"Except for the two Vulcan swords in Australia, the place where the purgatory first started to do it was in Antarctica."

  Why did the purgatory want to attack the Antarctic?

  Qiandi Zhenghai does not understand, and many people do not understand.The place was so cold that almost no Yue Zhong could move around at will.

  Of course, purgatory is not included in this list.They can control lava and fire.If you want to change the environment there, it's not as easy as the palm of your hand, but it's almost the same.

  So at that time, the fire people thought that Purgatory Jing was the source of the Antarctic resources to be developed.

  As everyone knows, their real purpose.

  It turned out to be the Vulcan Sword.

  The same is true for the last Yingzhou Vulcan Sword.

  Back then, there was a civil strife in Yingzhou. There were shadows of dissidents behind it. If there was no intention of coveting the Vulcan Sword, Luo Xuan would not believe it if he killed Luo Xuan.

  "The two in Australia and Antarctica. It's not a big problem."

  Luo Xuan secretly said, _ "Australia is a local force that I am attacking, and the Apocalypse Alliance will not make any move. If I will be intimidated by other forces, other forces will not care about the life and death of the forest clan. Even if they are defeated by me, they should not rely on it. What has changed in the world order.

Chapter 49000 Territory [-] million square kilometers

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  Luo Xuan's action was too fast. When everyone was working on developing and consolidating new territories, he had already captured Australia within two or two years and completed the plan for the belly of the world.

  When the world is peaceful and the country is re-determined. Luo Xuan's Yayi Empire will definitely be recognized, there is no problem with this.

  "Next, I can send

  Send a fleet south to develop Antarctica. "

  Luo Xuan, _ "Antarctica does not belong to anyone. Anyone who wins the first game can develop it. It was divided into so many pieces in the previous life. Everyone is fighting for it. It's not the Antarctic site that I want, I want it. The only thing is to dial the Vulcan sword."

  Once the Vulcan Sword is found, the 2 South Pole becomes something within easy reach.

  Because Luo Xuan only needs to send a hero who is not afraid of the cold, holding the Blade of Doom-Lu Kai Doomsday Judgment to crush it, who can resist A

  But the most troublesome thing right now is the must-god sword of Yingzhou.

  Australia and Antarctica,

  All of them can be taken directly by force, but Yingzhou is the only one.That place in the main world is the Izumo country, with the Lan Yingzhou plane behind it, and the two complement each other very badly.

  Luo Xuan sighed that he had foresight. He had made a breakthrough in paying for Yunguo and Yingzhou long ago.

  Ghost Princess Uesugi Haru!

  "The last thing L made her relationship with me freeze."

  Although there are customs and etiquette for giving ghost horns.It will make Uesugi Qing very passive when facing Luo Xuan, but even if it is a husband and wife, it is okay for his wife to lose her temper.

  If Uesugi Haru is angry and doesn't see Luo Xuan I, then

  Lori couldn't do anything.

  Luo Xuan can be sure? Shang Yingjing will never be able to be his enemy in this life. , but Shen will help him.Really knowable.

  "If Uesugi Qing is willing to help me, find out where the Vulcan Sword is." Luo Xuan. "And then get the sword through a special method, that e__."

  In this way, Luo Xuan can gather six Vulcan Swords, and then use the relocation technology of Penglai Island to transfer Heini Chao Liu and Shizhong City away.Then detonate the Doomsday Vulcan to forge a purgatory artifact.Doomblade

  in this way.Holding the cloak of the ghost king and the blade of doom, Luo Xuan can completely handle the two great artifacts.

  Calm development. , and then look for the opportunity to eat those planes 2i5 one after another. "

  If nothing else.The day he got the Blade of Unyielding was the moment when Luo Xuan conquered the underground city.

  With such artifacts in hand, except for those black dragons with magic tortoises, who can survive the doomsday judgment that destroys the world

  Such as the underground city, Australia, the four northern countries, plus the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and the entire Antarctic.”

  have such strength.It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Xuan already has the foundation to rule the world. "Next. I will play steadily, and gather the heaven-sent divine soldiers while gathering Huang Huang.

  Golden Trinity Halberd (

  An incomparably terrifying drama gradually took shape in Luo Xuan's heart, "Going forward with one step and two repetitions, I will become a heroic world, an unprecedented main case since ancient times, and dominate the world.

  Taking a deep breath, Luo Xuan hid this layout in his heart.Also calm down.Don't have such bad dreams anymore.

  The plan is beautiful, and the dream is also beautiful, but the reality has not yet reached the time when Luo Xuan can play casually. _

  "Then next. ere-"

  Luo Xuan hung up a pair of huge maps. He has just won the desert kingdom, which is Australia.

  A quarter of that.

  Undoubtedly, the most intuitive benefit this brings to Luo Mo is that his territory has increased again, a lot.

