"Haha! This battle was so wonderful and beautiful."

At the critical moment, Lieyan Taotao began to speak politely.

He smiled at Monkey Brother and said, "So now, should we welcome you, brother?"

Monkey Brother knelt on one knee and said sincerely, "I am very happy to join the Taotian League. You are the president, right? Just call me Monkey from now on."

Lieyan Taotao laughed loudly, "Hello Monkey, if you don't mind, just call me Brother Tao from now on."

"Okay, Brother Tao."

Monkey Brother stood up with a sincere face, "What is the situation of our Taotian League?"

Lieyan Taotao nodded and introduced, "Like other guilds, the Taotian League has 20 people in a group and 5 people in a group. Now is the dormant period of the guild, and there are a total of 20 members. Including you, there are 25 people."

"Is there so few people?"

On the other side, Dugu Alang and others came over.

This guy has a low EQ, and one sentence made the atmosphere awkward.

Tiger God immediately smiled and said, "Just because there are fewer people now doesn't mean there will be fewer people in the future."

"That's right."

The other people in the Beast Group also agreed with a smile.

Lieyan Taotao was not angry, and said with a smile: "If I didn't know Brother Chu before, I might be hurt by your words. But now, I am full of confidence in the development of the guild!"

He bowed respectfully to Chu Jing: "Thank you, Brother Chu for all this."

"Brother Tao, you're welcome."

Chu Jing smiled and nodded.

"Then Brother Tao, what is the distribution of power in our Taotian League?"

Monkey Brother continued to ask.

Lieyan Taotao explained: "The current distribution of power is very simple, there is only the president, and the other positions such as vice presidents and hall masters have not yet been determined."

"What? Even Chongrubujing is not in power?"

Tiger God was very surprised.

With Chu Jing's strength, he would be a top boss in any guild, right?

For such a person, you actually didn't give him an official position?

It's unreasonable!

"Uh, Brother Chu is not actually from the Taotian League..."

Lieyan Taotao said somewhat awkwardly.


This time, Brother Monkey and the others were shocked.

"What is going on?" Dugu Alang couldn't believe it: "He is not from the Taotian League, but he is helping you to recruit people? I need a reasonable explanation!"

Lieyan Taotao had to smile bitterly and said: "Brother Chu has no intention of joining any guild now. If you insist, he is a close friend of the Taotian League!"


Dugu Alang felt defeated: "I thought this person who is not afraid of adversity was also from the Taotian League..."

Chu Jing saw that these people were a little depressed, so he said: "The Taotian League has a strong cohesion. This alone is enough to make the Taotian League stronger and bigger. Although I am not from the Taotian League, I am now on the same front with you, so don't be afraid."

Brother Monkey and the others felt relieved.

"Okay, Monkey, I'm sending you a guild invitation now. The five of you can join."

Lieyan Taotao struck while the iron was hot and sent an invitation to Monkey and others.

The five chose to accept, so the Taotian Alliance added five new members.

"Now our guild is operating in a small team mode. Before there is a major event, we will not call everyone together for the time being, so Monkey, you should upgrade in the near future. This is your welcome gift."

Lieyan Taotao said, and gave a sum of money to all the members of the Beast Group.

"Oh my god! Brother Tao, you are so awesome!"

Dugu Alang's eyes lit up.

Chongwei came over: "How much did Brother Tao give you?"

Not long ago, Lieyan Taotao invited Chongwei to join the guild and claimed that there would be a big red envelope for joining.

Chongwei actually wanted to nod, but after learning that Chu Jing had not joined the guild yet, as his number one fan, how could he make the decision on his own?

So he could only refuse and threatened to hang out with Chu Jing in the future.

Dugu Alang looked at Chongwei warily: "How much money is none of your business!"

Chongwei grinned: "Look, let's see how much money you have, it will be convenient for us to bet in the future!"

"I bet your head! Don't even think about betting with me in this life!"

Dugu Alang shouted excitedly, and everyone laughed.


After a few minutes, everyone chatted for a while and got to know each other.

It turned out that the five people in the Beast Group were all real friends.

They had been brilliant in other games.

Especially Monkey Brother, he was famous for playing assassins in another game.

After switching to this game, he was determined to become the strongest assassin in the country.

Unfortunately, with the appearance of Chu Jing, he realized that this goal was a bit far away, so he changed his words and said: "I'd better be the second assassin."

This was purely because he was convinced by Chu Jing.

"Okay, from now on, the five of you will continue to form a team. Monkey, you continue to play assassins."I understand!" After a few words, Lieyan Taotao said, "We still have to level up, so you can move freely, Monkey." "Okay." Monkey nodded, and seeing Chu Jing and others were about to leave, he suddenly shouted, "By the way, if you want to level up, the Bat Cave is a good place." Lieyan Taotao and others stopped and turned to look at him meaningfully. What's going on? Why are they looking at me like this? Monkey was a little puzzled, but still said, "The Bat Cave is a treasure land for leveling up. We found it not long ago. It's like this, there are endless bat monsters there, and it's almost impossible to finish them. I and a few brothers have been teaming up at the cave entrance to brush bats recently." Chongwei smiled and said, "Are the bats powerful? ”

Brother Monkey said loudly: "They have high attack power, and it hurts a lot when they hit them, but their disadvantage is that their defense is low. Even if you can't deal damage, you can kill them with a few hits. We usually arrange a shield guard to block the bats in front and attract their hatred, while the others deal damage in the back. We can use up all the energy we have every time, and of course, the experience gained is also considerable. "

Chu Jing nodded secretly when he heard this.

The method of brushing the bat cave like the Beast Group was also used by many teams in the previous life when the level was low.

It's just that this method is too inefficient compared to killing the boss directly.


At this time, Chongwei couldn't help laughing: "Monkey, we just came from the direction of the bat cave, do you think we didn't go in?"

"What do you mean? Did you also go there?"

Dugu Alang asked in confusion.

"Go and see for yourself."

After saying this, Chongwei said complacently: "Don't be surprised later. "

Lieyan Taotao smiled and glanced at Chu Jing.

"Well, let's go."

Chu Jing left with the team.

The upgrade path is very important, so it's better not to show off in front of your brothers.

After Chu Jing and others left, the suspicious beast group and others quickly rushed to the bat cave.

Soon, they came to a familiar place, but did not hear the shrill bat howling.

"What's going on?"

When people walked into the cave, they were stunned instantly.

The ceiling was empty.

There was not a single bat!

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