Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 124 New Hatred System

Looking at the granite giant's blood tank that had not dropped by one-tenth, Chen Fei still frowned - he seemed to have forgotten that as a BOSS, its blood regeneration speed was much faster than that of ordinary monsters! The blood recovery speed of this granite giant must be at least 15 points per second! This means that it can naturally restore 900 lives every minute! Further calculations show that Chen Fei needs to kill more than 6,000 lives in five minutes to cause actual damage to it!

Is it really the only way to give up?

Chen Fei couldn't help but hesitate. Judging from the current situation, there is a chance to kill the Granite Giant! But the problem is that the updated hatred system makes him unsure of how to output. There is no absolutely stable control method, and it must be very risky to kill the granite giant! This risk is not something he can bear now!

On the other side, the knight resisted two more attacks and lost another HP. Chen Fei used a potion. The two long-range mercenaries stood aside and started to output again, but on the hero's side, Chen Fei did not dare to take action easily for the time being - with the hero's attack power, only two or three attacks would be enough to bring back the hatred. Woolen cloth!

The knight's blood volume increased again, and the Gale Swordsman also leaned forward to output again. This time, Chen Fei did not activate the Wind Blade Sword, which appropriately reduced his output capability. This can slightly reduce the possibility of bringing down hatred.

However, it is actually unrealistic to rely solely on a knight to resist damage. The granite giant attacked twice more, and the knight's health seemed to have dropped by more than half! At this time, Chen Fei did not dare to let him continue to take damage - the granite giant's skills were very close to cooling down. If one did not control it well and let it suddenly output a wave of output, even the knight might be killed. of!

The knight retreated, and the gale swordsman decisively crossed the blocking position and came in! However, because the granite giant's hatred is still on the knight, it does not turn to attack the knight when the gale swordsman is blocked, but still wants to get close to the knight. This actually caused the granite giant to be stuck by the Gale Swordsman for five seconds!

This scene made a possibility flash in Chen Fei's mind! But, it might have happened too quickly, and he didn't have a moment to catch it! Only a few vague thoughts were retained by him!

However, even if it is just a little idea, it is enough to make Chen Fei excited. Because, this means that he can indeed find a way to deal with the granite giant! The key is that he needs to grasp a more complete idea!

In the Gale Swordsman's position, the knight had returned to full health with the supply of potions and herbs. Chen Fei was also afraid, so he immediately asked the knight to rush forward again, charging the granite giant! However, when the knight's spear fell on this guy, it also raised its arm at the same time, and a huge boulder was thrown out, and the target turned out to be a musket!

The Musket's HP was even less than that of the Gale Swordsman. It was only over five hundred now. When this huge boulder came over, half of its HP was instantly wiped out! Moreover, the granite giant decisively gave up on the knight and rushed towards the musket! If he were to get punched again, the musket would definitely kill him!

Naturally, Chen Fei would never give it a chance to take action! The flaming meteorite activates again! Shengsheng pushed it back again! At the same time, the hero takes decisive action! Increase output! Now, the hatred must be pulled away from the musket!

However, at the same time as the meteorite was launched, the hero attacked three times in a row. However, after the meteorite exploded, the granite giant did not divert its hatred because of this, but continued to rush towards the musketeer! Chen Fei quickly controlled the Musketeer to retreat, while the Knight and the Gale Swordsman began to double-block! The granite giant was so stuck that I couldn't move forward!

Finally, the hatred of the granite giant finally disappeared from the gun, and the ground was shaken. The knight and the gale swordsman were immediately stunned, and then he raised his fist and was about to attack the gale swordsman. Chen Fei decisively followed up and trapped the granite giant without giving it a chance to take action!

Seeing that the musket was safe, Chen Fei also breathed a sigh of relief. However, the granite giant's irregular hatred gave him an even greater headache. In this way, it would hit this now and then that, and there would be no fixed rules to control its attack methods!

The changes to this hatred system are too disgusting!

Chen Fei once again expressed his dissatisfaction with the new hatred system. However, in reality, his complaints were not of any help. The fire on the ground lasted two seconds longer than the earthquake and cracking, which was enough for the Gale Swordsman to withdraw. At the same time, the thunderstorm technique and thunderstorm flames were launched immediately!

However, Chen Fei's intermittent and sporadic output caused minimal damage to the granite giant! Especially after the hero does not attack, the blood consumption rate of granite is much lower! Only when he uses skills can he cause certain damage to this guy!

If this guy's hatred can be controlled, I can completely control it with my backhand control ability. But this hate system...wait!

In an instant, the thought that flashed before appeared again! And, this time, Chen Fei grasped it accurately! After clarifying his thoughts in the shortest possible time, Chen Fei finally gained enough confidence to kill the granite giant easily!

That’s right! Just to kill this granite giant easily! Perhaps a second ago, its unpredictable hatred still gave Chen Fei a headache, but now, Chen Fei has found a way to fight using the new hatred system! What he has to do next is just to start executing his own operations!

However, before he started, the granite giant used another skill first, heavy body jumping! He jumped directly in front of the hero, raised his fist and smashed it down! This was something Chen Fei didn't expect. This granite giant actually changed its attack target again.

However, Chen Fei doesn't mind attacking heroes! Because, next, he wants the granite giant to firmly lock its hatred on the hero - of course, this requires a certain distance. This is the situation now. Without hesitation, Chen Fei decisively asked the hero to retreat. At the same time, the knight behind him adjusted his direction again and rushed over.

After resisting three attacks from the Granite Giant, Chen Fei used Holy Light to bring up the hero's health. After that, the granite giant was finally intercepted again by relying on the knight's blocking position. Next, it’s time for him to exert his full output!

It is worth mentioning that nearly two minutes have passed, but Granite's blood consumption is not more than before. Instead, it relies on its own blood recovery to recover. Now, the loss is just over a thousand dollars!

One chapter at midnight. . .

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