Adjust the time back to the time before you encountered the ghoul. (っ◔◡◔)っ

After receiving the news from Fei Lai, Kuang Ax naturally felt relieved when he learned that there were only a few Thunder Lizards on the road. After all, if the copy is easier, no one will mind if it is replaced.

However, is the actual situation really what Fei Lai sees and Kuang Ax thinks? The answer came out quickly - no!

When Feilai encountered the ghoul, the players responsible for guarding both sides of the team suddenly found two teams of centaurs coming out from both sides! And directly in front of the team, there are two teams of centaurs! Four teams of centaurs seemed to appear out of thin air, appearing on everyone's mini-map without any warning!

"Damn it! Everyone, hurry up and get ready to fight!" Kuang Ax didn't expect the sudden situation at all. Especially the centaur directly in front, Feilai had just confirmed that there was no danger! Of course, Kuang Ax would not suspect Fei Lai of omitting or deliberately not saying anything. Most likely, the appearance of the centaur was an unexpected situation temporarily arranged by the system!

There are twelve centaurs in each pair, so four teams make a total of forty-eight centaurs! Among them, there are centaur warriors with axes, centaur archers with bows and arrows, and centaur wizards with wooden staffs! These guys seem to have corresponding professional combinations for each team!

The two groups of centaurs directly in front rushed up the fastest, and Thrall, the leader, would not show any mercy to them! Start with a chain lightning! The blue electric light was still flowing between the centaurs, and he followed up by summoning his two ghost wolves! He rushed out one step ahead of the two beast soldiers beside him, and rushed towards the centaur warrior at the front with two claws!

"Pah! Pah!" The thick claws of the ghost wolf hit the centaur, and a critical hit value appeared above its head. However, the attack power of the ghost wolf is not as high as expected. Even a critical hit only does more than fifty damage! Fortunately, the centaur's health is not very high. Under the attack of Thrall's lightning chain and the two ghost wolves, the leading centaur lost nearly one-third of its health!

Seeing this scene, Kuang Ax was somewhat happy! After all, if the centaurs were powerful, they wouldn't have the slightest chance!

"Those on the left and right sides are responsible for guarding. Try to delay the approach of the centaurs. The others will work with me to kill the ones in front first." It is definitely not possible to rely on Thrall's troops to fight alone. Crazy Ax will naturally take the players with him as soon as possible. Rush in for support.

Although they only have five players, even if each player only has one mercenary, that's still ten units! Not to mention that some of them are two or even three mercenaries!

Crazy Ax is at the forefront! When he passed Thrall's position, he immediately put a lightning shield on his hero! He obtained this skill in the level 15 dungeon. Later, he relied on this skill to greatly increase his leveling speed!

As three lightning balls surrounded the hero in a triangle, Crazy Ax followed and forced the hero to squeeze into the centaur pile! Battle roar, start!

Once the battle roar is launched, the centaurs under control within the range, whether melee or long-range, all turn their attack targets and focus their fire on the Crazy Axe! Several centaur warriors, even ignoring the beast soldiers, rushed towards the Crazy Axe, stupidly letting the lightning shield hit themselves! And when the centaurs' attacks fell on Crazy Ax, they counterattacked the gyro and triggered it! And, it was triggered three times in a row!

Three numbers of -150 popped up from the heads of all the centaurs around Crazy Ax! After reaching level 20, the damage of the counterattack top has also been increased, reaching 150 damage! As for the battle roar, not only the duration is increased by two seconds, but the armor is increased by ten points! Therefore, the damage caused by the attack focused on Crazy Ax is less than 400! On the contrary, those centaurs who were hit by counterattack tops and lightning shields lost nearly three-quarters of their lives in an instant!

Seeing the madman unleash such terrifying output alone, everyone else was surprised! However, the movements of their hands are not slow, and various skills are released one after another, supplying what needs to be supplied, and outputting what needs to be output. In just a few seconds, several centaurs around Crazy Ax were killed!

The time for the battle roar was not over yet. The roaring wolf rider of Mad Ax also summoned his own ghost wolf. At the same time, the two beast soldiers also turned on their fanaticism and began to output. With other people helping to absorb the centaur's hatred, Crazy Ax doesn't have to worry about the 50% additional negative effects of Zeal.

Seeing the centaurs being killed one by one, Crazy Ax probably wouldn't even need two minutes, and all the two groups of centaurs would be killed. At that time, the centaurs on both sides will be unable to make any waves at all.

However, what Crazy Ax didn't expect was that the teammates responsible for containing both sides sent bad news.

"It's not good! There's no way these centaurs can stop them. They're heading straight for the Kodo!" A message from his teammates appeared on the information bar, but in Crazy Ax's view, it was a sudden thought in his mind. shock!

He quickly pulled the mouse back, and suddenly there were five centaur warriors attacking the last Kodo! Although the Kodo has a full thousand health, it has only a little armor and moves very slowly! After being held close by centaurs, there is no chance of getting rid of their axes! We can only let them attack one after another! The blood volume dropped sharply!

damn it!

Crazy Ax complained secretly, and quickly issued a new command, "Remote units retreat and protect the Kodo beasts, leave the front to us!"

Seeing Crazy Ax's command, the four remote players in the back row immediately pulled their units back to the Kodo side, and started to deal with the centaurs that were approaching!

However, what surprised them was that in the face of their attack, the centaur was unmoved at all! It seems like the only thing in sight is Kodo! Just keep staring at the Kodo and continue attacking!

No one else needs to explain this scene, Kuang Ax has already seen it! At this time, he couldn't care about anything else, "If you don't want to cure the disease, just you and the two of them cooperate with Sal and hold on! I'll go over to help first!"

There are not many centaurs left in the front, and Thrall's team can actually cope with it. However, in order to ensure that no accidents occur, it would be better to leave the witch doctor Bu Cure behind.

Quickly retreating from the front, before the Roaring Wolf Rider could get close, the big net was thrown over first! Although kodos can only be beaten, they can still move, but not as fast as centaurs. But being caught in the net is different!

Seeing Crazy Ax netting one, the others also used their recovered control skills to hit the centaurs one by one! But even like this, the health tank of the Kodo beast that was set on fire was already two-thirds empty! The situation is very bad!

Crazy Ax can’t take care of this situation! The hero immediately rushed to the middle of the centaur, and the battle roar that had cooled down was activated again! Putting an end to their hatred of the Kodos! Finally, the Kodos were saved for the time being!

It's just... when Crazy Ax controlled these five centaur warriors, four more centaur archers and a centaur mage broke through! And their target is still the Kodo beast that was attacked! And, to make matters worse, the centaur mage used a skill on the Kodo beast, Elf Fire!

Elf Fire, reduces the target's armor by 3 points!

Chapter two today. I made up one point in the previous chapter: Kodo beasts do not accept any form of treatment from players. Then, I looked at October. . I wrote a lot in that month mainly because I had fixed 4,000 base updates every day. Then, there are small outbursts from time to time. . As for this month, it’s okay for now. . Oops.

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