Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 120 Coincidence, friendship

The victory of Chen Fei and others in the first game did not mean that their strength was higher than that of their opponents. In fact, the operations of both sides are similar, so in the ensuing battle, both sides will go back and forth. The fight is quite fierce, and the outcome will be different.

More than two hours passed without realizing it. When playing games, it is always easy to lose track of time.

However, at this point, Chen Fei specifically quit the game and opened the official website to see if there was any new information. Needless to say, the official actually released new information - a post titled "Advance notice about this update."

Chen Fei naturally clicked in immediately. The content of the post is very short, just a few lines, and there is no specific explanation of the updated content. However, the information revealed still makes players excited. Because the post directly indicates that there will be an event release for this update.

This announcement immediately made the players excited! The post was posted at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's only around three o'clock now, but the number of responses from players has already exceeded half a million! Such a terrifying amount of replies is enough to show how popular the game Warcraft is!

"Eh? Friends, do you also play World of Warcraft?" A voice came from behind Chen Fei. When he looked back, he saw that it was the group of people playing CS with him. Moreover, this person was also the first person to talk to Chen Fei and others about playing CS. .

"You also play World of Warcraft?" Chen Fei asked. But as soon as I asked the question, I felt that I was talking nonsense. Doesn't the way the other party just said it already mean that he was also having fun?

The other party didn't pay attention to Chen Fei's question and answered seriously, "Not only do I play it, but all my friends also play it. After all, World of Warcraft is also the most popular game at the moment. If it hadn't been updated today, we wouldn't have thought about it. Come to the Internet cafe to play CS. By the way, we are not weak in the game!"

At the end of the sentence, a confident smile appeared on the other party's face, which surprised Chen Fei. However, both groups of people came to the Internet cafe to play CS because of game updates. This is really a coincidence.

"We all play World of Warcraft. And, like you, we ran out to the Internet cafe to play CS because of today's update. This is really a coincidence." Chen Fei also laughed. .

Hearing Chen Fei's words, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment. According to his words, this was indeed the case. "Why don't you give me a dunk? I'll add you later. Then, let's form a team in the game. It seems that your CS skills are good, and your strength in World of Warcraft is not weak, right?" The boy said this But this is not just a casual comment. For people who often play games, reaction ability is the most basic judgment, and shooting games such as CS require a lot of reaction. With the strength shown by Chen Fei and others , their reaction ability is naturally not low, and when used in World of Warcraft, they will naturally have a greater advantage than ordinary players.

Here, it can be regarded as a one-stop shop.

"This is okay." Chen Fei readily agreed to the boy's proposal. He also felt that the strength of the boys was not weak, and for the subsequent level 25 dungeon, Chen Fei did not intend to rely on his dozen or so people to conquer it - the more advanced the dungeon, the more manpower was needed. The so-called soldiers are more important than more. This does not mean that it is inappropriate to put it in World of Warcraft. It is just that there are not many, and it does not mean that it can only be used by a dozen or so players.

Therefore, if the boys and others are really capable, Chen Fei would not mind recruiting them into his team. After all, he wants to establish a guild later. If we don't find more people to serve as a team now, if we recruit so many unknown people at once, it will be easy for hidden dangers to arise! That's not what Chen Fei wants.

"Okay, to formally introduce myself, you can call me Xia Peng." The boy said his name. Chen Fei naturally reported his name to the other party. As for our respective friends, let’s get to know each other slowly when the time comes.

Xia Peng returned to his seat and immediately added Chen Fei's button. After verification, Chen Fei also sent everyone's voice room to Xia Peng, telling him that he could log in to the voice directly at that time. He is a teammate who plays World of Warcraft with him. Of course Xia Peng would not refuse to meet more people...

The time soon reached six o'clock, and the sky outside began to get dark. Xia Peng and others, as well as Chen Fei, were leaving at this time, because Chen Fei and his group wanted to go to the KTV for a while. Everyone said goodbye to each other and then separated...

At nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Fei returned home. Normally, he would rarely be at home at this time. After arriving home, he showed off to wash up and put on his pajamas. Then he went to the computer room and found Chen Yue playing a stand-alone game, Metal Slug.

"Brother, the game has been updated for almost a day today, but it's not ready yet. I heard that there will be an event planned, but I don't know what it is. I'm looking forward to it." Seeing Chen Fei come in, Chen Yue raised his head and said.

Speaking of which, Chen Yue's level in World of Warcraft is not low, almost level 15. Don't think that level 15 is not high. Chen Yue doesn't want to be like other players and play the server from the first day. He is nearly ten days late! Moreover, he doesn't spend much time playing World of Warcraft every day, so it's already quite fast to reach this level! Among them, in addition to his own talent for game operation, there is also the profession he obtained - Dual Sword Samurai, a high-explosion profession that can equip two weapons! Basically, for monsters of the same level, a double-sword warrior can kill them with a burst of skills! It’s no wonder that Chen Yue’s leveling speed is so fast!

Of course, there is also one thing, which is Chen Fei's support - using skills naturally requires mana consumption, and mana consumption is too fast, so supplies are needed. As for supplies, of course you have to buy blue medicine. Therefore, Chen Fei naturally gave Chen Yue a lot of gold coin support!

Of course, Chen Fei didn't have an answer to Chen Yue's question. The only answer he could give was, 'I won't know until tomorrow.' However, it wasn't that he wasn't interested in the activity. On the contrary, Chen Fei is also looking forward to the event.

The first event in the previous World of Warcraft was an online competition, and with this update, there will likely be new events! No matter what kind of activity it is, with the style of Bao X Company, the activity will definitely bring a lot of benefits to the players! Players will definitely receive a lot of goods!

"Why don't you play with me for a while." When he didn't get an answer, Chen Yue simply invited Chen Fei to come over and play together. It is not unreasonable for the two brothers to have a good relationship. At least, they know how to share interesting things with each other. In this way, it is natural for them to have a good relationship.

However, Chen Fei was not in the mood to play with Chen Yue tonight. Although it is a good thing that there are official updates, Chen Fei has to seriously think about whether his time travel will really have such a big impact on the game? And, more importantly, since games have been so greatly affected, what will happen to the real world? At least, as far as the mother is concerned, her affairs are in the real world!

That night, before going to bed, Chen Fei thought a lot again...

The first chapter today, the next step is to start updating content! At the same time, the protagonist is about to embark on more adventures!

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