Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 97 Fight, fight, who is afraid of who!

After a few people who have distorted the facts and said that the world is innocent and the king of the world is so distorted, the people of the world-annihilation family are suddenly very angry.

[Destroyer God (6665 Gem Tianlong Temple): Yijian listens to the snow to grab the boss? How dare they! Who gave them the courage! We destroy the world and give them a few small brushes and they are still not satisfied. They have faces, right!]

[Mie Shi'an (6665 Gem Wudang): We are so kind that Yijian and listening to the snow dare to ride on our head! If we don't get angry, they really think we are sick cats! 】

【Mie Shi Cong Cong (6665 Gem Murong): If this is the case, then Yijian listening to the snow is too much! 】

[Destroyer Emperor Lin (6665 Gem Beggar Gang): Innocence, kingly way, you are too low, even the ordinary guys like Yijian Tingxue can't beat it, some of them are unreasonable, hahaha! 】

[Destroyer Xiaoxue (6655 Gem Emei): We are just too kind, we gave them some experience on the third and fourth floors of the underground palace, and we didn’t even finish the boss, but they were insatiable and just grabbed it directly? It’s really big The majesty!】

[Destroying the World Spring and Autumn (6655 Constellation): I can't bear this tone, don't give them some color to see, they still don't know who the overlord of this area is, and they don't know their own weight! Gang master, fire it up, brothers can't bear it This bad breath! 】

The people who destroyed the world, the heroes were furious, and they all wanted to conquer Yijian Tingxue.

Seeing this, Mie Shi Wu Gui and Mie Shi Wang Dao laughed.

No matter what is true or not, they have achieved their goal, which is to make the people who destroy the world angry, and then let the gang leader set fire to the sword and listen to the snow, and take revenge!

At the same time, even Mie Shi Benben, who has always been relatively low-key, spoke up.

[Destroying the World Benben (Level 7 Gemstone II Advanced Tianshan): If so, let's go to war! 】

Although Mie Shi Benben doesn't like fighting very much, but he is a 2 advanced Datian Mountain. If it is true that Su Yu and the others take the boss away and kill Mie Shi Wu Gui and Wang Dao, this will be the case. Naturally unbearable.

This is about the dignity and authority of the extinct family!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The news of Su Yu and the others killing a few people in the world naturally appeared on the channel of Yijian Tingxue Gang.

When the battle was over, Xiao Papaya immediately told Xiao Lizhi and the gang about the situation.

Yijian listened to the snow people from hearing the anger of Mie Shigui and others for arrogantly and unreasonably robbing the boss, to hearing the result that all six people were killed in seconds.

Everyone thought that Papaya did the right thing, and they did it beautifully!

It is to maintain the dignity of Yijian Tingxue and not tolerate unreasonable criminals!

【Little Lizhi: Papaya, Su Huo, you have done a great job! For those arrogant villains, their legs should be broken. Do you really think that we are bullying by listening to the snow? Let’s see if they dare next time! 】

Little Lychee laughed and praised Su Yu everyone.

She even felt that, as the gang leader, it seemed that Su Yu should be rewarded with something.

[Big Egg (6655 Jewel Tianlong Temple): I - rub, papaya, you can do it, you have killed all the people who destroyed the world, it's amazing, haha! It seems that the world-destroying innocence and the world-destroying kingly road are also level 6 number!】

【Little civet cat (6655 Gem Tianshan): Destroying the world and bullying others, you should beat them hard, but unfortunately I was not with Papaya at the time, otherwise I would have shot them! 】

[Little Watermelon (6555 Gems Happy): Hahaha, the people who destroyed the world lost all their faces this time, they love to hear it. 】

[Little radish (5554 Gem Emei): That...will they hold grudges and fight with us? 】

[Xiao Qingmang (5554 Jewel Constellation): Don't be afraid, they justify the loss, even if they are angry and want to take revenge, they can fight, they are strong, but it does not mean that we are afraid of them! 】

When the gang was discussing, Xiao Lizhi's head flashed and he thought of something.

[Little Lizhi: Oh, yes, you defend the honor of this gang, and I will reward you with a few elite positions! 】

In a gang, there are many positions.

However, except for the positions of leader and deputy leader, other positions seem to be useless.

After all, Su Yu and they hardly run business.

Therefore, Xiao Lizhi awarded all four of Su Yu to the elite positions of Yijian Tingxue.

【Little Lizhi: Okay, why don't you thank the gang leader?】

Su Yu and others were a little helpless, but they still said "Thank you, gang "lord" in the gang channel


At this moment, Xiao Lizhi received the news of the gang's expedition (ignition).

【The No. 1 Gang Destroyer Family has launched a campaign against your gang!】

Xiao Lizhi's eyes narrowed, and he snorted coldly: "Hmph, I really got angry and ignited! Hit him and hit, who's afraid of who?!

Little Lychee clicks "challenge"


Yijian Tingxue accepted the expedition of the exterminating family.

The gang icon for everyone in the gang is on fire (conquest sign).

Yijian was stunned when he heard the snow, but he quickly recovered, with a serious look and ready for battle.

The Destruction Family is strong, but Yijian Tingxue is not weak, since the opponent wants to fight, then fight!

On the other side, the members of the Destruction Family saw that Yijian Tingxue was ready to fight, which was exactly what they wanted.

"Small sample! Let's see if we don't beat you down!" Mie Shi smiled innocently, as if he would soon be able to wash away the shame just now.

