After players arrive in Stormwind City, most of all NPC tasks will be posted in the mission hall, which reduces the trouble of players needing to run around to find NPCs to receive tasks, after all, the entire Stormwind City occupies a huge area, and if you want to run the entire Stormwind City, even if you walk for several days, you may not be able to finish shopping.

Chenfeng's purpose this time is to use the memories of this previous life to receive a hidden mission issued by the Stormwind City Lord.

Soon, Chenfeng walked into the mission hall and walked directly towards the primary mission area.

At this time, I saw at a glance that there were dozens of players in the primary mission area, all of them hurriedly entered, and then left in a hurry.

A large group of players who have just come in, their eyes are looking at the tasks on the mission light screen without blinking, all thinking of receiving some tasks with high rewards.

The entire mission hall is divided into five floors, each representing a different difficulty of the mission.

The first layer represents the primary mission area, which all players can enter to claim, and the second intermediate mission area, which can only be entered if the player's level reaches level 20 and has 1000 reputation; The third level is the advanced mission area, only players who reach level 30 and successfully turn the second time and have 5,000 reputation points are eligible to enter; The fourth layer is the epic mission area, the tasks of this layer are very difficult, the requirements are also very high, the player must reach level 60, and the reputation value of three turns is not less than 50,000 points to receive the task: as for the last fifth layer, it is generally rare to release tasks, and I have never seen the tasks of the fifth layer released in my previous life, which may be the reason why the requirements are too high and no ordinary players can complete it.

Chen Feng also looked up at the mission light screen at this time, constantly looking for the information of the hidden mission on the first layer.

I only saw that one mission after another was brushed off from time to time, which should have been claimed by nearby players, or hired NPCs to cancel the mission.

Just when Chen Feng looked up and kept looking at the tasks, several tasks had been on it and had not moved.

"Huh? Why are so many high-star tasks not answered? "

Now on the mission light screen, the rear of all tasks has a star rating representing the difficulty of the task, and the primary task area is distinguished by the task difficulty of the lowest one star to the highest ten stars, only to see that the current stage of 1-5 star tasks are collected by players from time to time, but 6-10 star tasks are rarely claimed by players.

Chenfeng also carefully read the task introduction on the light screen, and immediately understood why no one took these tasks.

It's not that the player doesn't want to take it, it's that the strength doesn't allow it.

The task of 1-5 stars is relatively simple, basically killing some monsters with similar levels to yourself, or sending a letter to such and such an NPC, etc., the requirements for strength are not very high, and there is no punishment for failing the mission.

But 6-10 star tasks are different, generally some more urgent, or the difficulty of the task is relatively high, in order to prevent some players from receiving tasks indiscriminately, resulting in mission failure When receiving tasks, you need to deduct a certain reputation value and a certain amount of gold coins as a deposit.

If the mission is completed, the gold will be returned to the player and will be rewarded with a certain reputation value, if the mission fails, the player's reputation will be deducted, and the gold will not be returned to the player.

This has led to so many players, but no one receiving 6 to 10 star missions anymore.

Chenfeng stared at Gao Xing's mission introduction at this time, if he remembered correctly, the hidden mission issued by the city lord seemed to be a mission between 6-10 stars.

[Escort Medicinal Materials] Mission Difficulty: Mission Requirements: ★★★★★★★

Players need to escort a batch of medicinal materials from the pharmacy to the Pharmacy in Baishui Town, and the task completion time is 3 days. (Note: Stormwind City to White Water Town, you need to pass through Thorn Mountain on the way, there are often bandits here, the level of bandits is high, it is very dangerous to form a team.) Mission

Rewards: XP +1000, Reputation +150, Gold +100. (Quest can be claimed 20/20) Quest Publisher: Stormwind Pharmacy Owner.

Mission requirements: Players need to pay 50 gold coins, and reputation is worth 50 points. (Failed missions confiscate gold and deduct an additional 50 reputation points.) [

Collect Snow Rich Flowers and Azure Earth White] Mission difficulty: Mission requirements: ★★★★★★★★★

Players need to go to the northern frozen canyon, walk along the canyon, find herbs that grow in the snow, 100 copies each of Snow Rich Flowers and Azure Earth White, and give them to the pharmacy owner, and the task completion time is 5 days. (Note: The frozen canyon is closer to the sphere of influence of the natural disaster legion, there is a chance to be killed by the undead, there are snow white bears with a level of more than LV30 in the frozen canyon, and if you encounter the natural disaster undead and the snow white bear, run quickly, the group is useless.) Mission

Rewards: XP +2000, Reputation +200, Gold +200. (1/1 of the number of quest recipients) Quest Publisher: Stormwind Pharmacy Owner.

Mission requirements: Players need to pay 100 gold coins and 90 reputation points. (Failed missions confiscate gold and deduct an additional 90 reputation points.) )


After reading a series of tasks, the 6 to 10-star tasks found by Chenfeng are also divided into many types, most of which are some collection and escort tasks, and the difference between 1 and 5 star missions is that the task needs to go to the level of the monster area, which is unbearable for players at this stage, so no one receives it.

But for Chenfeng, the monster area at this stage is completely within the tolerable range, but some tasks are more time-consuming and he is not prepared to do.

Chenfeng searched for about three or four minutes again, and finally saw the task issued by the city lord of Stormwind City on the light screen.

[Source of the plague] Mission difficulty: Mission requirements: ★★★★★★★★★★

Go to the plague-infected town of Andoral, defeat the lord of the plague town [Demonized Corpse King] and extract the blood of the demonized corpse king, give it to the city lord of Stormwind City to study the vaccine of the plague, and the task completion time is 7 days. (Note: The small town of Andoral has been completely infected by the plague, and there are a large number of undead creatures in it, it is recommended to go in a group.) Mission

Rewards: XP 2000, Reputation +300, Gold +500. (1/1 of the number of people who can receive the quest) Issued by: Stormwind City Lord.

Mission requirements: Players need to pay 100 gold coins, and reputation is worth 100 points. (Failed missions confiscate gold coins and deduct an additional 100 reputation points.) )


"Finally, let me find it!

Without hesitation, he quickly took the task first, afraid that he would be picked up by other players.

"Dingdong, are you sure you accept the 10-star difficulty mission [source of the plague]?"


"Dingtone, do you agree that you need to pay 100 gold coins and consume 100 reputation points?"


"Dingdong, you have successfully received the mission [Investigate the source of the plague] issued by the City Lord of Stormwind City, and the remaining time of the mission is 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Please do it as soon as possible. When

Chen Feng saw that his task was successfully received, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the reward given by this task is not very attractive, he knows that the ten-star mission in the junior area has a very low chance of refreshing, and he originally wanted to try his luck to see if the city lord released this only task, but he didn't expect that his luck let him run into it.

According to his own memories, there is a follow-up after the completion of this task, but the specific task content, Chenfeng does not remember very well, after all, he also saw it in the guide, how to trigger it or rely on his own discovery on the way to the mission.


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