After accepting the task, he quickly walked towards the farmland area outside the village.

In the past life, there were not many people who did this task, after all, this boar is just a level 1 monster, and players generally complete it at most once.

But what others don't know is that as long as this task is completed ten times, it is to collect 300 wild boar skins at once to hand over the task to the village chief, and it can also trigger subsequent hidden tasks.

In my previous life, I was bored, and when I saw a post from a player when I was browsing the forum, it turned out that this could also trigger a hidden mission, and after completing the hidden mission, the player got a special prop and directly took off to become a game boss.

But in this life, I want to trigger this hidden task in advance.

Bid farewell to the village chief and face the novice village potion merchant.

"I want to buy potions!"

At this time, a white-bearded apothecary NPC nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a list of potions appeared in front of Chenfeng.

[Level 1 HP Continuous Recovery Elixir]: After use, the HP effect of 30 HP per second lasts for 10 seconds, and the recovery effect is lost when attacked. Priced at 10 silver coins.

[Level 2 HP Continuous Recovery Elixir]: After use, the effect of restoring 50 HP per second lasts for 20 seconds, and the recovery effect is lost when attacked. Priced at 20 silver coins.

[Level 1 HP Recovery Elixir]: Restore 300 HP immediately after use. Priced at 20 silver coins.

[Level 2 HP Recovery Elixir]: Immediately after use, 600 HP is restored. Priced at 40 silver coins.

[Level 1 MP Continuous Recovery Elixir]: After use, the effect of restoring 30 MP per second lasts for 10 seconds, and the recovery effect is lost when attacked. Priced at 10 silver coins.

[Level 2 MP Continuous Recovery Elixir]: After use, the effect of restoring 50 MP per second lasts for 20 seconds, and the recovery effect is lost when attacked. The price is 20 silver coins.

[Level 1 MP Recovery Elixir]: Restore 300 MP immediately after use. Priced at 20 silver coins.

[Level 2 MP Recovery Elixir]: 600 MP is restored immediately after use. Priced at 40 silver coins.

Without thinking about it, I directly bought 20 sets of level 2 direct recovery potions, a group of 20 bottles, a total of 400 bottles of HP and MP potions, and a total of 160 gold coins!

Put it on the back plate and drink slowly, after all, you are not poor in money, if you don't have enough blood medicine and blue medicine, your brushing efficiency will decrease.

"Deal completed."

The apothecary saw 160 gold coins in the account, and his heart blossomed, his potion was directly bought by one-fifth, 160 gold coins is also a great fortune for NPCs in the game, and the eyes that look at Chenfeng are also full of gratitude.

Just as Tatsumikaze was about to leave, the apothecary NPC stopped Tatsumi and said, "Brave adventurer, please wait a minute. I saw the old man slowly stretching out his wand and slowly chanting the spell towards Chenfeng, and a few seconds later, a BUFF descended on Chenfeng.

"Dingtone, you have obtained the 'Primary Attribute Enhancement' of 'Apothecary Wharton'. (The effect increases the character's full stats by 1% for 1 hour.) "

Dingtone, the 'Primary Attribute Enhancement' you obtained from 'Apothecary Wharton', triggered [Hundred Times Reward Increase] You obtained the 'Ultimate Attribute Enhancement', which increased the character's full stats by 100% for 100 hours."


Chen Feng was directly dazed, and directly added 2 times the full attribute? It lasted more than four days, enough to throw everyone away in the early stages.

It was hard to hide the excitement in my heart and thanked the pharmacist.

Pharmacist Norton, with an old smile, said with an old face: "Brave adventurer, come to me more in the future to consume, I will add BUFF to you." "

Chenfeng's heart is even more ecstatic, with a few gold coins can be exchanged for such a sky-defying BUFF, it seems that for a long time in the future, Apothecary Norton will contract my attribute BUFF.

Bidding farewell to the pharmacist Norton, Chenfeng walked straight towards the Novice Village Farm.


"I'm coming! Little boar! "

Carrying the staff to the farmland outside the village, I saw a group of black and large wild boars, using a huge pig's nose, happily offering cabbage in the field, and soon a few wild boars arched out and ate all the cabbage in a field.

"So good cabbage, let you black pigs arch, you can't be forgiven."

Chen Feng stepped forward, and a series of data automatically appeared in his eyes.

[Wild Boar] (Normal Level) [Level]: lv1

[HP]: 200

[Attack]: 10

[Defense]: 2 [

Skill]: Arch you, Wild Boar Collision Description:

The wild boar

running down the mountain has thick skin, likes to destroy cabbage and bites, be careful of its fangs.

The data came, the attributes of the wild boar are still relatively powerful, and the amount of health is at least twice as high as that of the players who were born, if there are not a few players together, it is estimated that they will not be able to kill it.

But he is different, now he holds a golden weapon in his hand, 2 times the full attribute bonus, even if he let a hundred wild boars arch himself, he will not shed blood.

Direct chanting skills....

"Summon [Mecha Goblin]!"

"Summon [Thunder Spirit - Aurora Grayling]!"

Soon, all the two skills were chanted, and two powerful creatures appeared in front of Chen Feng!

An armored hand holding a huge mace taller than its height, this is the 'Mecha Goblin', because it is a goblin race, it is relatively short, but it looks like the 'Mecha Goblin' is stronger.

Because Chenfeng's attributes have been strengthened tenfold, the two summoned creatures have also been strengthened.

[Mecha Goblin] (Bronze Level) [Level

]: LV1

[HP]: 600

[Attack]: 60 [Attack

Speed]: 1.3 times/s [Movement Speed]:

Normal movement 1.5 m/s.

[Defense]: 10

[Skills]: Accelerate, Hit hard. There is a 10% chance that the enemy will enter stun for 2 seconds when attacking, and it will not be valid for units above Silver (inclusive).

"It is a bronze quality summoned creature! The attributes are comparable to bosses. "

The originally powerful summoned creatures, which are biased towards melee stun warriors, plus Chenfeng's current 100% attribute bonus is completely more powerful than a warrior player.

Continue to look at another summoner, about two meters tall and sprinting with yellow lightning energy energy energy Thunder Spirit - Aurora Graelin'.

[Thunder Spirit - Aurora Grayling] (Bronze level

) [Level]: LV1

[HP]: 400

[Attack]: 75 (magic attack) [Attack

speed]: 1.3 times

/s [Movement speed]: Normal movement 2 meters/s.

[Defense]: 10

[Skills]: Lightning strike, lightning shield. There is a 20% chance that the enemy will enter the electrocuted state for 3 seconds, which will be invalid for units above the silver (inclusive) level, and additional light attribute damage will be added to the inductive enemy.

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