Online Games: 0 Intelligence Mage!

Chapter 36 Powerful and irritable conversion effect! Urban romance works

"Little money! Gold coins!"

In an instant, Cyril recovered from the anger of her headlights being pinched, and then her eyes turned golden.

Obviously, she is quite satisfied with her big disciple.

Low qualification?


That's not a problem.

If people want to learn, how can they not teach it as a teacher?

"My dear disciple, this is the category of magic you can learn at the temporary stage!"

Taking the gold coin, Cyril excitedly threw a magic manual to Wang Mang.

This magic teacher is obviously very powerful but too girly.

The corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, money is universal everywhere.

Opening the magic manual, in an instant, a huge skill tree appeared in front of Wang Mang.

Directly ignoring the gray skills behind, Wang Mang's aiming-level magic began to check.

Fireball (level): One of the basic skills, causing % magic attack plus intelligence * magic damage, cooldown in seconds, consumes P points, level can be learned.

Frost Shield (Level): One of the basic skills, buff skills, the whole body is covered with frost armor, which increases intelligence*. The additional shield of defense power and % of the amount of mana, the shield is broken and the skill enters the cooling, cooling Time minutes, consume p points, level can be learned.

Meteor Fire Shower (level): A large-scale spell skill that continuously summons a large-scale fire rain to fall from the sky, each attack causes % magic attack plus intelligence *. magic damage, duration seconds, cooldown time minutes, consumes p points, level can be learned.

Chain Lightning (Level): Area control skills, launch a chain lightning, the lightning will perform a jumping attack, each time causing % magic attack plus intelligence *. magic damage, the arch jumps 4 times and ends, the lightning attack has a paralysis effect, cooldown time Seconds, consume p points, level can be learned.

(Paralysis effect: After triggering, the monster will enter a state of stun for a second. If the target of the attack is the player, the control time will be reduced according to the opponent's magic resistance.)

Blizzard (level): Summons a continuous rotating blizzard, causing % magic damage plus. Intelligence magic damage per second, the movement speed of enemies within the blizzard is reduced by 20%, the attack speed is reduced by 10%, the blizzard lasts for 2 seconds, During the period when the player is attacked by the blizzard, the rotation stops and enters the cooldown. The cooldown time is minutes, consumes p points, and the level can be learned.

It is worthy of being praised as a magister profession with gorgeous and explosive damage!

Just after changing careers, there are five powerful skills, and in addition to Fireball and Frost Shield, the other three are actually range attack skills!

This is not available in other occupations.

Without hesitation, Wang Mang directly chose to learn these five skills.

"Ding! You learned the skill Fireball!"

"Ding! Your irritable transformation has been activated, and the fireball technique has been upgraded to the basic attack fire fist technique!"

"Ding! You learned the skill Frost Shield!"

"Ding! Your Grumpy Transformation has been activated, and the Frost Shield has been upgraded to the status skill Frost Armor.

! "

"Ding! You learned the skill Meteor Shower!"

"Ding! Your irritable transformation has been activated, and the meteor shower has been upgraded to a human bomb!"

"Ding! You learned the skill Chain Lightning!"

"Ding! Your fiery transformation has been activated, and the chain lightning has been upgraded to a lightning grapple!"

"Ding! You learned the skill Blizzard!"

"Ding! Your irritable transformation has been activated, and the blizzard has been upgraded to a trial of ice and snow!"

The continuous system beeps make Wang Mang trendy.

As mentioned by the effect five of Grumpy Blood, his skills have completely changed into a different look!

Fire Fist: An exclusive normal attack for irritable men, each attack causes 100% physical attack + strength * physical damage, each attack increases rage value, kills an enemy unit and instantly increases rage value, and turns on charge after advanced fire punch.

Frost Armor: Arrange icy armor for the irritable man, buff skills, increase his own HP% additional shield, when the shield is broken, it will launch a frost explosion, causing strength * physical damage, the shield breaking enters the cooling time, the cooling time is minutes , no consumption, you can open the Frost Blade after advanced.

Human Flesh Bomb: The irritable man jumped high, and then slammed into the ground, causing large-scale devastating damage, and the attacked unit entered the second stun time, damage formula, % physical attack + strength * physical damage, requires anger points , the cooldown time is seconds, after the advanced level, the Meteorite Meteorite can be turned on.

Lightning Grab: Immediately rush to the opponent, and a lightning chain extends from the body to bind it for seconds. During the binding period, the enemy unit will continue to be paralyzed and the player can perform other attacks in a state of dominance. Rage points are required, and the cooldown time is minutes. Enables multiple lightning grapples.

Ice and Snow Judgment: The player turns into a blizzard and spins wildly. During each spin, the enemy unit will cause % physical attack + power * physical damage. During the rotation, the player will greatly increase physical resistance and magic resistance, and he will enter a state of dominance, which lasts for seconds and cools down. The time is minutes, consumes rage points, and can open multiple ice and snow trials after advanced.

All five skills have undergone earth-shaking changes!

Mp is changed to Rage, and his normal attack directly becomes Fire Fist to gain Rage.

Who says intelligence can't be a mage?

Don't have any fucking hidden professions!


Cyril: "?"

"Lightning Grab!"

"Oh, this is... not there..."



A passing writer.






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