At this time, Chenfeng's villa door.

A general of the Dragon Kingdom wearing a general uniform arrived at the door of the villa under the protection of a group of special agents.

This person is none other than 'Shen Jianguo', the general who ordered the arrest of the Lingyun Group in the previous Dragon Kingdom Conference, and he is also the current general manager of the Dragon Kingdom [Source Universe].

"You all go down! I think Xiaochen probably doesn't want so many people to bother. Shen Jianguo said.

"However, Elder Shen, your safety..." The

special agents were all puzzled by Elder Shen's actions today.

He was a dignified admiral of a country, he actually came to visit an unknown young man, if he wanted to see who directly ordered him to bring over, why visit in person? If this matter reaches the outside world, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

However, today this incident still happened, who can believe this? It's outrageous.

"Don't worry! A young man who is less than twenty years old, and the country has also known Chenfeng, and there are also people in his family who have given the dragon country great credit, and I believe he will also help the country.

Shen Jianguo said slowly to everyone.

When the special service officers still wanted to say something, the originally closed door slowly opened, and a young man appeared inside, it was Chenfeng.

"General, are you coming to find me?"

Chen Feng pretended not to know and said to Shen Jianguo in front of him.

Seeing this, Shen Jianguo nodded and said with a kind smile.

"You are Chenfeng, I am the military representative in charge of the [Source Universe], and I want to talk to you about something."

"Is that so? That general inside please.

After speaking, Chen Feng smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Shen Jianguo.

Seeing this, Shen Jianguo no longer hesitated and walked into the interior of the villa.

Chenfeng also invited the guards outside to enter together.

After everyone entered the villa, Chen Feng slowly closed the door.


In-villa living room.

Chenfeng arranged the maid robot of the villa, took out the tea leaves he thought were the best, brewed it and put it in front of the two

, and after the tea was brewed, a white smoke slowly rose, quite a sense of déjà vu of the meeting of national leaders.

At this time, there were only Shen Jianguo and Chen Feng in the entire living room.

Shen Jianguo looked up at the young man in front of him, with an approving look on his face.

Chen Feng also looked at the old man in front of him at this moment, and he couldn't help but feel a heartfelt respect in his heart.

In the previous life, after the game came to reality, a large number of natural disaster legions invaded the Dragon Kingdom, and it was this old man who was not afraid of life and death, and personally led a million Dragon Kingdom soldiers to fight against natural disasters.

At that time, none of the Dragon Kingdom soldiers had inherited strong strength in the [Source Universe], but when they faced the undead legion that was several times stronger than themselves, they still managed to move forward and never flinch, even though they knew that they were about to face death.

It is precisely the efforts of these older high-level and millions of soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom that have given players like Chenfeng to inherit more powerful strength in the game.

Later, Chenfeng successfully joined the military with the strength he inherited in the game, and gradually became a general who guarded the gate of a country.

For Admiral Shen Lao to come to him in person this time, in fact, he had already guessed what it was.

"In Xiachenfeng, I have seen the general."

Chenfeng spoke first out of respect for the old man in front of him.

Shen Jianguo, who was sitting opposite Chenfeng, looked at the young man in front of him and smiled and said: "Chenfeng~ The country has a request now, I don't know if you can agree to it." "

General, please say, I have been sheltered by the Dragon Kingdom for many years, and now I can help the country and serve myself." Chen Feng said seriously.

Helping the entire Dragon Kingdom was originally one of Chenfeng's plans after being reborn, but he didn't have strength before, and now that he has strength, he naturally won't shirk.

"Now that the Dragon Kingdom should have felt something, find yourself in advance, so that you can save yourself what way to contact the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"Chenfeng, the main purpose of my coming this time is that our military will have a large number of soldiers stationed in the [Source Universe] during this period, and the demand for some equipment after stationing is very large, and your [New Era] Chamber of Commerce basically monopolizes the entire industry, such as weapons, medicines, materials, etc., so when the national army is stationed, it wants to buy some materials, equipment, skill books, etc. from you, of course, the country will trade you in real money at the market price."

Shen Jianguo directly said the most important purpose of this trip.

Hearing this, Chen Feng also slightly understood.

It may be that when the country studied the game [Source Universe], there were some breakthrough discoveries, such as the synchronization of strength and reality in the game.

In the previous life, some players also had the opportunity to synchronize to the strength of the game when they changed jobs for the first time, but the synchronization rate at that time was only about 5%, but this news was enough to shock the entire Blue Star.

It may be this incident that made the entire Blue Star country make a unanimous decision, that is, most of the soldiers in service must enter the [Source Universe] to develop, except for guarding some important targets and standing guards.

The current stage of the entire Dragon Country has the largest number of soldiers in the whole Blue Star, a full 30 million, and even if these 30 million soldiers only enter 20 million, the equipment and resources required are an astronomical amount.

Moreover, now that the game has been on server for a while, even if a small number of military personnel are stationed in the early stage, it still takes a lot of resources to quickly bring up tens of millions of LV1 level new.

As the strongest Chenfeng in the whole service at present, the country naturally wants to be helped.

"There is naturally no problem in helping the soldiers of my own country develop, after all, I am also a part of the Dragon Kingdom, and my [New Era] Chamber of Commerce will be sold to the national military at the price sold to the members of the guild." Chenfeng said.

He is not ready to send equipment directly or something, if he does this, it is likely to make the country feel that it is free to generate electricity for love, which is not conducive to future cooperation, but the price is too high Chenfeng's heart is too careless, so Chenfeng will help the military by cultivating the [New Era] guild, so that there will be no above troubles.


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