As the boss fell, a series of system prompts appeared on Chenfeng's personal panel.

"Dingdong, congratulations on clearing the [King's Trial] quest, you will automatically exit the quest after 10 seconds."

"Dingtone, congratulations on clearing the [King's Trial] copy, successfully completing the second turn mission, your profession [Elf Summoner] (one turn ten stars) has been successfully promoted to [Elf Summoner] (two turns ten stars)

" "Ding Dong, you have successfully completed the second turn of the class, the level limit has been lifted, you have successfully learned the exclusive skills of the profession, and your professional talent has been improved."

As soon as the system prompt fell, a white pillar of light rose up on Chenfeng's body, followed by three more system announcements.

"Dingdong, full server announcement: Congratulations to the player 'Killing the Sky' for successfully completing the second turn of the class mission and becoming the first player of the second turn of the full server, and hereby reward the player with +50 skill points, +200 free attribute points, and +5000 reputation points."

"Dingtone, full server announcement: ..." "Dingtone


A series of system tones refreshed on all players' panels.

"Finally the second career turn."

Chen Feng looked at the brand new system prompts one after another, and murmured happily.

At this time, the players who were still in the live broadcast room also showed happy smiles.

"It's such an honor to witness the player who is number one in the server complete the second turn."

"Niu Pi, it's very good to say it, I'm going to quickly blow a wave with my friends."


The players of the entire [Source Universe] were first stunned after seeing the three full-server announcements, and then carefully checked the content of the full-server announcements.

"It turns out to be the Heaven-Killing God again, not strange, not strange."

"The Heaven Killing God actually successfully completed the second turn, it was so fast, I haven't even made a turn."

"The Heaven Killing God is really a demon-like existence, and the gap between us and the Heaven Killing God is getting wider and wider."

"This is nothing, haven't you seen that the career changes of the Heaven Killing God are all ten-star evaluations? Everyone can go up the level, but career evaluation is where the gap is really opened.

"Cowhide, one turn ten star evaluation, two turn or ten star evaluation, the heaven-killing god will always drop the god."

All the players were stunned, you must know that the top players in [New Era] have already tried the difficulty of a turn.

They racked their brains and stumbled with the job transfer task for a long time, and only a very small number of them obtained more than five-star professional certifications.

On the full server rankings, in addition to Chenfeng, only the [New Era] windrunners have completed the eight-star career certification.

The star rating of the profession is for the player's attribute improvement, and all players have something to understand.

The better the career certification, the more character panels that can be improved by attribute points, and the attribute points and skill points obtained by players after upgrading after the second turn will also be related to the star rating of their own professional certification, it can be said that the gap in career certification represents the gap of the character panel in the future.


The time of ten seconds soon arrived, and Tatsumze was teleported back to the outside of the quest alone.

Zhu Wei immediately greeted him and jumped into Chen Feng's arms.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly closed the live broadcast room.

"Brother, you've completed your job transfer." Shu asked in Chenfeng's arms.


Chenfeng nodded and replied.

Then I thought that I hadn't checked the change in professional talent after the transfer.

After adding all the two hundred free attribute points rewarded by the system to intelligence, Chenfeng opened a new class panel.

[Spirit Summoner] (2 turns 10 stars)

2nd turn base increase 1: The character's basic attributes are increased by 10%. (10% increase in the first revolution, 10% in the second revolution.) 2nd

Turn Basic Boost 2: After leveling up, you will get attribute points as basic attribute points and skill points*10. (5 basic attribute points * 10 star professional certification.) Class

Talent: Summoned Beast Enhancement: (Passive) Increases the attributes of the Summoned Beast by 100%: Restriction Lift (Passive); The restriction of psychic summoned beasts is lifted, the number of all summoned objects is not limited, the control distance is not limited, the upper level of summoning skills is increased to no higher than the character level LV10, and the existence of all summoned objects is often permanent (the character goes offline or disappears after the death of the owner); Summon Affinity (Passive): When a summoning skill is released, the original summoning quantity × 10, and the level of all summoned items is increased by one level.

Description: After awakening, the professional talent follows the increase.

After carefully reading the promotion introduction of the latest profession, Chen Feng was directly stunned in place.

The improvement of the first two basic attributes, he understood in his previous life, the player after the second turn and the player before the second turn were originally very different, and the player's second turn was equivalent to a big advance of NPC, and it was understandable to improve some attributes.

But the strengthening of professional talent is very perverted for Chenfeng, a summoner.

There is no need to talk about the first attribute, passive summoning beast strengthening, which directly doubles the comprehensive attribute of the summoner.

It is equivalent to the Dark Demon Dragon, which originally only had 400,000 HP, and directly reached 800,000 after its attributes were 100% strengthened, and the corresponding attack power and defense were also doubled.

As for the lifting of restrictions, there is no limit to the number of summons, and the skill level can be higher than the player's level ten and there is a new attribute.

What does it mean that all summons, the length of time they exist, becomes permanent! Summons, no longer subject to time constraints, plus Chenfeng's current BUFF with unlimited skills, doesn't it mean that as long as the blue bar is enough, he can release summons infinitely?

Thinking of this, Chenfeng couldn't help but release a summoning skill.

"Dominance Array."

With a wave of the staff, a huge magic array appeared in front of him, and summons appeared in the magic array.

Mecha Goblin, Thunder Elf - Aurora Grayling, Dark Knight, Plant Elf - Flower of the Demon Realm, Holy Light Elf, Great Magician - Louis, Dark Dragon, Elf King - Igabella, Necromancer - Nicholas!

The active skill toothpick bird, including the weapon [Fairy Tale Forest] (legend), is also summoned.

A total of ten types of summoned objects were all released by Chenfeng's brain.


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