After reading the skill, Chenfeng took out the ring that he could use in his backpack and checked it.

[Dominator Ring] (Mythical and Legendary Level)

Attack: +5000 HP: +15000

Magic: +70000 Full Attributes: +2500

Demand Level: LV93

Wearing Part:


Applicable occupation: full occupation.

Additional Effect 1: Allies within 1000 meters of the vicinity receive 10% less damage and 11% more healing.

Additional Effect 2: Reduces damage by 10%. (Including real injuries.) It does not stack with special effects. Additional

FX 3: [Domination] (Active) release skill, increase all friendly mobs within 500 yards, 30% final damage lasts 30 seconds, skill built-in cooldown 30 minutes.

Additional FX 4: [Domination] (Passive) Increases its final damage by 30%. (Not stacked with additional skill 3.) Additional

Effect 5: [Domination Field] (Set Effect 0/3) is not activated. This equipment will increase as the player's level increases, and when equipping three pieces of equipment of the same type, all attributes of the suit effect will be improved.

Description: Only the Lord of the universe is eligible to wear it.


After reading the attributes, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, luck is so good, I actually directly burst the last piece of the Dominator suit! Wouldn't my suit effect be activated? Hurry up and get kitted! "

Chenfeng unloaded the [Ring of the Underworld King] (Legend Level) with a look of anticipation, and put the [Dominator Ring] (Mythical and Legendary Level) on.

The moment he put it on, a prompt appeared on the surface of Chenfeng's system.

"Dingtone, you have successfully worn the [Dominator] series equipment 3/3, you have successfully activated the suit effect of the [Dominator] series equipment, you can view the set attributes on the equipment interface."

"Dingdong, you activated the [Domination Realm]."

After the system prompt sound fell, a field of special effects appeared around Chenfeng's body, which was very cool.

Chenfeng directly opened the effect introduction of the field.

[Domination Field] (Set Effect 3/3) Activation

: Set Effect 1: Centered on the wearer, all friendly mobs within 1000 meters will take 10% less damage (self-effective), and all enemy mobs will reduce their defense by 10%.

Set effect 2: Centered on the wearer, all friendly creatures within 1000 meters increase their full stats by 20%, and all enemy mobs with full stats reduced by 20%.

Set Effect 3: [Domination's Protection] (Active), after releasing the skill, a 100*100 defensive enchantment is formed around the caster. The enchantment durability is one million points + the durability of its own full attribute * 2 points, the creatures inside before the durability is consumed do not suffer any damage and control effects, the enchantment lasts for 600 seconds, and the skill has a built-in cooldown of 24 hours.


Chen Feng couldn't help but marvel after reading the introduction of his field.

Although the introduction of the set effect is short, each attribute is very perverted.

For example, the first set attribute is 10% injury-free plus the other three pieces are 10% injury-free, and the three jewelry sets alone increase their own plus summons by 40% damage-free.

The injury-free attribute is immune to all damage, including real damage, and with such a high damage-free attribute, all of his summons can now be called blood bulls.

The second set attribute directly strengthens the attributes of all summons in its own unit, and also reduces the attributes of many enemy units on the opposite side, which is equivalent to increasing the comprehensive strength of its own summoned army by 40%, which is also very perverted.

Finally, the third active skill, which is similar to the enchantment skill it released when killing the demonized green dragon before, is a very powerful protective skill, that is, the cooldown time is a little long, and there are no other shortcomings.

In short, after this suit was put together, Chenfeng's comprehensive strength once again went up to a big level.

Closing the equipment panel, Tatsumeze opened his character panel and admired it.

[Role]: Sky Killer

[Level]: LV98

[Race]: Terran

[First Class]: [Elf Summoner] (2 turns 10 stars) [2nd Class]: [Forbidden Spell Mage] (2 turns 10 stars)

[Talent]: 100-fold reward increase

[First Class Skill]: Scouting (Detect monster attributes that are not higher than LV5 level.) [Summon Mecha Goblin] (Silver); [Summon Thunder Spirit - Aurora Grayling] (Silver level): [Summon the Dark Knight] (Gold level); [Summon Plant Spirit - Flower of the Demon World] (Dark Gold Level); [Summon Holy Light Elves] (Legendary level); "Summon [Great Magician - Louis] (Epic); [Whiplash] (one-turn exclusive) [Domination Array] (one-turn exclusive). [Summon Dark Demon Dragon] (Legendary Level), [Summon Elf King-Igabella] (Legendary Level), [Summon Undead Magician-Nicholas] (Legendary Level), [Summon Crazy] (Second Turn Exclusive), [Summon Time and Space Elves] (God Level), [Summon Dark Elves] (God Level)" [Second

Class Skill]: [Forbidden Spell - Elemental Fire Rain], [Forbidden Spell - Frozen Storm], [Forbidden Spell - Death Black Hole], [Forbidden Spell - Thunder Storm] [Time Travel], [

Elemental Fusion] (Two-turn exclusive)...... Omit.

[Life]: 1.451 million

[Attack]: 155,000 (magic attack) [Defense]: 181,000 [Magic]: 1,008,000

[Attack speed]: 10 times/second (10 attacks per second)

[Release speed]: 1000


[Movement speed]: normal movement 10 m/s, running movement 30 m/s.

[Attributes]: Strength 13522, Intelligence 52866, 14240, Agility 13140, Physical Strength 29540, Reputation N (inexhaustible), Lucky, Unknown

[Equipment]: Weapons: [Shattered Chaos Domination Staff] (myths and legends), Rings: [Dominator Ring] (mythical and legendary level), necklace [Dominator Necklace] (mythical and legendary level), [Dominator Bracelet] (mythical and legendary level), Armor: [ Abyss Robe] (myths and legends) 、...... Omit.

[Title]: [Dragon Slayer] (Full Attribute 800

) [Badge]: [Wisdom Medal] (Legendary Growth Equipment) (100000/100000)

Intelligence +10000....omitted. [Defense Medal] (Legendary Growth Equipment) (100000/100000) Stamina +10000....omitted.

[BUFF]: [Blessing of the Goddess of Life] (Attack speed +1000%; Release speed +1000%; +10000% base character stats. Equipment not included) [Ancestral Dragon's Blessing] (skill has no cooldown) [Great Resurrection Technique] (can be revived once to restore full HPMP.).

[Domain]: [Dominating Domain].

"Hmm! Not bad, very powerful!

After looking at his swollen attributes, Chen Feng couldn't help but marvel.


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