Players and NPCs who originally wanted to resist were messed up like lost souls, which better confirmed the sentence.

In the face of absolute firepower, no matter how strong the will will will not help.

"! This is God's power. "

It's all the garbage of the [Nobi] Guild, why don't you provoke the Dragon Kingdom's heaven-killing power!" This time the Sakura Country loss [Nobi] Guild is mainly responsible. "

Run~ Teleport to other cities first, staying here is also a life, didn't you see that the LV50-level NPC city guards were all killed in seconds?"

"Slipped, slipped~!"



Another powerful demon fire descended, and the demon dragon breath of the dark demon dragon had already destroyed all the teleportation arrays in this main city, and now all the players and city guards in the city were really difficult to fly.

As the dark dragon hovered over the main city, a single dive could take away thousands of players and NPCs from the Sakura Kingdom underground.

The players in the live broadcast room who watched this face were hooked.

"Cow, cow, in just a moment, thousands of small days have been destroyed, and I have powdered the god of killing the sky."

"Love, love, my husband is so ruthless, but I like it~

" "Who said that one person can't crush millions of people?" The Heaven-Killing God is the best example.

"Good fight! Kill all the little days here and the garbage of the Star-Spangled Country. "


The players of the Dragon Kingdom who saw the picture in the live broadcast room shouted one after another, but some people were happy and some were worried.

At this time, the high-level of the Star-Spangled Country who was in the live broadcast room already felt a deep despair when they saw the summoned beast of Chenfeng wantonly slaughtering the players of the Sakura Country and the players of the Angel Guild like a god.

In particular, General Mike Arthur, who has been following the two live battles, is even more restless.

"Fak, Fak, how can the Dragon Kingdom's Heaven Killer be so powerful! That waste demon king was really too pulling, and he actually escaped on the spot. "

Mike Arthur is running wild in his office.

He knew that the failure of this incident could have a huge impact on him.

The tens of thousands of core members of the Angel Guild who originally passed through the teleportation array have now been killed and injured in the city of Sakura Country, and they are still unable to return through the teleportation array, and the only saving thing waiting for them is to be killed to level 0 and forcibly return to the novice village.

If these people all drop to level 0, it is equivalent to the account being nullified, this loss is not just a matter of tens of thousands of numbers, they have devoted the strength of the entire chaebol, and finally cultivated these elites to the point of leading the global echelon, but they did not expect that this time the expedition would all be folded in the cherry blossom country.

The chaebols behind him will never let him go easily.

Thinking that everything you have worked so hard to work hard may come to naught overnight, and maybe you will even deduct yourself a trumped-up charge.

No one knows the means of the chaebols behind the Star-Spangled Country better than him.

"No, instead of sitting still, I have to do something with the rights I still have!"

Mike Arthur began to think in his office about what to do about this.

However, at this moment, there was a rapid knock at the door.

Before Mike Arthur could react, he saw that the door was kicked in by a big black man.

"Who are you!" Arthur felt a little bad when he saw the person coming.

"General Mike Arthur! After an emergency session called by Congress, it was decided to let you go on vacation to Africa for a few days, I hope you will not be ignorant!

As soon as the words fell, Mike Arthur seemed to be drained and suddenly collapsed into his seat, his face desperate.

It's over, Barbie Q, this gang of congressional scum is moving faster than he thought.

Thinking that he might spend time in Africa in the future, and that his wife and children might run away with others for many reasons, his face showed deep despair.

However, the moment his plan failed, all this was already doomed, many people have long coveted his position, and now dealing with him is just a more suitable excuse.


Chenfeng naturally did not know what was happening in the other hemisphere.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in his live broadcast room, which instantly attracted the attention of a group of players.

"You are guilty of the abominable adventurer who wantonly slaughtered my people!"

An angry voice reached Chen Feng's ears.

Chenfeng looked at the person who spoke.

I only saw that an NPC wearing samurai leather armor, holding a dagger glowing with green light in his hand, and stepping on a dragon eagle under his feet appeared in front of him.

The moment this person appeared, the Sakura Country players who had been wailing underground suddenly seemed to regain their confidence.

"It's him, the top 100 NPC powerhouse in our Sakura Country, Tianyuan City Lord Shima Takemitsuki!"

"Great, we are saved, Shibu Mitsuki City Lord is an epic NPC of LV60 level, and Killing the Sky is a scum without the help of legendary NPC followers."

"Yes, trash killing, I see how you face epic NPCs alone."

"Lord City Lord! Kill the damn Killer! "


Chen Feng also carefully looked at the person who came, and also recognized the identity of this person, who was the city lord of the main city below.

This city lord did have a relatively loud name in the mouths of players in Sakura Country in his previous life, but when the natural disaster attacked the Sakura Country City in the later stage, the first to bear the brunt was Tianyuan City in Sakura Country.

This city lord resolutely chose to coexist with the city before the natural disaster came, but when he led hundreds of thousands of city guards to prepare to resist the attack of the natural disaster legion.

He saw undead creatures like a tidal wave, destroying all the fortifications he had spent months building in just a split second.

Until this moment, he was desperate and resolutely chose to betray the Terran Alliance and become a lackey of the natural disaster.

I don't know why, within the city of Sakura Country, there are many NPCs and players alike, in the face of the Calamity Army, most of them chose to surrender, not even a little resistance, this may be the so-called things to gather together, people to group.

For this NPC Chenfeng will naturally not be soft, not to mention that he is only an LV60-level epic NPC, even the demigod NPC Chenfeng will definitely not let go when he has the ability to kill.


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