The world-destroying king blew a whistle and was very proud: "We are stronger in the team, and I have an advantage in far-reaching attacks. The Ming Cult can't even touch me, this time I don't think I will blow up that you! To relieve the hatred in my heart. !"

At the same time, some people in Destruction also honked their horns.

[God of Destruction: Yijian listens to snow, you can do it, dare to do it, there is a kind! 】

Little Lizhi sneered and responded with a horn.

[Little Lychee: If you can't grab it, if you can't beat it, set it on fire, shameless enough, this is the way of doing things in this area's strong gang! Today I see it! 】

【Mie Shi'an: It was you who robbed our world-annihilation boss first, and also shot people. Isn't it a matter of course that we set fire to it?]

Seeing Mie Shi'an's loudspeaker, Yijian listened to Xue and everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were all angry.

What does it mean that they grab the boss first and then beat people?

The code, obviously it was Mie Shi Wugui to bring a group of people over to grab it, and now it is shameless to reverse the facts.

Qingshang was so angry that she scolded her loudspeaker on the spot.

[Qingshang: You-sister, I’ve played Tianlong for so many years, and this is the first time I’ve seen such a brazen gang! The boss is the first one we smashed, and you brought a group of people over to grab it face to face, and slandered us? It’s enough gou ! Admire it below! 】

【Innocent little monk: You can't grab it, you can't beat it, and now you're slandering it, you are really amazing in destroying the world! 】

Seeing the loudspeakers of Qingshang and the innocent little monk, everyone in the extermination family was a little stunned.

Why does it feel as if both sides have their own opinions, and who is saying who is right?

[Mie Shi Congcong: What's going on? They said it was our first move? 】

The deputy gang leader Mie Shi Congcong immediately asked.

[Destroyer of the World: Che, it’s just that they refuse to admit it, and now they’re just schmoozing—cannon!]

[Mie Shi'an: That's right! They are so shameless, they are still biting us now, this kind of gang, this kind of person, should be killed! 】

[Destroy the world without sin: Cough, yes, everyone, don't argue with them too much, just kill them! 】

Many people from the Destroying Family and Yijian Tingxue are still shouting at each other.

In fact, some people still know the truth.

Many players saw what happened when they watched the live broadcast in the Barbie live broadcast room.

Seeing the excitement, some players also participated.

[Longhushan Taoist priest: Hehe, black people are said to be white, white people are said to be black, there really is yours, the family that destroys the world! 】

Taoist Longhushan brushed the dungeon today, opened a box with 50 activity points, got a small speaker, and started brushing at this moment.

In the Barbie live broadcast room just now, he saw that it was the boss who was robbed first by Mie Shi Wugui and others, and now it was Yijian Tingxue who robbed him first, and he couldn't stand it any longer.

And he is just a life player, usually brushing dungeons or something, and he is not afraid of offending the world.

Tell the truth, uphold justice, uphold justice in your heart!

[Adult monkey: Destroy the world, you have to admit it when you do it, why should you be a biao-zi and set up a torii? I really despise you! 】

[Gossip collector: tsk tsk tsk, I also recorded the live video just now, I want to send it to Tianlong tie, so that all Tianlong players can see the shameless face of the world, this must be very interesting! 】

With the voices of many ordinary players, the people of Destruction gradually realized that things did not seem to be as innocent and Wang Dao said.

Mie Shi Dumbeng exhaled lightly, and questioned the people who were innocent of the world and the king of the world.

[Destroying the World: Innocent, the kingly way, tell the truth, did you snatch their boss first, or did they come to snatch your boss?]

Being ridiculed by so many people, and being questioned by Mie Shi Beng, Mie Shi Innocence and Mie Shi Wang Dao knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only admit it.

[Destroyer of the World: Help Master, they were fighting the boss just now. We have no boss to fight, so we can only go and grab it. It’s true that we shot first...]

[King Dao of Destroying the World: But gang masters, brothers, we Destroying the World are a strong gang, and all the resources in this area belong to us (Qian Haozhao), so why should the boss give it to Yijian Tingxue and the others? It is ours. , how come we can talk about it?】

[Destroy the World and Innocence: Yes, help master, we are just taking back our boss, not robbing! 】

The World-destroying King Dao and the World-destroying Innocence both tried their best to talk, but they still thought that the boss belonged to the World-destroying family, and they were just taking it, not robbing it.

There are many people in the extermination family who agree with the words of these two people.

Think they are strong, and the resources in this district are their seedlings.

Mie Shi Beng Ben took a deep breath, "々 'You have some truth in what you said, but it is wrong to lie and slander first, this has already damaged our reputation and made so many people see jokes!

"I'll blow my horn to clarify."

[Destroying the World Benben: There was an error in the previous news. It was indeed our first move, which made everyone laugh. I'm sorry. 】

Mie Shi Benben swiped ten loudspeakers in a row.

A Level 2 Tianshan personally apologized by using the speaker, and many players who had ridiculed the world before gradually gave up, and the world chat channel and speaker channel gradually quieted down.

Of course, the fire of the Destroyer Family and Yijian Tingxue is still there.

Mie Shi Congcong: "Dear, what should I do now? Do you still fight them?

Mie Shi Benben smiled and said slowly: "Since the fire is all lit, this fight is definitely going to be fought! 35

"Not for this boss, but to truly establish my dominance in Yueman West Tower!!"

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