Online Game Tianlongbabu Nostalgic Server, Youth Is Back

Chapter 77 The Wealth Code Is Given To You, Now It’S Up To You.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was angry and funny.

Many people know this scam, which is to deliberately hide the price.

Many bigwigs will directly scan the goods when they buy things, without looking at them carefully, and just sweep up all the things they need.

This RMB player is sweeping Mithril to prepare for equipment transition.

At the beginning, the price of Mithril was 599 Yuanbao each, and the first four were also at this price.

But when it comes to the fifth one, the price is 59999, and you won't find it at a glance.

Because they all start with 599, it is easy to cause illusions.

Many players have also been fooled by this.

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were envious to death.

"OMG, this is a 5.9W Yuanbao, it's gone like this, this RMB player can't be mad."

"Everyone saw it. He used the horn to swear at others. You can imagine how distressed he is."

"Now that the zone has just opened, many players have deleted the ingots for the test and returned them in waves. There are a lot of ingots on the account, so it is easy to sweep the goods and get cheated by ingots!"

"Anchor, you can't be fooled like this, or you will lose money."

"I discovered another trick to make money. I want to play like this. I don't know if there are any big guys who are fooled."

"Don't tell me, although this skill is low-level, there are always some big guys who make mistakes and only find out later."

Everyone in the live broadcast room had a heated discussion.

I didn't expect this trick to deceive people in the nostalgic server, and 760 also cheated so many treasures.

Su Chen manipulated the phone and walked around. There are indeed many tricks to deceive people.

But others didn't ask Da Lang to drink medicine. This player is so amazing, other people's mithril is the fifth 5999 ingot.

When Su Chen finished clicking a circle and returned to the stall of the stall player Dalang should take medicine.

Su Chen found a particularly funny scene.

RMB players leave a message under the stall information of the stall owner.

Renminbi players: Attention everyone, this person is a liar, a profiteer, pay attention to the price!

The stall owner replied: I'm sorry, my hands shook a bit, I originally wanted to set the price at 5999.

RMB players:?????

Renminbi player: Then you just return my 50,000 yuan treasure, and I won’t say anything.

The stall owner replied: Do you think it is possible.

Renminbi player: Are you fucking kidding me? I'll just stand by and tell others that you're a liar.

The stall owner replied: Boss, as long as you are happy, I don't care.

Su Chen almost went crazy laughing when he saw this conversation.

The stall owner who co-authored just mistyped a number and wanted to cheat five thousand yuan more.

Who ever wanted to cheat more than 50,000 yuan.

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

The dialogue between the RMB player and the stall owner is simply too funny.

At this time, a more dramatic scene happened.

It's time for Da Lang to drink the medicine. The player closed the stall and stood up, then sat down again.

This is to clear player records and messages.

Re-upped with mithril ore, and denim.

The price is still the same as before. The first few mithrils are all 599, and this time the sixth one is 59999.

With the first fortune, the stall owner seems to have found a way to get rich.

And RMB players left a message on the booth again, saying that the stall owner is a liar.

The stall owner stood up again, set up the stall again, and cleared the message.

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

This stall owner and this RMB player are too cute.

At this time, there was another burst of requests in the live broadcast room.

"Anchor, let's make wave equipment!"

"Yeah, do some level 60 equipment transition, manual work is better than level 1 suits in garbage."

"Yes, I remember that today I'm going to PK with Tianxia Alone, someone else's level 7 number, it won't hurt me to make a wave of equipment.

"That's right, build a little now, maybe just this little bit will win."

Everyone in the live broadcast room wants to see Su Chen making equipment.

And it is definitely not a loss to make a wave of equipment, even if the things made are garbage.

It is also better than the first-level suit given away.

It's all handmade after all!

Well, a wave!

Rich and willful!

In the live broadcast room, Su Chen promised everyone to make a wave of equipment for everyone to see.

I know a little bit about making equipment, and I am not very professional.

But this is more about luck.

There are 5 mithrils and 3 cotton cloths [these are not enough.

Bought 20 Mithril Ore and 32 Cotton Cloth from the bank.

With 60 materials together, you can make a lot of equipment.

Don't ask for too much, just produce some four-star and above equipment.

After all, it is a first-class (ajbi) material, and it is not bad to be able to make four or five stars.

As for the three-level mithril and three-level cotton cloth promised by the mysterious kit, there will be eight stars. This is not urgent for the time being.

At that time, you can make level 80 equipment, or level 90 equipment.

The boss will upgrade the level very quickly, and those eight-star equipment will be very valuable at that time.

After purchasing the mithril and cotton cloth, Invincible and the most handsome came to Suzhou blacksmith shop.

Here you can learn the three essences, which are skills that must be mastered to make equipment.

If you don't learn the three essences, you can't make equipment.

The three essences are: refining, refining, and Seiko.

Refining is mainly to build weapons, refinement is to build armor, and precision is to build attack parts.

After finishing the study, Su Chen came to the Wudang sect with the most handsome man invincible, and found a nearby fairy mountain.

Su Chen began to talk about the metaphysics of making equipment to everyone in the live broadcast room.

I don't know if this metaphysics can make good equipment, but I would rather believe it.

In Tianlong Babu, there is a specific time setting, which is divided into twelve earthly branches and named, namely Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai;

Each hour is divided into three parts, which are the beginning time, the right time and the end time; every day from 11:00 in the middle of the night to 1:00 am is the child time, and so on.

And in this time period, there is an auspicious time, which is very unlucky for equipment making, so it is noon.

Especially in ancient times, three o'clock in the afternoon was the day when the criminal beheaded, and it was especially fierce at noon.

The equipment made at this point in time is particularly aggressive, and the probability of appearing top quality is very small.

In the Tianlong Babu nostalgic server, the game changes every 2.5 minutes, which is very fast.

Therefore, players who are particularly particular about time requirements can choose their own time to make equipment.

And there is another way of saying that each player has his own ID.

Each player's ID is different, it is composed of different numbers + English, and this character also has a certain metaphysics.

The right time + the right scene + the player's ID number, yes there are very few responses.

If you find the secret, you can make the best equipment!

There are even some accounts that are born with good luck, everything will be very smooth, and the burst rate will be particularly high.

The more people in the live broadcast room listened, the more interested they became!

They didn't know that there were so many ways to make equipment, and they didn't know it at all.

Many players bought materials to make equipment, which led to bankruptcy.

Listening to the anchor say this now, I understand!

"Anchor, what you said is very reasonable. I have already used a notebook to take notes. I must master this wealth code!"

"Me too, just hearing what the anchor said, I think the anchor must be very good at making equipment!"

"I heard that one-star materials can also make seven or eight-star equipment, but the probability is low. w

"Isn't the first-level material at most six stars, seven or eight stars?"

"Anchor, hurry up, I can't help but want to learn, this is the wealth code!"

"Yes, this is the handmade version. Handmade is currently the most profitable thing, and it is also the easiest thing to go bankrupt!"

"Haha, a touch of handwork can ruin your life!"

At this time, Su Chen began to buy the construction map and started to be a betting dog!

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