Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 498 New situation, Muradin recovers

A series of operations were completed instantly, and the development of things at this time completely followed Chen Fei's expectations!

After summoning the Nendoroid, the hero sprinted towards the exit at full speed without any pause! Although this speed is actually constant.

The Abyss Lord's skill failed, and of course he chased Chen Fei again. However, without the blinking skill, the distance of two thousand yards is not something that can be caught up, especially when Chen Fei summoned a Nendoroid to block the position. No, the Lord of the Abyss had just run out less than 800 yards, and the clay man had already hit his face. He followed, moved left and right, and blocked the position forcefully!

The blocking effect of the Nendoroid has been verified before. Unless the Lord of the Abyss kills it, under Chen Fei's control, it can definitely be stuck and cannot move forward 500 yards for ten seconds!

But what is a bit surprising is that the Abyss Lord was only slightly stuck by the Nendoroid for two or three seconds this time, and immediately launched an attack on the Nendoroid! The lightning shield was summoned again, and six lightning balls appeared in an instant, and then automatically crashed into the Nendoroid! The two thunder balls hit the Nendoroid and killed it easily! I have to say that the upgraded lightning shield is too strong!

"Zheng Wen, the Tuyuan guards come here and help!"

At the critical moment, the summons that had not been killed in the front were all catching up. Among them, the Tuyuan Guard was running in front, only five hundred yards away from the hero. After a while, he was able to effectively restrain the Abyss Lord!

However, if you want to contain him, you can't compare to hitting him!

"Stop the earth element guard and let other summons go up and touch the skills." There are still four thunder balls. If the earth element guard goes up directly, it will definitely end up like the Nendoroid.

After hearing Chen Fei's command, Zheng Wen immediately stopped the earth element guard and let Ying Fei's fire element rush over.

Before the fire element could get close to the Abyss Lord, the thunder and lightning balls automatically attacked the fire element. Two thunder and lightning balls killed one fire element, and the four thunder and lightning balls were used up in the blink of an eye! Later, the earth element followed up! After walking around behind the Abyss Lord and waiting for it to run out of the taunting range of the Tuyuan Guard, Zheng Wen activated his skills!

To ridicule, no matter how hard the Abyss Lord tried, he could only turn around and attack the earth element! However, as soon as it launched its first attack, the Earth Elemental Guard ran towards the depths without looking back. Now, when the Abyss Lord wanted to launch a second attack, the Earth Elemental Guard was already running away with red blood. Out of its attack range! The taunting effect was still there, and it had to pursue the Tuyuan guards! Continue to widen the distance between it and the hero!

After waiting for the abyss lord to catch up with the Tuyuan guard and kill him, Chen Fei had already ran away nearly four thousand yards! As we get closer and closer to the exit, the hero's health is also replenished, and Zheng Wen's other meta guards are ready to continue to contain the abyss lord. At this time, even if it flashes twice, there is no chance to catch up!

Finally, he successfully ran out of the abyss lord's warning range! Muradin's weapon is successfully obtained!

Seeing Chen Fei complete the side mission, the three of them were still very happy. However, before they could say anything to Chen Fei, something new happened at the temporary base. Varian and Jaina actually decided to lead their troops out to find Arthas!

The undead stronghold on the main line has not yet been cleared, and the dwarf support has not been completed. At this time, the two decided to lead their troops out. Wouldn't they definitely collide with the undead stronghold? No matter how many troops the two of them bring here, based on the system settings, their combat effectiveness will definitely not be that strong! The overall strength can be almost the same as that of the undead stronghold, which may be the maximum limit!

However, system units are a very critical combat capability in the copy! Unless you have to, try not to let it suffer losses, especially if there are strongholds of other forces! You have no idea what plot will be arranged for you after the dungeon mission. At that time, if the heroic NPC does not have enough system units to protect it, the heroic NPC may be killed!

This situation is not uncommon. In the first few times of camp battles, the main camps on both sides often failed to protect the system teams. In the end, their own commanders became mere commanders, which ultimately led to the failure of the battle.

"You guys should follow up first and try your best to ensure that the losses to the system units will not be too great. We will go there now."

The happy mood of the few people disappeared in an instant, and they quickly pulled their units and ran towards the temporary base. They were completely in no mood to look back at the Abyss Lord...

Halfway through, Chen Fei asked Shen Feng, Zheng Wen, Corn and Ying Fei to go over to support him while he went to the dwarf tribe to hand in the mission. On the main line, Varian and Jaina were already very close to the undead stronghold, but they were fighting a new wave of undead units! All the players following them have joined the battle. However, with the support of defense towers and roadblocks in front, it was very easy for everyone to fight. Now it is a melee between two system units. Although they will not be subject to focused fire, the system units are easily attacked! On the contrary, this forces a group of player units to spread out. When you see a system unit with low health, rush over with a blood bottle or a recovery skill. When you see a system unit being attacked by focused fire, you quickly find a way to share some of its hatred! There is no way to do good Austrian output!

Of course, the main reason for this is that the most powerful output points in the team have been taken out!

The four people went to support, and Chen Fei's screen cut to the battle position. Varian and Jaina followed their team one after another and were already fighting with the undead unit! However, due to the needs of the dungeon, the combat power of the two was completely inferior to that of the cutscene. Varian's combat power was probably only as good as that of two knights, and Jaina was just an ordinary archmage. It feels like a bit of a trap!

Fortunately, the two of them are heroic units after all, and their blood volume is still very full! On the contrary, the surrounding units suffered a lot of losses! Especially the gargoyles in the air, these guys are specifically targeting the crispy units in the back row! If the players hadn't stepped in to supply the system units and stepped up the counterattack, we don't know how many casualties there would have been!

We must hurry!

Finally, the heroes arrived at the dwarf tribe. Muradin could no longer be seen at the door, but a golden question mark on the guard's head was very conspicuous. The mouse quickly clicked on him.

Dwarf Guard: Human, you actually recovered the leader's weapon, that's great. Come in quickly, the leader is in the largest tent in the tribe, we are waiting for you to come back.

After a monologue, the dwarf guard guarding the door immediately moved out of the way. Chen Fei pulled the hero in and saw the largest tent before going far. Muradin was standing outside the tent.

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