Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 71 Team up into the underground palace, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves

At this time, the underground palace one has returned to calm.

In the afternoon, Su Yu, by himself, cleared every booster point of Digong One once or twice, causing a lot of confusion.

It made those power trainers in the studio grit their teeth and hate Su Yu, but they were helpless.

After that, the two brothers Caigan came to the underground palace to make an inventory.

However, because the hardware configuration of the two of them is relatively low, after clearing a few points, they were called by the studio to kill them.

And the two brothers were tenacious enough, and they refused to accept their death, and the earth spirit beads continued to fly back, like two "scramblers", and continued to count.

The studio also had a headache for a while, and could only send a number to continue the hunt.

After playing with the studio for more than an hour, the Caigan brothers were killed more than a dozen times, and most of their equipment became red. Finally, they couldn't hold it any longer, and temporarily retreated.

As for the studio power leveling, they seem to have won, but they are very uncomfortable.

Because they were harassed and killed one after another, those "Zhenghen" who paid money to train them had great opinions and demanded compensation.

The studio had no choice but to agree to compensate for the two or three hours of monster spawning time spent by the stalwarts.

However, this loss is not the greatest.

In the past, the number of teams at each power-up point in the studio was full, but now, many Zhuangshen trumpeters have lost a lot of experience because they are afraid of being killed, and they have gained little experience. The team is not full.

This has caused even greater losses to the studio's power leveling business!

And soon, the underground palace will be restless again.

30 At this time, Qingshang led the team from Mount Emei to Jiange, and then from Jiange into the underground palace.

Everyone needs to clear from the beginning of the underground palace and clear all the studios!

"Haha, dare to clear us, this time they look good!"

Qingshang led the team into the first underground palace, walked straight for a distance and stopped at the broken bridge.

Here, everyone needs to jump over with light power, and then a distance ahead is the F point of the underground palace.

"Isn't it, our team number is enough for them to drink a pot!" Feng Ruhua said, and then jumped on the broken bridge using light power.

"We are not only to avenge ourselves, but also called 'removing harm for the people', haha!

Qingqian giggled, she felt that being able to follow everyone to the underground palace counterattack studio was really happy and exciting.

Laughing and praising Hong Yanmei: "Yes, after clearing the first underground palace, we will also clear the second underground palace! We also let them do the business on behalf of others, see who is ruthless!"

Soon, everyone jumped over the broken bridge of Digong 1, and then walked forward for a distance, and in front of them was the D point of Digong 1.

At this point, there were only five people on point D, two studio booster numbers, and three Zhanshen trumpets.

When I see the enemy, I am very jealous, do it!

"He is Nai's, he will die for the Lord!"

Feng Ruhua directly declared war on these two level 4 numbers, and rushed over after turning on the acceleration skills.

The same is true of the innocent little monk. He picked up the Zen stick, opened a reed and crossed the river and killed him.

"Haha, Murong, monk, you two have to go quickly, or else you won't be able to get the heads!""

Qingshang laughed, and directly used Duxue Wuhen to teleport to the center of point D.

Tianshan is flexible.

Qingshang used the orchid acupuncture point to seal one of the 4th grade numbers, and then the eagle hit the sky and exploded.

Flat push, plus several skills of Fengwu Jiutian and Tianshan Liuyang Palm, you can easily kill one person, even moving flowers and trees!

After all, Qingshang is a 5544 Tianshan Mountain, with more than 3400 ice attacks, and the damage is far from what the studio can withstand with a single row of gems.

And the 4th grade number of another studio at point D was attacked by Xiaozan Hongyanmei.

Tianlong Temple is a long-range thug, pointing to Jiangshan + Zhongchongjian + Snowy Blue Pass + Yiyang Finger, etc. The burst damage is also very high!

With half a set of skills down, he quickly killed the 4th-level number!

Therefore, Feng Ruhua and the innocent little monk were a little stunned. They hadn't met anyone yet, and they were gone!

Feng Ruhua: "Qingshang, Hongyan, you two are too ruthless? Don't leave any room for me and the monk!

The innocent little monk also sighed: "Alas, Shaolin has short legs, so uncomfortable!"

