Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 139: Duel with the Harpy Queen

Although the 3D vision of the game makes the graphics of many games more beautiful and gorgeous, for a small number of players, such vision will make them feel uncomfortable.

Of course, Feilai doesn't mean that he can't adapt to it, he just doesn't like playing in this mode for too long.

Switch the 3D perspective and control your hero to jump between cliffs and faults. Fortunately, he had the invisibility effect of Wind Step, so the three or two harpies could not detect him at all. Speaking of which, if a few more people came over, in this case, it would become a drag.

After dodging a large number of harpies, Feilai reached the top smoothly and finally saw the mission target, the Queen of Harpies. The Harpy Queen's perch is a circular nest with a diameter of a thousand yards, and its attributes do not exceed Feilai's expectations - a level 20 leader-level monster.

Harpy Queen: Level 20 boss, life: 15,000, magic: 3,000. Attack 160-180, light armor 15; fluttering wings, consuming 100 mana, relying on the wings to release two wind blades, each causing 200 damage; hurricane spell, consuming 200 mana, releasing a continuous tornado, causing damage to units within 500 yards. 50 points of damage per second, lasting 10 seconds, cooldown 25; rapid combo, passive, each attack can increase one's own attack speed by 10%, stacked up to five times, lasting 5 seconds; dispel, consumes 200 mana, activated when life is less than half , which can blow the enemy five thousand yards away.

In terms of panel attributes, although the Harpy Queen is a leader-level monster, she still cannot get rid of the fact that the air unit has low health. As for skills, there are two active and one passive, which is really rare. As for the dispelling skill, it was blown away five thousand yards without any damage. Feilai didn't understand what this skill meant.

However, no matter what effect this skill has, Feilai will never say that he won't take action against the Harpy Queen. After reading the opponent's attributes, there are less than a few seconds left for the effect of Wind Step, so Fei Lai delivers a decisive blow to reveal himself! Follow up, lift slash, sudden slash, horizontal slash, jumping slash, spinning slash, giant slash! A complete set of skill output, interspersed with basic attacks, and three fatal triggers. In less than five seconds, Feilai wiped out more than a thousand and two lives of the Harpy Queen!

I have to say that Feilai's explosion was really terrifying! In particular, his professional skills calculate damage based on his own basic attack damage, which means that his skill damage has unlimited room for improvement!

However, without control skills, when Feilai attacked the Harpy Queen, it also gave Feilai a counterattack. Two attacks took away Feilai's nearly 300 lives!

A bottle of potion was used immediately, and Feilai's lifting and sudden slashes were cooled down. He used these two skill combinations again and once again caused nearly 300 damage to the Harpy Queen! In less than ten seconds, one-tenth of its health was already wiped out! I’m afraid anyone who sees this output capability will be extremely surprised!

Perhaps also annoyed by Feilai's attack, the Harpy Queen suddenly flapped her wings, and her huge wings glowed with a light blue halo. She flapped her wings and launched! Two wind blades were shot out by it one after another! Each of these wind blades will cause two hundred damage! The power cannot be underestimated!

However, what people didn't expect was that when the wind blade was about to hit Feilai, his body suddenly became void!

Clone technique, activate!

Feilai's timing of using this clone technique was too precise! Makes one even doubt that such a predictive ability is really possessed by a human being? Because the release speed of the wind blade is absolutely very fast, and it may not even take 0.5 seconds to hit the hero! But Fei Lai did seize such 0.5 seconds, and then relied on the 0.5 nihilistic time when performing the clone technique to avoid this skill!

As the two clones appeared, Feilai did not continue to attack immediately. Instead, he activated the Wind Step again. Then, the mouse quickly clicked on the two clones and pulled them apart, while the real body ran to the Shadow Eagle. Behind the queen, she revealed herself and struck! Then, the frenzy and violence start at the same time!

With the two status skills activated, Feilai's attack speed will reach a quite terrifying number! During this period, even if he is not using skills, just relying on basic attacks can cause quite terrifying output! The only problem is that it takes an additional 30% damage.

but! With Feilai's clone technique, this problem will no longer be a problem! Relying on clones to absorb damage, the hero can completely stand and output!

Under the terrifying attack speed, the use of skills seems redundant. Although the damage output by a set is really high, after turning on the dual madness skills, if skills are added in the middle, the frequency of attacks will actually be reduced. Moreover, the damage of skills is not as high as that of basic attacks at the moment!

Energy swords struck at the Harpy Queen one after another, with an attack frequency of almost two times per second! Its blood tank is decreasing step by step at a visible speed!

However, the Harpy Queen is not so easy to deal with. The clone needs to bear twice the damage to face its attack, and each attack will take away nearly a quarter of the life! Two clones can only support it for eight seconds at most! At the same time, another skill of the Harpy Queen was also released, the hurricane technique!

The release position of the hurricane technique is directly below the Harpy Queen. This position happens to bring both the real body and the clone within the range. And with the added damage from the hurricane spell, the time the clones could buy was even less. They only resisted six attacks from the Harpy Queen, and both clones were killed!

Moreover, what is even more troublesome is that the Harpy Queen's rapid combo has been stacked to five levels, and its attack speed has also been greatly improved! Fifty percent, enough to shorten its attack speed to once per second! Therefore, the time of six attacks did not exceed ten seconds! Only eight seconds at most! On the other hand, if I had not come here, the clone technique would still have three seconds to cool down! As for Wind Step, the cooldown time is longer!

In other words, Feilai must resist the Harpy Queen's output for three seconds! And with its current attack speed, three attacks!

After killing the clone, the Harpy Queen immediately turned around and flapped her wings to launch a wind blade attack! -213! With violent negative effects, this blow directly took away more than 200 lives of Feilai! Then, the second attack continues! Another damage of over 200!

After taking two hard attacks, Feilai still chooses to stand still and output! The terrain did not provide him with the possibility of getting rid of the Harpy Queen's attack. Moreover, when he activated the dual madness skills, he had the idea of ​​​​fighting with the opponent head-on!

A bottle of potion was used again, bringing back three hundred lives. Feilai was ready to eat the opponent's third attack!

The first chapter today is, well, two hundred chapters. . Unknowingly.

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