The Abyss Demon King held out in the summoned skill rain for a few minutes, until all the life-saving blood recovery skills were released, and then he fell unwillingly.

"Dingdong, congratulations on killing lv88 level [Abyss Demon King] (legendary level boss) to gain experience 0 points, trigger [100-fold reward increase] you gain experience 0 points."

"Dingdong, hint, your current level has reached the maximum number of experience points, you will not be able to gain any experience points if you continue to kill monsters, and you will regain experience points after the system refreshes at 12 am."

"Ding-dong, full server announcement: Congratulations to the player 'Killing the Sky' for killing LV88 level [Abyss Demon King] (legendary NPC creatures)... Omit. "


, full server announcement: ..." "Dingtone ,......"

As the full server announcement fell, the Abyss Demon King, the strongest ruler of the Demon World at this stage, was violently killed on the spot.

Everything that happened here was witnessed by all the players present, even players who were not on the scene witnessed almost everything that happened in this camp war through the live broadcast pictures and short video pushes of the major anchors on the scene.

When they saw that Chen Feng directly destroyed millions of demon realm armies with the power of one person, and also beat the demon world's combat power ceiling dark king to run away, countless players were completely boiling.

"What about demigods? My life is up to me, and I live broadcast every day to watch the sky!

"Bullbeep! The old demon lord of the demon world ran away, the new demon lord burped, and now it is the world of my human race. "

Kill the sky, kill the sky, the mana is boundless."

"Killing the heavens will always drip God!"


At this time, the main forces of the Demon World have been eliminated or captured by Chenfeng, but the camp war of the Demon World has not yet come to the hint of an end, because most of the living forces of the entire Demon World are still in the city of the Demon World.

If you want to win the faction war, you must occupy all the Demon Realm cities, but fortunately, Chenfeng has captured four Demon Kings under his hands now, and the next main work may need to take a group of Demon Kings to recover the entire city one by one.

"These things will be arranged for Sudel and the Demon King Junior Brother to do it then!" Chen Feng thought inwardly.

The next step is to check all the rewards you have received this time.

First of all, it is the free attribute points and skill points obtained by killing the demon king.

Killing creatures above the legendary level can get a full server announcement, and in addition to the 500 attribute points obtained by killing the first legendary creature, the rest of the kills can also earn 200 free attribute points and 20 skill points as a reward.

Chen Feng killed a total of six demon kings this time plus the first five hundred free attribute points, which is 1,700 free attribute points and one hundred and seventy skill points.

The skill point Chenfeng directly ignored, now his skill points are too many to use up, but the free attribute points are different.

One thousand seven hundred free attribute points represent one thousand seven hundred intelligence attributes, and an additional seventeen hundred intelligence points is equivalent to Chenfeng being able to summon seventeen thousand more summons.

Chenfeng's 17,000 summoned objects are not ordinary summoners of other summoners, but they are all legendary creatures comparable to the attributes of the demon king, and if they are released, they can almost sweep a large kingdom.

Without the slightest hesitation, he added all the free attribute points to his intelligence, and then continued to check the other loot.

This time, a total of hundreds of thousands of demon realm armies were killed, basically all of them were above the diamond level, and there were thousands of demon generals above the epic level.

Under the [Hundredfold Reward Increase], a total of more than 10,000 pieces of legendary equipment around LV50-LV80 were obtained, as well as nearly a thousand pieces of LV50-lv80 level epic equipment, and other Chenfeng whose quality was lower than epic did not bother to check their quantity.

Coupled with the killing of the six demon kings, there were more than two dozen legendary-level equipment and more than a dozen mythical-level equipment, and these equipment were what Chenfeng was really interested in.

Looking at the dozen or so mythical level equipment that he had picked up in the coiling dragon ring, Chen Feng's heart began to get excited again.

I checked the attributes of the equipment one by one, of course, I didn't bother to look at the Chenfeng that I couldn't use, and only checked what I could use.

After checking for a long time, Chenfeng picked out three pieces of equipment and a weapon that he could use among more than a dozen.

First Piece of Equipment -

[Dominator Bracelet] (Mythical and Legendary Level)

Attack: +5000 HP: +35000 Magic: +55000 Full Attributes: +


Wearing Parts: Bracelet

Demand Level: LV83

Applicable Class: All Class

Additional Effect 1: Friendly troops within 1000 meters of the vicinity receive 10% less damage and 12% more healing.

Additional Effect 2: Reduces damage by 10%. (Including real injuries.) It does not stack with special effects. Additional

Effect 3: [Dominating Power] (Active) Adaptive Skill, restores the maximum health of all friendly creatures within 500 yards *5% of their own HP, the skill lasts for 10 seconds, and the amount of health that is restored is directly increased to the maximum health of the creature, up to 25% of the maximum health. It lasts 30 seconds and the skill is built to cool down for 30 minutes.

Additional Effect 4: [Dominating Power] (Passive) Restore your maximum health * 5% per second, and when you recover more than your own health, directly increase your HP limit, up to 25% of your maximum health. (Not stacked with additional skill 3.) Additional

Effect 5: [Domination Aura] (Set Effect 0/3) is not activated. This equipment will increase as the player's level increases, and when equipping three pieces of equipment of the same type, all attributes of the suit effect will be improved.

Description: Only the Lord of the universe is eligible to wear it.

"Bull Batch!"

Chenfeng couldn't help but exclaim after seeing the attributes of this bracelet, this is the real ultimate equipment.

The additional first and second items are equivalent to increasing the damage reduction for yourself and surrounding allies, and this aura-type equipment is already very suitable for summoners, needless to say.

The bonuses of the third and fourth items are very perverted, not only can increase the recovery of allies and themselves, but also increase the maximum health points.

As for the special effects of the fifth article, it is not possible to check it now, but since it is a jewelry set, the additional aura must be equally awesome, and it can grow according to its own level, which is directly the perfect graduation equipment.

Without hesitation, he directly equipped the [Dominator Bracelet] and replaced the [Sunset Chasing Soul Bracelet].

I am ashamed to say that Chenfeng relied entirely on talent before, and the requirements for equipment were not very high, and he was still wearing LV30 equipment on his own level LV83.


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