Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 150 BOSS Thunder Lizard

Looking at the equipment exploded from this altar, it is impossible not to be surprised! When they first conquered the level 15 dungeon, even the last BOSS only lost a useless job-changing item. Not even a piece of equipment appeared in the entire dungeon. If it weren't for the very good skill rewards Thrall gave at the end, I'm afraid teammates would definitely go to the official website to complain!

But in today's level 20 dungeon, Feilai's luck is quite good! The Harpy Queen dropped a flying pet egg before, but now she has a purple piece of equipment, and looking at the shape, it looks like a ring! The drop rate of accessories and equipment in the game is very low!

Although Feilai was curious as to why an altar would also drop equipment, since he could get the equipment, it was a good thing anyway! He quickly picked up the ring.

Ring of Talisman: A mysterious ring from the Death Arena, all attributes are increased by one; the talisman is generated. After use, a talisman is randomly generated and can only be used once per day.

Feilai was really surprised when he looked at the attributes of this talisman ring. The attributes it improves are not much. All attributes are increased by one. It is not an exaggeration to say that this improvement is equivalent to no improvement. But the accompanying talisman generation greatly enhances its effect! Feilai has experienced the effect of the talisman in the battle just now. It is no exaggeration to say that if a suitable talisman appears during the battle, it can completely change the ending! For example, attack runes and shield runes. With the addition of these effects, the improvement to the unit is not just a little bit!

The wearing level of the Talisman Ring is level 20. Of course, Feilai put it on his equipment slot without hesitation. After wearing it, you immediately have a chance to generate a magical rune. After that, Feilai of course pulled all the units into the energy gate. Now, it's time for him to reunite with Crazy Ax...

However, as one would have guessed, Kuang Ax was facing the biggest trouble at this time.

There are more than four kodos in its huge body! Dark green hard skin completely wrapped this huge body! Every time the four strong thick legs take a step, they will leave a footprint on the ground. On the back, a row of dark brown spines glow with white lightning, and a thick and long tail can clearly be seen attached to a ball of thunder and lightning. on top. And its head, a face that looks like a lizard and a rhinoceros, has three sharp horns, two short and one long, growing out of the nose, making this weird-looking face look strangely fierce! This is the guy who brought huge trouble to Crazy Axe and others, the BOSS, Thunderous Lizard!

Thunderous Lizard: Level 25 BOSS, a giant lizard living in the desert. Because the power of thunder and lightning on its body is unstable, it has a very bad temper.

Life: 30,000, magic 5,000, mid-range attack 100-250, heavy armor 20.

Unstable lightning, passive, because it has unstable lightning power, when it is attacked by melee, it will reduce the opponent's attack speed and movement speed by 15%, which lasts for 5 seconds.

Chain lightning attack, passive, uses thunder power as an attack, which can cause damage to three units around the target at the same time, with the damage reduced by 25% each time.

Trample: consumes 200 mana, bombards the ground, causes 200 damage to surrounding targets, and stuns for 3 seconds. Cool down for 30 seconds.

Chain Lightning: consumes 250 mana, releases a bolt of lightning, causing 275 damage to up to 8 units, cooldown 40 seconds.

Devour: Swallow a unit and digest it at 25 points of damage per second. After digestion is completed, it cools down for 30 seconds.

Thunder Rush: Triggered when the blood loss exceeds 10,000, summoning a large number of Thunder Lizards to perform a suicidal charge. After collision, 100 points of damage will be caused, lasting 15 seconds.

The Thunderbolt Lizard is very strong, and Crazy Ax will never deny this. But what really caused Crazy Axe's pain was not the power of the Thunderous Lizard. When they faced the Knight Commander, wasn't the Knight Commander also very strong compared to them? But didn’t Crazy Ax and others still win in the end?