Even though Su Yu didn't attack anyone, he felt that it didn't matter.

Killing the 4th-level numbers of these studios doesn't make much sense to him. After all, he killed too many this afternoon, at least thirty or forty.

Stay now and let your teammates have fun.

Qingshang laughed: "Who are we to kill or not kill? Don't worry, this is the first point, there are still many points waiting for us to clear up, the heads of people will not be without you, hahaha!"

Qingqian made a snickering expression: "It took me a blink of an eye, and the people in the studio are gone, everyone is so amazing, I feel like I don't need to add blood, I can grab people's heads!

Laughing and praising Hong Yanmei: "Yes, anyway, you can't rob us of the head, haha!

When everyone was talking and laughing, the three standing god trumpets at point D were extremely frightened.

They have been cleared by the two of them several times before.

Now this group of people is N times stronger than Caigan and the two of them, and they feel that they must be killed again.

They want to cry without tears!

Qingshang glanced at these trumpets, hesitated for a moment, and ignored them without killing them.

Qingshang laughed in the team: "Let's go, everyone, let's go to the next point, if you are slow, don't blame yourself for not getting the head!"5

So, everyone continued to go to the next point.

Those trumpeters breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Su Yu and everyone leaving.

At the same time, I made up my mind that I would never come to the underground palace to pay money as a god.

I spent money, but I didn’t have much experience, and I was afraid of being killed all day long.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Thunder Studios.

Because of the previous events, everyone in the studio was very tired, with dark circles under their eyes, and they looked drowsy.

A computer suddenly sounded jing again.

"You-sister, someone else is here to do things!! 35

An employee suddenly said angrily, and immediately opened the game window of the underground palace-D point to train characters.

The two booster numbers at point D have already entered the underworld.

One of the emails says "killed by Qingshang", the other is "killed by Xiaozan Hongyanmei"


"Who are these two guys?"

The employee was stunned for a moment. He thought it was Su Yu or the two Cai Gan brothers who came to do things again, but he did not expect to be two completely new faces.

But everyone is the same, as long as it affects the business of their studio, they must work together to kill!

However, the next moment, there were two other computers with jing sound.

I saw that the two power-up teams at the Dungeon-C point have not been cleared again!

After more than ten seconds, the two teams from the first boss point in the underground palace were gone!

Everyone in the studio knows that this time, it's not the two Caigan brothers, but a team!

There were six people, and one of them was Su Yu!

Su Yu alone made everyone in the studio a little bit overwhelmed, and now there is a team!

And it looks like 817 sub, the gem configuration is not low!

"Boil! Open a number to intercept them!"

"They ran to point A!"

"Quick! Tian Shao, Yi Shao, Xiao Yan... We teleport to Point A of the underground palace and destroy them!

Everyone in the studio immediately dispatched troops to intercept Su Yu and everyone at Point A of the underground palace.

Su Yu and everyone have cleared six or seven studio power leveling points at this time.

It's so easy, no difficulty!

Everyone got heads.

There was also a lot of bad anger in my heart, and I felt very refreshed.

Feng Ru picturesque: "These numbers in the studio are so rubbish - rubbish, they really don't deserve to be called."

Qingqian: "I got two heads for one Emei, haha."

The innocent little monk: "Let's go, and then clear points B and A, and go to the second underground palace after clearing the underground palace, it's really cool!

Afterwards, everyone in the team came to point B and killed two booster numbers effortlessly.

Everyone walked all the way, and cleared a few power-up points.

It's so simple, just like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves!

Now, there is only point A left in the underground palace, and everyone goes to point A.

Point A is the best point in the underground palace.

Su Yu has been here before, and there are two 5th grades of the studio.

And now, everyone in the studio has passed down another 7 number 5 numbers, a total of 9!

They didn't allow Su Yu's group to come here, and they were going to kill Su Yu's team here.

Soon, Su Yu and the others also came to point A.

"So many people? Interesting!"

When Qingshang saw the group of people in the aggressive studio, not only was he not afraid, but he was happy.

"The studio is coming, this is much more interesting than killing and hanging up, the brothers are ready to kill the enemy!

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