  The territory of the desert kingdom is 7000 million square kilometers, which is about one-fifth of the 33000 million square kilometers owned by Luo Xuan.

  However, there are 900 million square kilometers of desert beyond the desert kingdom

  As I said before, Australia has an area of ​​76000 million square kilometers, of which only 6000 million square kilometers belong to the Gem Empire.The remaining 16000 million square kilometers is - endless desert.


  Now that Jiang Xuan has already ruled the desert kingdom, it will naturally take the 9000 million Quanzheng to death at one time. ~

  So - come, before facing the behemoth of the Gem Empire.Luo Xuan's territory can expand to 49000 million square kilometers.Even compared to the gem empire.It's only a 1000 million difference. __

  "Territory is territory after all. If you can occupy it, you can occupy it. I don't think it's too much."

  The increase in the area of ​​the territory has not only increased Luo Xuan's Nissan resources, but also increased the number of crowns without maintenance fees.This greatly eased Luo Xuan's current pressure on the crown.


  The so-called crown pressure here actually refers to Dusk Dragon, Zhan Long, and a large number of descendants of the sun, such as the huge number of Pharaohs. This is really a huge pressure.

  As I said before, 5 square kilometers can carry one unmaintained crown, and 1 square kilometers can carry one unmaintained ace.

  In addition, in terms of powerful arms, it also has a similar carrying capacity, but it is 1 square kilometers to carry 5 unmaintained powerful arms.

  So, the million Valkyrie that Luo Xuan imagined before.to be frank.It can only be a dream, at least now he is completely indifferent

  realized by law.

  Because even if Lue Xuan devotes all his territory to the carrying capacity of 49000 million square meters and five kilometers

  In total, it can only support 24 Valkyries or Pharaohs... and this is Luo Xuan's current limit.

  Perhaps only when a certain-: day, Luo Xuan took down the whole of Australia and Antarctica. 2 He dared to say that he could produce a million-strong army.

  As for those Behemoths, sandstorm giants, and (Zhao Wangzhao) more than 2 trump cards and more than 5 strong dragons, these are not unmaintained abandoned lair products. They are asking for money.

  But even so, Luo Xuan

  It is still one: none of them have been let go, and all the income is under his command.force

  Luo Xuan's crystal money, even if it is offered to him with money, will never give up Lanyan's crown, trump card and strength.

  Bi Yi, this is a high-level unit, as long as it is led by a strong hero. 2 minutes can play against the sky output.

  And this war, Luo Xuan almost saw it.On the battlefield, the strong nine, the ace and the crown are the decisive forces.

  The other cores and appearances are fine to defend the city, but if they are attacking, it is really just a number.

  That is, if the desert king's cocoon Xiong Taicai can be the same as Luo Xuan.I have

  A god-level hero, and a hero who can cooperate with Beamon and Sandstorm Eren, even Luo Xuan would have a headache. . . .

Chapter [-] The butcher who is about to rise

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  So, does Luo Xuan have such a hero?

  You really don't say that Luo Xuan does have such a hero

  However, because the quality of the other party is not high.Luo Xuan really ignored him for a long time.But now that I need it, Luo Xuan immediately thought of his own

  There is such a strange existence below.

  Which stranger are you asking?

  "Your Majesty, did you call me?"

  The sound of the urn was accompanied by the voice of the urn from outside the door.And the sound of heavy footsteps

  "Whoosh, whoosh."

  This person is very big, and fortunately, the Taimen of the Golden Palace is spacious enough. Otherwise, I am really afraid of being squeezed by this guy.

  "Slow down, slow down? Poor thing

  Luo Xuan was afraid that Tu would smash the door, so he told him not to hurry and take his time.

  But Tu Qu was finally summoned by Luo Xuan, how could he hold back his heart?

  Excited, so 2 heard a click. This big man was really forced to squeeze in from outside the Grand Hall of Rong Rong Mountain.


  Luo Xuan didn't feel bad for this hall, and he could immediately reshape it with just a few gold coins. , But seeing the butcher's huge size, Luo Xuan still sighed with emotion for a while: "I haven't seen your size for a while, I'm really looking at you more and more.

  Tu Qu's current level has always reached level 29, and he can break through level 30 at any time, but because of racial restrictions.His strength is not particularly strong.

  "See Your Majesty, Butcher."

  'Although Tufa is stupid and flat,

  But he also knew to call Luo Xuan your majesty.

  His etiquette is very rough" but as a man, you can't ask for too much. At least for a two-headed ogre. Slaughter's words and deeds are quite decent.

  "Tu Que has started to lose weight recently.

  "Tugo said with oath, _" Originally Tugo-day was ten meals. z eat nine now


  Lilian who was standing behind Luo Xuan couldn't help laughing, and the Long Li swordsmen and maids who were standing on both sides couldn't help laughing and let out a silver bell-like laughter.

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