From Crazy Ax's point of view, although it is difficult to kill this thunder lizard, it is not impossible. What really gave him a headache was the way the Thunderbolt Lizard appeared - this guy jumped directly from the high ground on one side while everyone was advancing! And it fell right in front of the Kodo! And this guy opened his big mouth to the Kodo beast without any courtesy! Devour, swallowed a Kodo in one bite!

Originally there were only four Kodos left, but after swallowing this one, there were exactly three left! Although swallowing requires digestion time, if the opponent is killed before digestion is completed, the swallowed unit will still survive. However, can this thunder lizard be eliminated in a short time? Not to mention that it swallowed one Kodo, even if it swallowed one more, Crazy Ax didn't think everyone could kill it after it finished digesting the second one!

Fortunately, there is one thing that makes Crazy Ax feel lucky: after the Thunder Lizard swallowed the Kodo beast, it did not attack other Kodo beasts. Instead, it was attacked by the player and rushed towards the player. Perhaps, this guy regards kodos as his own food.

Crazy Ax doesn't care what the Thunderbolt Lizard thinks about the Kodo. In his opinion, a Kodo has already entered this guy's stomach, which is enough to give him a headache!

"The long-range units pull this guy away as soon as possible! The melee units go around and block Thrall's troops first." Crazy Ax quickly issued the command. The Thunder Lizard only has a medium-range attack range, and the long-range units have the advantage of range. Appropriate control skills can slow down the Thunder Lizard's pursuit speed, and you can pull it away without any damage.

But the Thrall troops in front of the team were in a different situation. For them, as long as they attack the Kodo beasts, they need to destroy them! He doesn’t care at all what level or strength the other party is!

But how could Crazy Ax let them charge forward so directly? Besides, the Thunderbolt Lizard is too close to the Kodo! If Thrall's Beast Soldier Wolf rides up and holds back the Thunder Lizard's hatred so that it can't continue to move, will the guy in the back just swallow another Kodo after digesting the Kodo in his stomach? Therefore, when pulling the Thunderous Lizard away, Crazy Ax did not let anyone use control skills in order to pull it away as much as possible! The further away the better!

As for the Kodo beasts, even if these bulky guys watched their companions being swallowed by others in the first few seconds, their movement speed was still so slow! He continued to move forward slowly, looking at Kuang Ax secretly anxiously! If he could control the Kodos, he would have kept them far away, so it wouldn't be that important whether the Thunder Lizard kept them far away!

Unfortunately, this is just a thought. Kodos are not controlled by players after all.

The melee players who bypassed the Thunderous Lizard quickly blocked the Wolf Cavalry and Beast Soldiers who wanted to rush forward. The player's operation was still very good. The Z-shaped blocking operation may allow them to use it to block the player's unit. No, it can be used to block system units without difficulty.

Seeing the Thunderous Tyrant Lizard chasing the remote unit, its movement speed was much faster than that of the players, so Crazy Ax immediately controlled his Howling Wolf Rider to trap it! Even though this guy was huge, the big net still caught it completely and kept it in place!

The only pity was that the trap acted on the Thunderous Lizard, and it broke free in less than a second! This control effect is weakened by far more than half! Of course, other players also have more or less control skills, but similarly, the effect of these skills on the Thunderous Lizard is greatly reduced. The skill that could originally stun the Thunder Lizard for three seconds can only stun it for one second. A skill that has a movement speed of 35% and lasts for five seconds. Not to mention whether the effect is as great as 35%, but the time is only less than two seconds.

However, after all this tossing, the Thunderbolt Lizard was finally pulled out of most of the screen. This distance should be enough to ensure that this guy will no longer pose a threat to the Kodo! Naturally, it is time for the players to take action against this big guy!

What makes people more helpless is that the kodo beast in its belly is probably almost half digested...

Chapter two today, almost two thousand and five thousand. The final boss of this plot doesn’t want to take too many chapters, so I’ll shorten the chapters by writing more. I don’t know if you will think the plot is a bit dragged out. . . Forehead. .

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