In addition to the boring time on the road, when passing some high-level monster areas along the way, he will also stop and release summons to obtain the daily experience limit.

While increasing their own experience, they can also drive players in the team state to level up, so that even if these people are organizing tournaments, they can continue to improve their level.

After reaching LV90, Chenfeng requires twice as much experience as ordinary players due to the dual class.

Even if he brushes his experience every day, the level improvement is not several levels a day like before, and now he can only upgrade one level a day, and the subsequent level may not be able to improve by one level in one day.

In his free time on the road, he played on the back of the dragon with Shu Shu, and he also paid attention to the situation of the tournament.

After four days, the tournament has completed the audition of the secondary main city.

It is estimated that it will take six or seven days to complete this tournament, and he originally planned to end the tournament in ten days, and then end the faction war with the demon world.

At that time, all players of the light camp will receive a huge reward, and their comprehensive strength will be raised to a higher level.

The current development seems to be so smooth, thinking of this, Chenfeng can't help but smile.


Seven days later.

"Dingdong, you have come to the unexplored location [Periphery of the Elven Forest], as the first player to explore the map, reward reputation points +100 points, trigger [100x reward increase], and your reputation value is +10000 points."

"It's finally here!"

Tatsumeze exhaled a turbid breath, and after seven days of flying in the air, the two finally came to their hometown Elven Forest.

During this time, the two did not rush on the back of the dragon, or landed on the ground to find a safe place to rest directly.

Chenfeng has not been offline in the past seven days, he has directly rested in the game, and now it doesn't matter if his physique is good.

Chenfeng's level has come from the previous LV90 level to LV95 level.

After feeling the breath of the homeland, a look of excitement appeared on his little face.

"Let's go." Chenfeng said.


The two continued to fly towards the interior of the Elven Forest.


The entire Elven Forest is actually very large, even if it has reached the periphery now, if you want to reach the central Elven Temple, it will take at least a day or so to fly.

Fortunately, Chenfeng could accurately judge the location by induction, which saved Chenfeng a lot of effort.

However, just after the two followed the induction flight for several hours, several carrion corpses suddenly appeared on the edge of the river not far away.

"That is?"

Tatsumi wondered how there could be carrion in the Elven Forest...

Chen Feng didn't dare to think about it, and directly controlled the dark demon dragon to land on the ground, and walked towards the location of the carrion with Zhu Qiao.

After coming to the near front, a scene that surprised the two appeared.

I only saw that a large number of carrions, skeletons, ghouls and other natural disaster creatures appeared densely under the entire forest, and there was even a dead frost dragon on the elf building not far away.

It is clear that not so long ago there was a big war here.

"The natural disaster woke up early!" This idea came to Chenfeng's heart.

Because before the game in the previous life came to reality, it also began slowly from the elf race being attacked by the natural disaster, and like the frost dragon, destroyer, etc., the higher undead creatures have appeared here, it is obvious that the natural disaster has indeed recovered in advance

, thinking of this, Chen Feng can't help but take a breath, if the natural disaster comes at this stage, it will be a devastating disaster for all humans and NPCs.

Because now except for themselves, all players have not reached the level of their previous lives, if the game and the real world are completely integrated at this stage, even if they rely on hundreds of thousands of summons to protect parts of the Dragon Kingdom, hundreds of millions of undead creatures will eventually cause indelible damage to the real world.

"Fortunately, the news of the fusion has not yet arrived, and it is estimated that there is still a certain amount of time! The country must be prepared in advance! Thinking

of this, Chen Feng immediately opened the communication method with General Shen Jianguo.

"Toot toot! A

few seconds later, the voice call connected.

"What's wrong with Xiaochen?"

A noisy voice came, at this time, Shen Jianguo should be organizing the military to participate in the tournament.

"General Shen! There is one thing that must be told to you, you first find a place where no one is. Chenfeng said.

Shen Jianguo heard Chen Feng's serious voice coming, and knew that it was a big deal, so he no longer hesitated and came directly to a quiet restaurant.

"Okay, there is no one around, you can say anything about Xiaochen."

Chenfeng slowed down and said, "I found something in the game that is beyond our understanding!" I hope Shen will be mentally prepared. "

Hmm! Don't worry, I have lived for more than half a century, and I have not seen any big winds and waves, Xiaochen, you can say whatever you have. Shen Jianguo replied.

Seeing this, Chen Feng no longer hesitated, and said everything that would happen in his previous life.

After Shen Jianguo listened, although he had prepared in advance, he was still shocked by what Chen Feng said.

"Xiaochen, you said that the game has come to reality, an unknown disaster is coming, is the all-blue star crisis real!?"

He was also thundered by Chenfeng's words at the moment, if he didn't know something about Chenfeng, anyone else would definitely think that the other party was a madman when he said this to him.

"The mysterious NPC in the game told me that these things are bound to happen, and that in the near future, the fact that we can fuse our strength into reality in the game is proof of this."

Chen Feng found a more suitable reason to convince Shen Jianguo, after all, it is no secret that the strength in the game can be synchronized to reality now, and then it is very possible that the game can be fully synchronized to reality.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng finished speaking, the other end of the call was silent for a long time before continuing: "Then what do you say we are going to do now?" "

Move all the Dragon Kingdom people to areas where the interior is more concentrated, and build a fortress to concentrate all the military power available to us, so that we can possibly deal with this crisis." Chen Feng said his general idea in a row.

Now he just wants to concentrate as much population as possible, and then he can protect the people of the Dragon Kingdom to the greatest extent.

"This matter is too involved, I must discuss it with the commander." Shen Jianguo said.

Chen Feng was also not surprised, such a big matter, no one can decide by himself, and it must be agreed by all the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom.

"As soon as possible! I have a feeling that there should not be much time left for us!

"Don't worry, I'll go to the commander immediately to make a decision!" Shen Jianguo replied.


Subsequently, the two hung up the call.


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