Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 107 Jaina’s Persuasion

"Arthas, are you okay? After the plot animation was triggered, the first person to be shown the camera was Jaina. She rushed directly to the front of the team and leaned next to Arthas.

"Oh! Jaina, you came at just the right time! These damn orcs actually set a trap for me! Your reinforcements came at just the right time. Join me to kill these orcs!" Seeing Jaina, Arthas was very happy, especially the units behind her, which were obviously strong support!

However, Arthas's idea was destined to fail. Jaina didn't come here to fight the Burning Blade Clan!

"Arthas, now is not the time to continue fighting with the Orcs. I just encountered the Burning Legion. These evil guys already want to invade this land again. We need to abandon our grievances with the Orcs and unite first. That'll do." Jaina said.

Jaina's words stunned Arthas, with a look of astonishment on his face, "No! Jaina, what are you talking about? The Burning Legion?! Aren't those hateful guys already driven away by the ancestors? No! Even if the Burning Legion appears, we must kill those dirty orcs first. They are not qualified to stand on the same front as us! And just now, do you know how many of our soldiers they killed? ?”

It must be said that Arthas had a deep grudge against the orcs, which may be one of the reasons why he was chosen as the master by Frostmourne and eventually became the Death Lord.

Jaina didn't have much reaction to Arthas' words. Maybe she had already met Arthas's reaction. Otherwise, why not stop Arthas from the beginning and instead look for evidence of the evil energy first.

"Arthas, just leave everything to me." Jaina didn't say anything more, and instead walked to the front of the team. Not far away, the pursuing beast soldiers were already very close to everyone! However, facing a terrifying number of beast soldiers, Jaina raised the sapphire staff in her hand, and blue light appeared from the front of the staff again. Then, I saw Jaina pressing the staff against the ground in front of her, and the blue light instantly disappeared under the ground!

The next moment, a huge ice wall of three thousand yards rose from the ground, blocking all the beast soldiers! After stopping the beast soldiers, Jaina's staff pointed at her feet again. An ice platform was formed under her body, and then she was dragged up to the top of the ice wall.

"Is the leader of the Orcs here? The Burning Legion is about to invade this continent. I hope that I can temporarily stop fighting with you and unite to resist the Burning Legion." Jaina stood in mid-air and spoke loudly to the Orcs.

To be honest, in the eyes of Chen Fei and others, Gianna's hand is so handsome! B Snow Company is very attentive to the plot animation in the game, all of which are 3D effects! Although 3D effects are still in the development stage at this time, B Xue's plot animation is comparable to the subsequent Transformers series movies! [You can refer to the plot animation of Reign of Chaos. Then, the plot of the Frozen Throne animation is not very good. . Forehead】

The beast soldiers on the opposite side looked at each other one by one. They were relatively simple-minded and felt a little confused about the situation in front of them. Fortunately, just a few seconds after Jaina spoke out, Sword Master Lanter walked out from among the beast soldiers.

"Hey, human, what do you mean by the Burning Legion's invasion of this continent again? Weren't they wiped out a long time ago?" Rant also knew something about the Burning Legion. As a tribal swordsman, he knew They come into contact with many more things than ordinary orcs.

The appearance of Rand indicated that there was an opportunity to continue the negotiation. Jaina immediately said, "I just fought against the Burning Legion, not far from here. Unfortunately, I failed to catch the main guy and let him run away."

"Is that so? That means you don't have any evidence to show that the Burning Legion really appeared? In this case, human, why should I believe you? What if you deliberately used the Burning Legion as a cover to confuse me, and secretly arranged They're lying in wait!" Lant was still very thoughtful and came up with such a question all of a sudden. He is truly worthy of being called a sword master!

Of course, this problem is not a big problem for Jaina, the temperamental girl in Warcraft.

"Indeed, I really don't have the corresponding evidence to make you believe what I said, so I don't expect to say that we can cooperate immediately. I only hope that we can stop fighting each other for the time being and maintain mutual relations. Peace, so that when the Burning Legion takes greater action later, we will not have enough combat power to resist them because of fighting with each other. "In the game, the battle between the Alliance and the Horde has always continued. It would be unrealistic to suddenly bring the two together, so Jaina made a smart choice to try to get a truce between the two sides.

However, Rant did not agree so easily, "I am happy to have a ceasefire. But, can what you say represent other humans? Can it represent your king?"

Rant's reaction was normal, and Jaina was also prepared for his new questions.

"I have never told you my identity. I am the first disciple of the Alliance's chief mage, and I am also the daughter of the Alliance's admiral. What I say still carries a lot of weight. Of course, if you feel it is not enough, Behind me, there is Prince Arthas, who is the future heir of this country. If he agrees, it should be significant enough. "

It has to be said that the status of both Jaina and Arthas is quite high. After she said this, Lant fell into thinking. Obviously, he understood the multiple identities of the two.

However, there is a saying that is very straightforward: words have no basis. People who don't know will still not know whether the things they say are true, and Lant is obviously considering the credibility of this. After all, in the view of the orcs, humans are a race that likes to use various conspiracies - although, he does not deny that the Jaina in front of him has a convincing temperament.

On the other side, Rant was thinking, but on the other side, Arthas reacted quite fiercely when he heard what Jaina said!

"Jaina! What are you talking about! How can we have a truce with these orcs? We must destroy them all! I will never agree to your unreasonable request!" Arthas immediately made his attitude clear.

These words made Jaina frown. With a wave of her staff, she fell back to Arthas from a high place. "Arsace, calm down. Now is really not the time to continue fighting with the orcs. I understand." Your thoughts, but if we continue to fight against the Orcs, it will only cause blind damage to the Alliance's troops. When the Burning Legion finally appears, it will only allow them to easily invade our country. You hope that the people will suffer huge losses at that time. Suffering?"

"No! No no! Jaina, it is impossible for the Burning Legion to appear again. The ancestors have already given them all..."

"Arthas, you know what kind of person I am, and you know that everything I say is true." Jaina interrupted Arthas. Moreover, the way she spoke was also very particular, and she didn't say "you don't believe me" like ordinary people.

When Jaina said this, Arthas was speechless and fell into silence.

Seeing this, Chen Fei knew that what he had to do now was to continue waiting, waiting for Lant to make the final decision. But, to be honest, Chen Fei was a little worried, worried that things would not go as smoothly as Gianna thought...

Chapter one today. The plot animation here is a necessary foreshadowing. .

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