The two clones opened the Tentacle of Doom, and Daguang activated an acceleration scroll. The movement speed of the two units immediately doubled, and the distance between the Eye of Doom and the Eye of Doom was quickly shortened to within a thousand yards. This distance is enough Daguang used the evil-breaking energy ball.

Naturally, Daguang would not waste time. He immediately used the evil-breaking energy ball and waited for the ten seconds to pass. Chen Fei, on the other hand, pulled his unit and continued to rush towards the Eye of Doom. The next step is the key part of the plan. Chen Fei must attract all the attacks from the Eye of Doom and must not let it attack Da Guang.

According to Daguang, when the Energy Breaking Energy Ball is waiting for its time to be used, it will be fine if it is attacked, but if it moves or is controlled, time will need to be saved again. Originally, it was not easy to gain one minute. If there were one or two interruptions in the middle, it would take more time. Fade Chen couldn't guarantee that he would be able to last that long!

His mercenaries rushed in front of the Eye of Doom, and the Eye of Doom naturally wouldn't say that he didn't take action. Its attack is not just for show! Super long-range attacks are no joke! One of the water elements in front was scattered under its attack! The attack distance is even further than the Tentacle of Doom, almost two thousand yards!

Naturally, the two clones couldn't hold on for long, and the time they could buy was to get Chen Fei close to the Eye of Doom. As soon as the clone was killed, the Eye of Doom immediately launched a basic attack. The attack trajectory was an energy beam, and the attack target was the knight rushing at the front.

Regarding the first attack of the Eye of Doom, Chen Fei did not think of any good way to deal with it. He could only let the knight rely on his own blood to resist. However, he still underestimated the attack of the Eye of Doom. With one attack, the full-blooded knight turned into red blood! In one blow, more than 90% of his life was wiped out!

Chen Fei was immediately frightened!

Immediately, a holy light shone on the knight, and he quickly regained his life. But at this time, the six tentacles of doom in front also launched an attack, and the target was also the knight. If their attacks also hit the knight, then the knight would definitely be killed instantly!

Therefore, Chen Fei will not give the tentacles of doom a chance to attack this time!

When their tentacles shrank, Chen Fei threw a bomb between them. Chen Fei didn't care about the damage caused by the "boom" explosion, but the effect of the explosion was to interrupt their attack and keep the knights safe.

After blocking the attack of the Tentacle of Doom, Chen Fei simultaneously pulled the knight back. There is no way, the attack of the Eye of Doom is too high, and it is also a magic attack. Banishing it in front of it not only has no effect, but also increases its attack power, increasing the possibility of killing your own unit. If you can't use the words of exile, to be honest, it will still have a great impact on Chen Fei. This skill is really effective in saving lives in many cases.

Without the protection of the exile, and the attack of the Eye of Doom exceeded Chen Fei's expectation, the only way Chen Fei could think of was to let several mercenaries take turns to bear the attack of the Eye of Doom to ensure that they would not be killed. Of course, the attack of the Tentacle of Doom needs to be interrupted. To do this, he asked for some bombs from Daguang, which is what he did just now.

The attack of the Tentacle of Doom did not come out, and the second attack of the Eye of Doom started to prepare accordingly. When he charged just now, Chen Fei had already calculated the time interval between the two attacks. The Tentacle of Doom launched an attack in about two seconds, while the Eye of Doom launched an attack in four seconds. Neither of them had high attack speed. This is somewhat good news.

Seeing that the second attack of the Tentacles of Doom was about to launch, Chen Fei's heroes got closer to them, and decisively launched a stone wall under them. The sudden stone wall once again interrupted their attack. , and at the same time blocked them behind the stone wall. If they are lucky, their next attack will hit the stone wall, which Chen Fei will be happy to see.

After interrupting the attack of the Tentacle of Doom again, the potion on his body had just finished cooling down, so he quickly used it on the knight. At the same time, he switched skills, replacing Stone Wall with Restoration, and used them together. As a result, the knight's health tank is finally almost full, and there should still be one second left for the Eye of Doom's second attack. At this second, Chen Fei pulled the three mercenaries away, widening the distance between them to more than 300 yards, and the hero also began to retreat.

Facts have proved that Chen Fei's operation was quite correct. The next second, the Eye of Doom did not launch another basic attack, but the entire eyeball shrank, and then, a beam of light three hundred yards wide was directed at the knight! The first second after the hit, a thousand damage appeared from the knight's head!

Beam of Doom, this skill Chen Fei knows, lasts for five seconds and causes a thousand damage per second. It is very powerful, but Chen Fei is actually waiting for the Eye of Doom to release this skill - this is a continuous casting skill, which means that the Eye of Doom cannot perform basic attacks!

Chen Fei didn't have to dodge his basic attack, so didn't he still have to dodge his skills?

The first second the knight was hit by the beam of doom, Chen Fei quickly adjusted his direction and launched a push technique on the knight, pushing him diagonally outward from the range of the beam, and then continued to move to one side. This doom beam is not fixed in one direction! As soon as the knight ran out of its range, it spun around and chased the knight, trying to bring the knight into range again.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Fei to let the knight be hit again. With his blood volume, if he was hit again, he would die directly.

Fortunately, with the knight's movement speed, the doom beam had no chance to catch up with him. As for the alchemist on the same side of the knight, Chen Fei used the violent potion to increase his movement speed and would not be hit by the doom beam.

Watching Chen Fei's continuous operations, Da Guang, who was behind him, secretly marveled in his heart. He was worthy of being the first person in the game, and he was indeed quite strong! It is much stronger than many high-end players that Daguang has seen! Especially his use of skills. The stone wall interrupts the attack of the tentacles of doom and prevents their next attack. The use of the push technique is obviously also well thought out. When ensuring that the knight will not be hit again, it will be launched The maximum distance - this can be inferred from the fact that the distance between the knight and the doom beam is only about a hundred yards. If it were another player, I think most of the time they would maximize the distance between them.

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