Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 84 True Yuan is full of oranges, not the best!

To explain: The bonuses of Stroke No False Hair, Body Light as a Swallow, Burning Chibi · Burning, Yanlong Wushuang · Violent, only take effect when Su Yu himself is on the account.

After Su Yu has received the reward, the next step is to build a number!

"Shake True Yuan first!

Su Yu came to the Zhenyuan NPC at the Suzhou blacksmith shop.

The real essence on his body is 8 oranges and 4 purples, and he is only 4 oranges away from Consummation!

He now has 1,000 real soul souls, nearly 30,000 RM.

If luck is not too bad, it should be able to shake it out!

Without further ado, let's start!

[System message: Su Huo came to Zhang Shixin in Suzhou with the 10,000 essences he had collected so hard, and asked Zhang Shixin to condense it into true essence. He thought he would have to wait for a long time, but who expected that 500 times of condensing essence would be completed in an instant. As a result, 1 orange true yuan, 6 purple true yuan and 10653 yuan crystals were actually condensed, really~ I am very happy! 】

The first quick shake turns orange −.

However, it is an orange-colored knowing, useless!

What Su Yu wants is 3 orange stamina and an orange fire attack!

Keep shaking!

Su Yu shakes and shakes, the whole system channel is news of Su Yu shaking Zhenyuan.

Qingshang saw that Su Yu was shaking Zhenyuan again, and immediately sent a message.

【Qingshang: Brother, are you doing real yuan again? Isn't your real yuan very good? 】

From Qingshang's point of view, Su Yu's orange and purple Zhenyuan is already very good. Qingshang is very satisfied with Qingshang's blue and two purple Zhenyuan, but he didn't expect Su Yu to continue shaking. !

[Su Huo: Yes, I want to shake it all orange, I don't know if it will work...]

Su Yu replied lightly, and Qingshang suddenly took a breath.

[Qingshang: Brother, you are too cruel, right? If you want to wear orange, there are so many players in the whole district. What I have seen so far is that all 7 Tianshan’s stupid real essence is all orange, and nothing else! 】

An orange True Essence is out of reach for many players. Even for a 6th-level account, it is not easy to obtain an orange True Essence.

Su Yu's current orange and purple mix and match has actually surpassed most of the 6th grade numbers in this area.

However, with 1,000 True Essence Spirit Souls, he must still shake it!

After more than 20 minutes of quick shaking, Su Yu finally finished shaking while many players in this area were envious and stunned.

Dozens of orange true essences, 4 orange stamina, 2 orange blood caps, 2 fire attacks...

Luckily, Su Yu finally got enough of a set of orange real yuan!

Rings, talismans, necklaces are all fire attack true essence, and wrist guards are physical strength.

Clothes are the upper limit of blood, and all other armors are physical strength.

Moreover, Su Yu has also upgraded his orange True Essence to level 7 and 8!

Fire attacks are all level 8, and many physical strengths are level 7.

Su Yu has become the second player in the district to wear orange real yuan!

After equipping this orange true essence with a mix of level 7 and 8, he also activated the hidden attributes of Qiantian and Kundi.

When six True Essences have been placed, and the lowest rank is orange.

At level 1, an additional 1000 hits can be added to the character.

At level 3, an additional 300 evasion can be added to the character.

At level 5, an additional 60 all attributes can be added to the character.

At level 7, an additional 80 attack of all attributes can be added to the character.

Both the hidden attributes of Qiantian and Kundi are activated.

Therefore, the total data added to the character by the true element hidden attribute is .

Hit +2000

Dodge +600

All attributes +120

All attribute attack +160

This number has increased a lot.

Of course, the most important thing is that the orange true essence itself improves a certain attribute of the equipment.

Su Yu's panel is now up to the next level!

However, after all, he is wearing some level 80 six-seven-eight-star equipment, in order to maximize the effect of his true essence, he must replace all the equipment with a level 90 super eight-star!

"I'm going to make equipment again, tsk tsk tsk!""

Su Yu was gearing up and eager to try.

Doing this kind of thing, no matter how many times you do it, makes people look forward to it.

Su Yu checked his backpack, and there were more than 500 tier 3 mithril or cotton cloth in his backpack, and 400 tier 4 mithril or 4 cotton cloth that he just picked up.

More than 900 materials in total!!

And he still has 4 chances to make the finishing touch, how can he make a top-quality equipment!

Because level 90 handmade equipment is the highest level of handmade equipment, the ultimate equipment must be the best!

"Come on, I made all these 900+ materials in one go!"

