Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 516 Test of the Forgotten

The forgotten person in front of him has recovered from the effects of sheep transformation and exile. But it still has no chance to release time from stopping. The players who gathered around Chen Fei tacitly aimed their skills at the Forgotten One. There are many control skills among them, so the Forgotten are still under the control of the players.

Shaking the mouse, Chen Fei scanned the surrounding environment again. Of the nearly ten Forgotten ones, only the one in front of him had not yet released Time Stop. The others had been released and faced the trapped units. An attack was launched, and the players suffered heavy losses! Basically, as long as it is framed, it is a certain death rhythm!


Chen Fei suddenly thought of two points. Quickly hitting Enter sent another message - everyone, pause the attack and come closer to me!

Although the players around Chen Fei didn't understand what he was going to do, they still followed his instructions, stopped attacking at the same time, and tried to get as close to Chen Fei as possible. When everyone was approaching, Chen Fei threw a flaming meteorite at the Forgotten One, but he couldn't give it a chance to rush over!

When the meteorite pushed the Forsaken out, the surrounding players had already gathered around Chen Fei. Their number was actually not many, only a dozen units and five players. In terms of quantity, it is just right for Chen Fei to use his skills.

The Nendoroid was summoned first, followed by the wizard, making the group invisible!

When we first met the Forgotten, their introduction did not include anti-stealth capabilities. It was only because of the special nature of the entrance to the corridor that they were able to detect stealth units. So will these enhanced forgotten people in front of us have anti-invisibility capabilities?

After everyone's units entered the invisible state, Chen Fei immediately pulled the clay man towards the Forgotten One who was pushed out by the flaming meteorite. If the opponent has anti-invisibility ability, he will definitely attack the Nendoroid after the effect of the flame meteorite ends.

The answer came out quickly. After the effect of the flaming meteorite ended, the Forgotten One did not attack the clay man. Instead, he rushed into the other Forgotten One's barrier and joined the attack on the players inside.

very good! Sure enough, there is no anti-invisibility ability!

After getting the result he wanted, Chen Fei immediately felt much more stable. They are quite safe now. So next, it’s time to test another point!

Switching to the hero's side, he pulled him towards the nearest static barrier. After closing the distance, a blood bottle was launched at the player with residual blood inside. The player's blood volume immediately increased! This stasis barrier does not restrict players from using the units inside to use potions!

"Everyone, spread out quickly! Use blood bottles to help others supply supplies." Chen Fei quickly typed out this sentence. Being able to save one more player will be helpful for the next battle!

Seeing what Chen Fei said, of course everyone immediately carried it out! Quickly separate and use the health bottle on the nearest unit. In the invisible state, using a blood bottle will not eliminate the invisibility, but it is quite good.

With such a skill, there is no problem in keeping a few players. However, what Chen Fei wants is not limited to these! Although invisibility can guarantee his safety, he still has no idea what this copy means! If he couldn't find out the reason for the appearance of this copy, Chen Fei always felt like he had a grudge in his heart.

Not because of anything else, just because it has the word "empty"...

The surrounding Forgotten Ones have begun to have stasis enchantments, and when the time comes, they begin to disappear. However, although the barrier has disappeared, the remaining units inside have either been killed or are in a state of residual health. If the heroes left behind are heroes, that would be fine. At least they can keep up with a blood bottle for replenishment. But if it were a mercenary, there would be absolutely no chance of survival! The Forgotten One doesn't even have to go up for a moment or two, and it's harvested in an instant!

Therefore, Chen Fei must take risks to save a few more people! And this decision gave him a third thing to test!

The player who Chen Fei used a bottle of potion to withstand an attack was already facing another attack from the Forgotten One. With one blow, his blood tank was almost completely empty, leaving only a trace of blood skin! The effect of the stasis barrier is still there, and his ending may not be changed.

However, just as the Forgotten One's iron rod was about to fall on him, suddenly, the player's hero rushed out of the stasis barrier with a 'swish'! Escape directly from the iron rod of the Forgotten!

What's happening here?

The rescued player was confused, but his reaction was not slow. He used the potion immediately to bring up the hero's health. Then he looked at his mercenary who was still in the barrier, only to find that the mercenary had also come out of the barrier! And at their original location, a stone wall appeared out of thin air! It was precisely because of the appearance of this stone wall that they were forced to withdraw!

The sudden situation was naturally due to Chen Fei. The former was the Pushing Technique, and the latter was the obvious Stone Wall Technique. After completing the two skills, Chen Fei followed a flash and jumped to the edge of another static barrier, and launched a holy light at another player inside! The holy light was not blocked by the barrier!

Chen Fei immediately came to the conclusion: the barrier was probably just a skill to resist attacks. Assistance and recovery skills used on friendly parties would not be intercepted by the barrier. In this way, there may be a chance to save more units!

Switch skills, recover, and continue to activate the player in front of you. At the same time, the cooled blood bottle is also used, pulling up most of the opponent's blood tank at once. It happened that the stasis barrier he was in had reached the time and had regained control of his unit. The player also used the blood bottle for replenishment immediately. Moreover, it happened that he was still an assassin unit. He opened the Wind Step and entered stealth. !

But just like this, the two Forgotten Ones targeted Chen Fei! At the same time, they rushed towards him! By the way, there are two Forgotten ones who have already eliminated the units in front of them, and they also regard Chen Fei as the next target of attack!

This time, the hatred of four forgotten people was drawn!

At this time, the great wizard's group invisibility is still in a cooling state, and Chen Fei's two displacement skills are also in a cooling state. But fortunately, the Forgotten Void Strike is also cooling down, which makes them can only run towards the hero. In this way, Chen Fei was finally given the opportunity to continue to unleash his skills! At this time, Chen Fei didn't dare to have any reservations...

Sheng Yao Ming Lei!

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