Zhao Saraxing, Xiao Yi stood on the back of a huge Tianwu as big as a battlecruiser, lowering his head and pondering.

The conflict between Corissa and Carol, he will not intervene.

After all, he didn’t need to lick Carol.

Equal trade so far is enough.

There is no need to force Corissa to give Carol a good face and get more.

More importantly, Xiao Yi got a very favorable news.

That is his biggest problem, the falcon leader has no time to doppelganger, and will not attack him at all.

And most of the legions of the empire will not turn the spearhead on themselves.

For the rest, Xiao Yi was also sure that they would definitely not attack themselves before their interests were compromised.

Then all his current crises are directly lifted.

As for Carol’s threat, Xiao Yi did not take it to heart.

If it is according to the current trade relationship, as long as he does not make a move to hurt Corissa.

Then Carol is his partner.

Every Blade Queen is Xiao Yi’s heart.

It’s not just the combat aspect, there are other deeper connections.

Therefore, Xiao Yi would not hurt them at all, and Carol’s threat naturally did not need to be ignored.

Now he’s pondering a new question.

The defense of the planet Sarah Zhao, although not at its best.

But Planet Sarah Zhao, for the Zerg, has already reached a bottleneck.

Not an energy bottleneck, but a bottleneck in the gene pool.

Xiao Yi did not build it before, and when he researched the building, he did not expect that the insect swarm was in the process of evolution.

Genetic diversity is as important as energy and high-energy gas!

【Puppy – Level +1】

【Race: Insect】

【Force: Xiao Yi】

【Occupation: Marine】

[Evolution: Primary Metal Carapace LV1 – +5 Protection, +5 Damage.] Primary gene mutation LV1 – speed +2, health +5. 】


【Protection value:12(4+3+5)】

[Damage: 8 (2+1+5)]

This is the first time after Xiao Yi established the Wuji ovaries and gene colonies, he upgraded the metal carapace and gene mutation.

The effect is simply powerful.

Take the comparison of human Marine recruits, the initial attack and defense of human recruits is.

Protection 10, attack 5.

And puppies have no level bonus, and when there is no upgrade, attack and defense are.

Protection 4, Attack 2.

Not even half of humanity!

And Xiao Yi got the achievement, let the puppy cockroach these creatures, after the level is increased by 1.

It only adds 3 defense points and 1 damage to the puppy.

But with the upgraded data, the current puppy, hanging a human recruit, is just like playing.

Although human troops, first-class recruits are unlikely to appear on the battlefield.

And the lowest-level privates have at least 15 or more in attack and defense.

However, human privates have been upgraded at least twice.

And, most importantly, the cost!

Xiao Yi was a Marine captain in his last life, and he strengthened it ten times.

He also clearly remembered that human level strengthening required 10 units of energy and 5 units of high-energy gas!

That’s not all, because you don’t just upgrade casually.

You must go to the barracks that has a scientific research room and has upgraded the first-level genetic modification and first-level mecha assembly to upgrade!

These skills in scientific research laboratories also require energy and gas to upgrade.

This means that the lab costs a lot of money, and the Marines themselves have a lot of money!

And Xiao Yi learned from Laura that the cost of human first-level modified gene research and development is 1000 energy, which is the same as 1000 high-energy gas and mecha assembly.

And these two technologies can only be used by the troops in the barracks.

In other words, they can only bless the three classes of Marines, Marauders, and Reapers!

But the Zerg are different!

As long as the technology is developed, the main nest can directly transfer metals and genes to upgrade the carapace of the zerg directly from the inorganic ovaries.

And gene mutations, only enough genes are needed!

Moreover, these two technologies can cover all arms of the army.

Down to the male bee, up to the thunder beast Leviathan, you can receive the bonus of these two technologies!

The highest grade for primary metal carapace and primary gene mutation is LV10.

This means that when you reach full level, these two technologies can give the swarm 50 points of attack and defense, as well as a very considerable speed bonus life bonus!

And upgrading to a medium-level metal carapace and a medium-level gene mutation, these two technologies will no longer provide bonuses to the stinging snake class.

However, this is also enough to make Xiao Yi’s strength have a qualitative leap!

You know, now Xiao Yi is not the flying dragon, nor is it a high-level military class such as thunder beasts.

It’s puppies, cockroaches, and stinging snakes!

As long as you upgrade it again, the puppy’s defense can reach 17 and its attack can also reach 13.

Infinitely closer, the gap with human marines!

Now, though, there is a very big problem.

It is Xiao Yi’s so-called bottleneck, insufficient genes!

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