Online Game Xianxia: Steal The Supreme Golden Elixir Of Laojun At The Beginning

Chapter 65 The Perverted "Holy Demon Body Technique"

"Hiss! Is this the holy-rank body technique?" Seeing the body technique of "Holy Devil Body Technique", Ye Li couldn't help being stunned.

In his mind, body technique is a martial art that makes oneself faster and dodges more exquisitely.

But now, when he saw the attributes of "Holy Demon Body Technique", he suddenly realized that he was still thinking too naively.

"Basic speed + 2000..." This increased speed alone is already more than the speed added by the sixth stage "Heavenly Demon Divine Art".

However, this is also quite understandable.

After all, "Holy Demon Body Technique" itself is an accelerated movement technique martial skill.

But "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art" is just a skill after all.

There is no comparison at all.

But even so, the base speed of 2000 still made Ye Li a little dumbfounded.

Adding the base speed of 2000, his current speed has reached 4450.

Next, "overall speed +10%..."

That is, the final speed, an additional 10% increase.

4450 plus, 10% of 4450, the final speed is 4895.

Then, "Damage Reduction +5%..."

To be honest, this attribute is really beyond his expectation. It is unimaginable that a body technique can increase and reduce damage.

However, compared to the mystery of the "Holy Demon Body Technique" in his mind, this is expected.

Because, the original body of "Holy Demon 440 Movement Technique" is "Phantom Demon Movement Technique", and the creator of "Phantom Demon Movement Technique" is the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan is the head of both Buddhism and Demon School, and his core idea of ​​martial arts includes Buddhism's idea of ​​"not on the other side, not on this side, but in the middle".

To a certain extent, this also affected "Phantom Demon Body Technique".

The reason why this body technique is named "Phantom Demon" is because the changes in reality and reality are too delicate.

What is false is true, what is true is false, what is not true is not true, what is not true is not false.

And when this characteristic is strengthened by the power of good fortune, it becomes even more obvious.

When performing the "Holy Demon Body Technique", with the help of the power of space, the caster's body merges into the space, between illusion and reality, between reality and space.

It is impossible for ordinary attacks to be implemented.

Either it falls into the void, or it is transferred into the space.

Therefore, it is really normal to have 5% damage reduction.

Next, "The number of phantoms among monsters +1..."

This attribute alone is nothing special, and it doesn't seem to be very powerful.

But if you cooperate with feature 2 - "When you receive fatal damage, you will automatically use a holy magic body to replace you, and at the same time restore 50% of the upper limit of blood and blood. Note: The dead holy magic body will be replaced after 24 hours Automatic recovery."

That's completely different.

(bdaf) Because of this, it is completely a surrogate function.

Once the threat of death is encountered, let the holy magic come and die for him.

Others need props such as substitute dolls to die for others, but his "Holy Devil Body Technique" can directly replace death.

This kind of power and magic has simply surpassed Ye Li's understanding of body skills.

Ye Li doesn't know what to say other than being abnormal.

Finally, there is characteristic 1————"When you use this agility, in your senses, the speed of everything [will become 1% of the original..."

What does this feature mean?

Simply put, it is bullet time.

Still, this one is more powerful than bullet time.

Because, in this state, the speed of everything will become 1% of the original, which is even more abnormal than the weakening of the time between the two.

In this state, even the speed of a supersonic bullet, in your eyes, is just B meters per second.

Ordinary attacks are not much faster than snails.

Even an attack at 10 times the speed of sound, or 100 times the speed of sound, can completely react.

It can be said that just this feature makes the value of "Holy Demon Body Technique" incalculable.

One must know that although body techniques are different from martial arts such as palm techniques, sword techniques, and saber techniques, their difficulty is also not small.

When to hide, and how to hide... There are too many skills in this.

Ordinary players, without inheritance, cannot master these skills at all.

Because of this, many times, the attack that can be dodged is very likely, but you hit it by yourself.

But, with this bullet time, that's different.

With 100 times more reaction time, you can think carefully and think clearly, and have enough time to react when encountering emergencies.

Under such circumstances, even if you want to hit the enemy's attack, it may be very difficult.

Based on all these situations, Ye Li just wants to say that with this "Holy Demon Body Technique", it is really hard to die.

Recalling the attributes of "Holy Demon Body Technique", Ye Li couldn't help sighing.

"I really underestimated the power of holy rank martial arts!"

"That's right, even the god-level martial arts are so powerful, how can the higher-level holy-rank martial arts be so simple?"

"Ordinary-level agility may indeed only accelerate, but how can this holy-level agility only accelerate like ordinary agility?"

"Fortunately, I learned this "Holy Devil Body Technique" decisively, otherwise, if I miss it, I will really regret it."

"Of course, it should be impossible to miss it."

Ye Li took another look at the attributes of "Holy Demon Body Technique", and then began to upgrade decisively.

"Ding Dong, you spent 10,000 cultivation bases to upgrade the "Holy Demon Body Technique" to the second level!"

"Ding Dong, you spent 100,000 cultivation bases to upgrade the "Holy Demon Body Technique" to the third stage!"

"Ding Dong, you spent 1 million cultivation bases to upgrade the "Holy Demon Body Technique" to the fourth level!"

"Ding Dong, you spent 5 million cultivation bases to upgrade the "Holy Demon Body Technique" to the fifth level!"

"Ding Dong, your remaining cultivation base is not enough, and the "Holy Demon Body Technique" cannot be upgraded..."

"It's still lacking in cultivation. It seems that we can only go up to the fifth level!" Ye Li shook his head, looking expectantly at the attribute of the fifth level "Holy Demon Body Technique".

[Holy Demon Body Skill: Holy Rank Body Skill, 5/8 (consumes 20 million cultivation base, can be improved).

Base Speed ​​+10000 ($2000)

Overall speed +200% (↑100%)

Damage Reduction +25% (5%)

The number of holy magic bodies +20 ($10)

Feature 1: When you cast this agility, the speed of everything in your senses will become 1% of its original speed.

Feature 2: When you receive fatal damage, automatically use a holy magic body to replace you, and restore 50% of the upper limit of blood at the same time. Note: The dead holy magic body will automatically recover after 24 hours. 】

"I rely on!"

Ye Li looked at the attribute of the fifth level "Holy Demon Body Technique", and immediately widened his eyes involuntarily, and cried out.

Because, the fifth level of "Holy Demon Body Technique", compared to the first level of "Holy Demon Body Technique", is simply too much stronger.

Base speed bonus changed from 2000 to 10000.

The overall speed bonus has been changed from 10% to 200%.

Damage reduction changed from 5% to 25%.

I won't talk about these.

The most frightening thing is that the number of holy magic bodies has changed from 1 to 20.

What does this mean?

This means that every 24 hours, he has 20 holy magic bodies, which can die for him!

This is equivalent to an extra 20 lives.

With so many holy demonic bodies, plus the resurrection ability of [Immortal Emperor Heart], as long as he doesn't kill himself, it is really difficult for him to die.

But you must know that this is only the fifth stage of the "Holy Demon Body Technique".

"Holy Demon Body Technique" has eight levels in total, the fifth level "Holy Demon Body Technique" is already so perverted, I really don't know how unnatural the eighth level "Holy Demon Body Technique" will be.

Thinking of this, Ye Li suddenly became impatient.

"Cultivation level, I want to improve my cultivation level quickly..." Ye Li let out a long roar, and then suddenly turned into a sword light, soaring into the sky, shooting towards the direction of Wild Wolf Forest.

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