Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 102: Persistence, five minutes

Everyone also recognized the current situation, and quickly followed up one by one. They all successfully entered the grooved terrain caused by the submerged fire, and then immediately moved the melee units outside! At the same time, Chen Fei followed up with another flaming meteorite, which continued to widen the terrain in the woods! Push four hundred yards in, right to the bottom. Finally, all units have entered it. In this way, everyone only needs to bear one side of the skeleton! The stress was reduced immediately! Chen Fei even thought that as long as he kept the skeleton at the front under control, the task given by the system was only for five minutes.

However, how can the system give players such an opportunity to pick up the slack? Only thirty seconds after everyone entered the woods, a new prompt appeared in everyone's information column.

Ding Dong: The number of skeletons reaches one hundred. After the accumulation reaches one hundred and fifty, more powerful skeletons will appear. At the same time, trigger the Skeleton Death Land.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the system prompt. They didn't expect that there was such a hidden setting? Moreover, whether it is a more powerful skeleton or the place where the skeleton died, it does not sound like good news! Therefore, the system clearly means that players are required to destroy skeletons!

However, now that we have the advantage of the terrain, the skeletons actually do not pose much of a threat to Chen Fei and others! With a width of three hundred yards, only a few skeletons can squeeze in. The melee units take turns changing positions to bear the damage, while the long-range units are responsible for attacking the skeletons behind.

If you follow this pattern and hold on for five minutes, it should be easy. But, is it really that smooth? Several people present, even Chen Fei, overlooked an important thing.

Ding Dong: The number of skeletons exceeds 150, and Skeleton Death is triggered. The skeleton's attack power is increased by 25%, the attack speed is increased by 50%, and a fire bone skeleton appears at the same time.

Fire Bone Skeleton: Level 24, HP 1500, Magic 300, long-range attack 65-75, flame arrows, shoots flame arrows, with 20 attack points, causing an additional 50% damage to heavy armor and plate armor.

The system prompt was followed by the appearance of fire-bone skeletons holding bone bows in the sea of ​​skeletons. The difference between these long-range skeletons and bloody skeletons was their different weapons. At the same time, Chen Fei also realized at this time: the speed at which everyone cleared the skeletons was far less than the speed at which Erniu summoned the skeletons!

The appearance of the Fire Bone Skeleton is not a good thing! Originally, relying on the terrain, it was easy for everyone to persist for five minutes, but now the skeletons also have long-range firepower, which is very bad for everyone! Not only is it stressful for melee units, but also the long-range units behind may be attacked! In particular, the skeletons summoned by Ernu appear infinitely! This means that as long as this continues, all the skeletons on the scene will even be fire bone skeletons! With that amount, if one round of concentrated fire comes, any unit will be defeated in a wave! And now, just over three minutes have passed since five minutes!

The situation is not good!

The production speed of skeletons is indeed quite terrifying! Only twenty seconds had passed, and there were already more than a dozen fire-bone skeletons capable of attacking everyone. This puts a lot of pressure on melee units! Chen Fei has always kept the Holy Light, and others behind him have also supplied supplies to the melee units! But Chen Fei knew in his heart that if he continued like this, in thirty seconds at most, which was four minutes, the number of fire-bone skeletons would exceed everyone's supply capacity! This means that you may not be able to hold on until the last minute!

We have to think of other ways!

Chen Fei frowned and thought over and over again. Relying on a stone wall can still provide some resistance, but the cooling of the stone wall takes too long. Fire meteorites can also resist it, but it is still not enough. It is the same situation as a stone wall. The same is true for underground fire, although it can be used with stone walls and flames. The meteorites were combined, but there was still a delay of several seconds; the water element was pretty good as an output, but it seemed unreliable to use it to attract the hatred of skeletons... Chen Fei thought about it several times, but rejected them all.

Frowning deeper and deeper, Chen Fei stared at the screen and felt quite helpless: Even if he traveled back in time and brought game experience from his previous life, in fact, his understanding of the game is still not as thorough as he thought. !

The blood volume of the knight in front dropped sharply again, and everyone's supplies were still in the cooling stage. At this time, the knight immediately retreated and replaced with another melee unit. This time, it was Sun Zhenzi's hero.


Seeing Sun Zhenzi's hero, Chen Fei suddenly thought of a key point - invisibility!

The invisibility technique has been mentioned before. The biggest difference between it and the rogue's Wind Step is that it is only invisible, but it still has a collision volume. So……

Four minutes have passed!

"Xia Lan, summon a water element to me, and then don't make any attacks." Chen Fei said into the headset, and Xia Lan immediately followed his instructions and summoned the water element. And Chen Fei immediately used the invisibility technique of the senior wizard on the water element. Follow up, the flame meteorite activates! Pushed away all the skeletons that rushed up! The flaming meteorite's clearing ability is not to mention, all the skeletons in the forest passage were pushed out at once! However, what followed was that there were not many fire-bone skeletons in the passage originally, but after it was cleared, it was easier for the fire-bone skeletons on both sides to flood into the passage!

However, how could Chen Fei let the Fire Bone Skull in so easily? How could he make such a mistake? The ground is trapped in fire, activate! Release position, entrance!

The few fire bone skeletons that were about to rush in were immediately trapped by the terrain caused by the submerged fire, while the skeletons behind them were directly intercepted outside!

The flaming meteorite and ground fire were enough to buy ten seconds, and after the terrain effect of the ground fire ended, Chen Fei followed up with the Stone Wall Technique! Seal the entrance tightly! The blood volume of Stone Wall Technique is still there even if it lasts for about five seconds! After the stone wall appeared, Chen Fei immediately placed five mini walls behind it! With the resistance of the stone wall, there is no problem in building the mini city wall! Relying on them, you can still fight for five seconds!

Now, Chen Fei needs enough preparation time! Moreover, Stonewall surprisingly lasted seven seconds! In this way, the two mini city walls were broken, and twenty seconds had passed! The second invisibility spell, cooldown completed!

The three water elements combined their skills to summon another water element, and the invisibility technique was immediately added to it.

"Xia Lan, the invisible water element goes up with my water element and just stands behind the mini city wall." Blessing the water element with the invisibility technique, Chen Fei immediately pulled it towards the mini city wall. Lan also asked his water element to follow him. In two seconds, the two water elements were in place. Under Chen Fei's deliberate decision, the two water elements were separated by 50 yards from each other. This distance was not enough for the skeleton to pass. .

Therefore, after all the mini city walls were destroyed, the skeletons who wanted to rush in were all blocked by the water element!

At this time, there are still just over thirty seconds to go before five minutes!

Today’s chapter. . . well

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