However, players in the game and some large guilds can organize some offline and online events.

In the past life, there were many game guilds and consortiums, and they would use some of the activities they organized to enhance their fame and attract some scattered players in the game to join.

For example, now Chenfeng, he wants to organize a tournament covering the scope of the Dragon Kingdom.

Holding such an event can not only recruit some hidden god players into their guilds, but also help some players grow quickly through the rewards of the event, which is simply a double kill.

However, it is not an easy task to hold a national uniform tournament, after all, there are now at least one billion players in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and even if only one-third of the personnel participate, this tournament is a huge project.

"I can only seek the help of the guild members and the entire Terran Empire!"

Fortunately, Chenfeng has a super high status and power in the character empire, and with the cooperation of tens of thousands of players in his [New Era] guild, the problem should not be very big.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng did not hesitate, and directly teleported back to the [New Era] guild station, summoning a group of guild management and some high-level NPCs to prepare for the meeting.


Dozens of minutes passed, everyone rushed to the guild venue, and after a short exchange of pleasantries, everyone took their seats.

Chen Feng sat on the main seat at this moment, looked at the familiar figure below, and directly said his plan.

"There is only one purpose for convening everyone this time, that is, I am ready to take out some equipment and skill books and other items to organize a competition event in the national service to attract some players to join the [New Era], and also help the potential players of the national server grow rapidly."

As soon as these words came out, the originally quiet conference room suddenly became lively.

"What? The president wants to hold a tournament?

"Is it equivalent to a PK match between players?"

"Yes, and it is still in the nature of a national service, which is a lot of investment."

"It seems that there is no shortage of people in our guild, nor is there a shortage of strong people."

"yes, why did the president do this?"


Most people don't understand Chenfeng's approach.

Attracting players to the New Age Guild?

As long as people who are playing [Source Universe], they know that the New Era Guild will have super good benefits and treatment, and even the military of the Dragon Kingdom has people joining it.

With such benefits and background, not to mention that 100% of people want to join the [New Era] guild, at least 99.999% of people want to join the [New Era] guild.

Therefore, with the influence of the current [New Era] guild to attract some players to join, there is no need for such trouble.

As for helping some players grow faster? Don't joke, in this era where interests are paramount, who will help others for no reason, so when Chenfeng said this, everyone was full of doubts and puzzlement.


"President! Is there any benefit to us in doing this?

At this time, the vice president of the guild in the conference room fell into the dust and took the lead in mentioning the thoughts in everyone's hearts in the meeting.

The two are friends in reality, and it is very appropriate for him to take the lead in raising everyone's doubts.

Seeing that someone took the lead, the management also began to speak.

"Yes, guild leader, our guild even has at least hundreds of affiliated guilds, there is no shortage of people at all, if you have too much equipment, you can completely digest it internally, and you don't need to help others at all."

"Yes, yes, if you digest it internally, the guild leader can also earn some gold coins.

"Well, some of the affiliated guilds are rich big bosses, as long as the guild leader wants to contact the equipment for sale immediately."


In addition to the puzzlement of most players, many NPCs also expressed doubts about Chenfeng's decision.

Of course, they doubted and doubted, if their guild leader insisted on this activity, they would still support it unconditionally, after all, their current status and strength were given by Chenfeng, and they just simply felt worthless for Chenfeng.

However, what they didn't know was that after integrating the equipment of the entire demon world, the amount of equipment in his hands now far exceeded their expectations, and even if these equipment were given to the entire guild, there was still a lot of wealth.

Coupled with the fact that none of them know the crisis they will face in the future, it is normal to think this way.

After all, after the game comes to reality, no matter how strong he is, he can only protect the peace of one side, and if the strength of the entire dragon country rises, the corresponding casualties will be minimized.

Chenfeng's philosophy has always been that how much strength he has to do big things, and now that he has strength, he is no longer limited to the premise of cultivating his own guild, he wants to help the entire dragon kingdom become strong.

Of course, these help will not be given in vain, and they also need to obtain a certain rank in the competition they founded to get their own support.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng continued: "I have been thinking about the competition for a long time, it must be held, as for my doubts, I can't explain anything to you now, in short, it is conducive to the cultivation of top talents in our country."

As soon as Chen Feng's words came out, all the members of the meeting were stunned.

They are thinking about things at the national level.

What is a pattern? That's the pattern.

In an instant, someone felt that he and Chenfeng were no longer on the same level.

At this time, a representative of the military suddenly stood up and said: "I support the president!" This is what the president has brought us, what can we wonder?

At the same time, Xiao Yanyan also got up and said: "I also support the elder brother, you big masters only think about yourself, you look at the pattern of the president brother, and then look at yours."

"It is, it is."

"I support! Arrange what the president needs to do next. "



After hearing everyone's reaction, Ruofan and the others, who were originally puzzled, said with a slightly embarrassed smile: "Haha, Xiaola, Xiaola, it's our pattern that is small."

"Yes, yes! The president is concerned about the Dragon Kingdom and is a role model for me.

"Next, the president will arrange it, and if you need to use our place, just say."

Everyone said a word again, and the atmosphere of the entire conference room became lively again.


"That's it! That's it.

Chen Feng waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"The operation of the tournament does need your help, I have a set of plans for the tournament here, you can take a look."

After Chenfeng finished speaking, he sent his psychological plan to the guild's management group through a file, and the NPC's words were enough for the player to convey it at that time.


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