There are still many mercenary choices provided by Jaina. Chen Fei took a rough look at the three attribute mercenaries. The powerful Paladin and Berserker professions were quite good mainstream mercenaries in the previous life, and the agile artillery The hand has high attack output, and the blast shooter has multi-body output, and they are both very strong; as for intelligence type, explosive fire magic, control type ice magic, and auxiliary priests, they almost all have them!

It can be said that the mercenary rewards that Jaina gave everyone are simply too good! However, for Chen Fei, after the initial excitement settled down a little, he didn't have much thought about the choice of mercenaries. It's not that he doesn't like these mercenaries, but he has never forgotten the special nature of his own mercenaries - rookie mercenaries.

Chen Fei has not forgotten that he also has a trainer's medal. Although the attributes currently displayed by this medal are not very strong, its subsequent improvement is unknown, and Chen Fei is not sure what it will be like in the end. Attributes. But at least one thing Chen Fei is sure of is that currently, no other player has this medal! This is the point that further widens the gap between him and most players - don't underestimate Shao Shao's attributes. Real top players often have differences in attributes during a duel! Especially later in the game, during the WXG competition, B Xue made more changes to the game.

Therefore, if possible, Chen Fei tried his best to ensure that every one of his mercenaries was transferred from a new mercenary. What if this medal requires training eleven mercenaries to be upgraded to the end? Chen Fei didn't want to miss one by then.

Fortunately, Jaina did provide new mercenaries, which were classified as power-type, at the bottom. Naturally, Chen Fei did not hesitate and decisively chose the new mercenary.

"Warrior, the new mercenaries need more efforts from you, but do you want to choose new mercenaries?" Jaina kindly gave Chen Fei a reminder. Of course, Chen Fei must choose 'yes'. Immediately, a message about acquiring new mercenaries popped up in the information bar. At this point, Chen Fei had obtained his fifth new mercenary.

"Xiao Fei, there are new mercenaries here too! Do you think we should also choose?" Lin Rong also discovered the new mercenaries and couldn't help but make this suggestion.

However, Chen Fei simply rejected this idea.

"The new mercenaries are too small to improve you. It is better for you to choose other powerful mercenaries. Now, your effective improvement of strength is the first priority! We will continue to conquer new dungeons in the future." Others and Chen Fei is different. He has the support of the powerful skills of the elemental mage. At the same time, the new mercenaries have been trained from the beginning. Until now, they have advantages over ordinary mercenaries. It will naturally not be difficult to lead new mercenaries. But if it were Lin Rong and others, if nothing else, their heroes were all ordinary professions, and their mercenaries were also ordinary mercenaries. It was really not easy to support the growth of a new mercenary, so it was better to choose powerful mercenaries. It's direct.

In this regard, Chen Fei quite agrees with East, West, South and North. East River and West Lake both chose great swordsmen, and Nanjiang and Beihai chose artillerymen. They are all mercenaries that will become mainstream in the near future. As for Corn, he chose an ice spell, probably to make up for his shortcomings in control. After all, he had two knights as his main force, and his actual combat power was already very strong. Sun Zhenzi chose Night Thieves, seemingly planning to build a group of stealth units. Lin Rong chose the Berserker; Zheng Wen chose the Fire Mage; Bai Qilong chose the Wind Archer; Shen Feng chose the Paladin. Does he want to continue to be the front-row human shield?

Ying Fei's choice surprised Chen Fei. He actually chose the dwarf cannon!

Dwarf Cannon: HP 550, siege attack 95-110, light armor 4, bombing: passive, causing 150% damage to city armor, and causing splash damage to units within a 200-yard range. Refill ammunition: Passive, attack speed is once every 5 seconds. Flare: Release a flare that illuminates the surrounding area for 1,500 yards. The release range is 10,000 yards. The cooldown is 60 seconds.

The dwarf cannon is, to put it bluntly, a mercenary similar to an orc catapult, with high attack speed and slow attack speed. In the previous life, the dwarf cannon began to be valued by players in the middle and late stages, and for no other reason than because his siege ability was enough for players to choose. At that time, it was the beginning of the war between the two camps, and Among camp battles, siege warfare is the most important one. Naturally, dwarf cannons have become the first choice.

However, at this stage, Chen Fei felt that the dwarf cannon would not have much effect. Perhaps Ying Fei also had his own ideas. Chen Fei didn't want to speculate too much.

As for the last Xia Lan, she didn't have much idea about the choice of mercenaries, so she directly sought Chen Fei's opinion. Regarding this, Chen Fei thought about it for a while and recommended a priest to her.

Priest: HP 600, Magic 500, Magic Attack 25-33, Light Armor 3, Holy Light: Consumes 75 mana, restores 400 HP, 10 seconds cooldown; Holy Light Stun: Consumes 100 mana, causes 150 damage, stuns for 1.5 seconds, cooldown 15 seconds; Blessing of Strength: consumes 75 mana, increases attack power by 15%, lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 10 seconds.

As for Xia Lan's positioning, Chen Fei still placed it at the supply position. Although Xia Lan's game operations have improved a lot during this period, when it comes to real battles, he wants her to be responsible for output or Control is mostly based on the command of others, so the supply support position is still more suitable for her. Later, if she really reaches a certain level of operation, it is not impossible to choose other mercenaries for her.

Of course, Chen Fei actually had another idea: Girls are often not as enthusiastic about games as boys. Maybe one day Xia Lan suddenly doesn't want to play anymore? At that time, if it was just a supply, the impact on the team would still be within a controllable range.

The mercenary's reward ended quickly. Overall, for everyone, there has been a great improvement. Especially the four people from East, West, North and South, for them, the reward of this mercenary is absolutely satisfying! After all, Chen Fei still remembers what they did in their previous life. According to his own ideas, he wouldn't have given the four of them too many things, but he didn't expect that the system would come with such a good reward, which could be regarded as an advantage for them.

After the rewards are over, it’s time to release the copy. After finding the teleportation NPC, Chen Fei directly clicked to confirm and leave. The next moment, the screen changed again and reached Sentinel Ridge.

"Ah! I finally finished the dungeon. It's so tiring. This dungeon is even more tiring than the previous leveling. It's really..." Sun Zhenzi sighed again after coming out of the dungeon. However, Chen Fei agrees with what he said. After all, the difficulty of this dungeon is much higher than that of the level 15 dungeon, and there are too many places in it that can only be overcome by trickery. I don't know if it's them. Didn't find the key point, or is the copy itself so difficult?

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, let's take a rest from the game. I'll see how to arrange it tomorrow." Chen Fei said. Not long after they finished speaking, Bai Qilong and Xia Lan logged off the game. East, West, South and North said they wanted to practice for a while and walked out. As for the others, they also logged off one after another.

Watching everyone go offline, Chen Fei naturally wanted to go offline too. Although it was just a copy, it was already dinner time before he knew it. He didn't want his mother to come over and yell at him angrily, saying, 'You want to be full just staring at the computer, right?' Immediately, when you cut out the main menu, you have to choose to exit the game.

However, when the mouse moved to exit the game, Chen Fei unexpectedly discovered that the mailbox logo on the main menu actually had an exclamation mark!

The first chapter is out today. . How many chapters do you want me to break out? Hurry up and leave a message these days! The keyboard in the dormitory is awesome to type on! ! !

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