
Countless hissing sounds echoed, and the insect swarm surrounded the 5 Star Spirit Warriors.

And the mind warriors were also like great enemies, besieging the city in a circle to guard against insects.

Suddenly, several puppies suddenly crossed out and attacked towards the Star Spirit.

At the same time, the spikes of the stinging snake also broke through the air.

This move is like a signal to attack.

Almost instantly, all the swarms were like a black wave, surging towards the Star Spirit Zealots.

However, the Star Spirit fanatics are still not afraid, although the number of bugs is countless times that of them.

But they still held on to the unfinished crystal, and the blades on their hands popped out.

At the moment when the bug is close, it suddenly swings out!

This time he didn’t stay behind, and the sharp psionic blade was slightly hindered, but it still cut a puppy that was ready to bite him in two.

But the next moment, the cockroach’s huge body pressed down, and the hideous foot blade continued to slash at him.


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the psionic blade did not cut this foot blade.

The defense of cockroaches is much stronger than that of puppies.


While parrying, he had to slash through another blade silently.

Directly cut off the cockroach’s foot blade that supports the ground.

The cockroach’s massive body collapsed suddenly, crushing several puppies passing under it.

But at this moment, a layer of blue shield suddenly popped out in front of the fanatic.

And one of the three energy representations on the shield directly disappeared more than half of the energy!

A half-meter-long steel thorn was blocked by the energy shield and fell weakly to the ground.

The fanatic ignored it, and the psionic battle blade in his hand was directly inserted into the brain of the cockroach in front of him, and then suddenly stirred.

Suddenly, the cockroach waved its blade and slowly paused.

But it was this gap that allowed his body to stand out half of his body from his teammates’ side.

And just this small flaw directly let a puppy suddenly slaughter his body.

Although protected by psionic shields, the puppy scratched wildly.

In just the blink of an eye, his psionic shield was directly reduced to less than one block of energy.

The fanatic grabbed the puppy and threw it straight to the ground.

The combat boots stepped on the puppy’s body fiercely, and the huge force directly caused the puppy’s body to collapse.

But the strong vitality makes the puppy still immortal, rolling wildly on the ground.

The mouth full of sharp teeth opened and closed like a mad dog towards the fanatic.

However, it is no longer any threat to fanatics.


There was another sound of breaking the air, and the steel needle of the stabbing snake was like a lurking poisonous snake.

Directly pierced on this already crumbling shield.

After only a moment’s pause, the blue shield dissipated directly, while the steel needle still pierced the fanatic.


A crisp sound sounded, and the steel needles blocked by the energy shield, whether it was speed or attack power, there was not much left.

The fanatic with rich combat experience did not even stop it, allowing it to shoot at his armor.

This is trust in your own armor!

Open Dahe’s battle and let him kill at least 20 puppies and three cockroaches in this short moment!

And the 5 Star Spirit fanatics standing together actually killed hundreds of Xiao Yi’s soldiers in a matter of moments!

This is still the result of Xiao Yi’s upgrading of technology, otherwise when facing the Star Spirit, it will be a slaughter of insects.

But now, although the star spirit has killed a lot, it is not good in itself.

Under the attack of life and death, the fanatic killed three people, and the remaining two were struggling to support.

This is really a death, a death that even Kara can’t return!

However, it is a pity that although there are only two fanatics left, they still firmly guard the psionic crystal spire.

Star Spirit is also not afraid of death!


Suddenly, a slight sound of emptiness came, and Xiao Yi’s figure flying at full speed suddenly paused.

More than a dozen warplanes with golden bodies and blue crystals on their wings were like big birds, whistling and swooping down from the sky.


The pillar of energy light was like rain, making a chirping sound, sweeping directly through the insect swarm.

Phoenix fighter!

In Xiao Yi’s mind, a name involuntarily appeared.

This is the information stored in the main nest, very detailed information about the Star Spirit.

These fighters are very fast, equipped with energy shields, and are also very lethal.

Compared with human Viking fighters, Viking fighters are a scumbag in addition to turning into mecha.

After the swarm of insects strafed by the phoenix fighter, it was instantly torn apart, and even the attack momentum was stunned.

However, the flaunting of the Phoenix fighter did not last long.

Almost chasing the phoenix fighter, the flying dragon group was like a black oppressive, irregular dark cloud, directly crushed.

Even if the phoenix fighter is very powerful, in the face of such a large flying dragon, there is only the fate of fleeing in a hurry.

However, at this time, the white light on the psionic crystal completely disappeared.

The pale blue energy slowly overflowed from the psionic crystal spire…

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