"Let's use the level 3 first, and keep the hat and necklace for the level 4. If the level 3 can't do well, then use the level 4."

Su Yu opened the ingot shop, bought various crafting pictures, and started making equipment.

Make the armor first, starting with the bracers.

He used level 3 cotton to make 20 magic wrists in one go.

[System message: Su Huo recited something with the identification symbol in his hand, but when he finished speaking, he saw that [Magic World Magic Arm] showed an 8-star true color, and the spiritual light was shining, which was really enviable. 】

[System message: Su Huo recited something with the identification symbol in his hand, but when he finished speaking, he saw that [Magic World Magic Arm] showed an 8-star true color, and the spiritual light was shining, which was really enviable. 】

Two 7 stars and two 8 stars were identified, 5 stars and 6 stars were ignored!

(The finishing touch will be when identifying 8-star handmade equipment, you can choose to use or not use, if you use it, you will directly add or modify two attribute bars, if you don't use it, you will directly identify the result and show it on TV)

Among the two 7-stars, one does not have a body, and the other is a small 7-star.

Little Seven Stars.

Dark Blue [Fantasy Magic Arm]

External attack +1063

Internal Attack +1063

Hit +591

Knowing +6

Stamina +55


All attributes +10

Qualification not identified

The attributes are very good, but it is too small, and 7 stars are useless for Su Yu, 8 stars must be the best!

However, these seven stars can also sell for thousands of ingots.

And two 8 stars.

Dark Blue [Fantasy Magic Arm]

External attack +1445

Knowing +8


Stamina +75



All attributes +14

Qualification not identified

It was a small 8 star and missed, Su Yu shook his head, dissatisfied.

Second 8 stars.

Green [Magic Wrist]

External attack +1846

Internal Attack +1846



Qualification not identified

This is a big eight-star, and the added physical strength and hits are very high.

But unfortunately, it's a green one. And Su Yu didn't want to use the finishing touches on the bracers either.

・・・ Flowers・

So still not satisfied!

Su Yu made 20 more and finally came out with a superb bracer.

[Magic Wrist], dark blue 8 stars

External attack +1888

Internal Attack +1888



Stamina +98


All attributes +18

Qualification not identified

Su Yu's breathing was a little short the moment he saw this bracer!

This bracer is really superb!

He only made 40 grade 3 cotton cloths, and he produced such a superb brace!

It's a super 8 stars! All attributes of hit physical strength and movement, everything!

Immediately, many players privately chatted with Su Yu.

[Lying! Slot! This bracer is too superb! It is definitely the number one bracer in the entire region! 】

[Brother, is this dark blue big 8-star wristband for sale? The price is easy to say, you can buy it, it suits me in seconds! 】

【100,000 yuan treasure seconds!!】

But unfortunately, such a superb wristband, Su Yu naturally has to wear it by himself!

The wrist guards are done, then make the shoulder guards!

Su Yu spent more than 30 cotton cloths to make 3 8-stars.

One of them is quite good.

[Magic World Magic Wrist], 8 star dark blue.

External Defense +1993

Internal Defense +1993

Dodge +334


Stamina +99


Knowing Defense +11

Qualification not identified

It's also a super 8 star, even if you don't add all attributes, you can!

Next, make the gloves!

Su Yu has made more than 50 grade 3 cotton fabrics in a row, and has given five or six 8 stars, the best of which is.

[Ferocious Street Palm], 8 star blue

Internal Defense +1718

Dodge +320




All attributes +17

Qualification not identified

It's not dark blue, but it's still very good!

Next, belts and shoes!

Su Yu made all the level 3 cottons!

Come up with two of the best belts and shoes below.

[step month], 8 star navy



Stamina +91



Knowing Defense +10

All attributes +18

Qualification not identified

Although this belt has no dodge, it is enough!

[Ferocious Street Boots], 8 star dark blue

External Defense +1703

Dodge +313





Knowing Defense +9

Qualification not identified

These 8-star shoes are not very big, but they are very good!

So far, Su Yu was lucky. After consuming more than 250 grade 3 cotton cloths, he made five pieces of top-quality armor (wrist guards, shoulder guards, gloves, belts, shoes), as well as a pile of seven or eight star armors!

The continuous frenzy of Su Yu's 7 and 8 star equipment has aroused the envy of many players and the eyes of many equipment merchants.

And for Su Yu, it's just the beginning, his 400 level 4 materials haven't been used yet!

This screen refresh is far from over, and more top-quality equipment will be refreshed!

The screen is full of big eight stars! Loss,

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