Wudang immediately became a red name, and Su Yu directly used the beacon fire to drag this Wudang to the front!

When he treats his enemies, Su Yu shows no mercy.

The rage is on!

The stars moved, and the anger of this Wudang was destroyed.

And this first knife hit a crit!

Scarlet damage shows 26747!

This Wudang's blood volume dropped by almost a third in an instant!

After all, this is only a 5th-level Wudang, and after hitting 5th level of physical strength, the glyphs are only 3 or 4 levels, and the equipment is also four or five stars of 50 or 60.

Wudang's blood volume was originally the last among the ten da sects.

It is estimated that the blood volume of Wudang is about 80,000 and 90,000.

Su Yu knocked out almost a third of his blood with one critical strike!

"Why do I feel like I'm fighting a monster!

Su Yu smiled, and the sword continued to fall.

Every time he fell, he dealt more than 13,000 damage, and it was getting higher and higher!

After slicing a few more knives, this Wudang screamed and knelt down, and hiccups!

It's not that Wudang can't be beaten, it can only be said that Su Yu's injury is too terrifying!

Meanwhile, Thunder Studios.

A computer suddenly rang a jing report.

Immediately woke up a work-room employee who was dozing on the computer desk.

"Someone is doing something!

The game feet of the studio-room are all set to "jing when attacked". Once the character in the game is attacked by others, the computer will report jing immediately.

After the employee woke up, he immediately found the attacked account from several clients hanging on the computer.

"Spot A in the underground palace!!

"Fuck, Wudang is actually dead!""

"Is a Ming sect doing things?!"

The employee was surprised.

From the sound of the foot benjing report to when he wakes up and opens the game window to check, the whole process takes less than 5 seconds!

In such a short period of time, the Wudang who was training at point A was actually beheaded!

And the red name he saw at point A was only Su Yu!

To be able to kill a Wudang who is also inlaid with 5th-level gems in such a short period of time, how high is the output of this Mingjiao!

Of course, astonished, the employee immediately opened the game window of another power-training account, Tenryuji Temple, at point A, and wanted to fight back against Su Yu.

After Su Yu easily chopped off Wudang, he clicked to declare war on that Tianlong Temple.

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As soon as he clicked on Tianlong Temple, an eight-door golden lock was thrown over.

The Eight Doors Golden Lock is Tianlong Temple's signature control skill. If it hits the target, it can seal the target for 6 seconds.

Seeing that Tenryu Temple took the initiative to attack, Su Yu immediately understood that the person from the studio opposite was playing this number and counterattacking him.

"Yo, it's very fast.

Su Yu praised.

However, it doesn't matter how fast the employees of the work-room move.

The difference between the two numbers is here.

Although it can be said that they are all level 5 numbers, they are not level 5 numbers of the same level at all. There is a world of difference between Tianlong Temple and Su Yu's Ming religion!

Want to resist and kill Su Yu? It's impossible!

It's just a pointless struggle!

Sure enough, these eight golden locks missed!

Generally speaking, Tianlong Temple uses the eight golden locks, and they are all used after the full rage skill is used.

But this work-room employee, perhaps too urgent and flustered, just threw the eight golden locks.

But Su Yu is an extreme level 5 number!

The dodge gem is level 5, the movement gem is also level 5, the enhancement is level 9, and the movement glyphs are all level 7...

As for the Tianlong number in the studio, it had a 5th-level physical strength and 5th-level attribute gems, and there was no movement pattern, so it was impossible to hit Su Yu directly unless it was very lucky.

He had no such luck.

Seeing that it was made by a real person, Su Yu also raised a lot of interest.

After all, how can killing a real opponent come easily?

Because the rage slash hit the target, the sunflower will accelerate the sun on his body, so at this time Su Yu's movement speed increased by 50%, and he came to the Tianlong Temple in two steps.

Sunflower acupuncture hand out!

Hit, Tianlong Temple will be sealed for 6 seconds!

"The code, eight failed!

The employee in the work-room scolded, and then used his half-furious skills to unravel the acupoints of Su Yu's sunflower acupuncturist!

Use is used, but it has not been able to release the cave!

"Boiled! The mind is not enough!"

The level of Su Yu's anger heart method is 71, and this Tianlong Temple's anger heart method is only 60, which is one level lower than Su Yu, and Su Yu's half-anger skill can't solve it.

After closing the cave of Tenryu Temple, Su Yu's sword cut down again.

He only used six knives to kill Wudang just now, and there are nine knives in the rage slash!

The blood volume growth of Tianlong Temple is much higher than that of Wudang. This level 5 Tianlong Temple can have 112,000 HP.

However, Su Yu's nine knives are far more than capable of dealing 112,000 damage.

Second, this Tianlong Temple is too easy!

Su Yu slashed a few times, and Tianlong Temple lost 50,000 or 60,000 HP!

It's half gone!

"Fuck! This Mingjiao damage is too outrageous! 35'

The studio employee was stunned and dumbfounded!

He finally knew why Wudang knelt down so quickly just now.

Su Yu's kind of damage, one knife to ten thousand to twenty thousand, who can withstand it! Loss.

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