Of course, the happiest are the players of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the entire Great Xia server was the first to open this primary copy, which is good news for all the great guilds and studios.

The opening of dungeons means that both upgrading and playing equipment are much faster than in the wild, and they will grow faster.

Although high-difficulty dungeons may not be able to brush through, low-difficulty dungeons can still be challenged.

"It must be the Heaven Killer who started to lead people!"

"It's all the people of their [New Era] Guild, it's really envious! I also want to join the [New Era] Guild. "

Lying down and getting the all-server first-pass reward, and being able to go on TV, I'm really sour."

"Kill the heavenly husband! I'm your little baby, let me join your [New Era] guild. "

This first call made the entire Daxia server, more than 99.99% of the players want to join Chenfeng's [New Era] guild.

As long as you join the [New Era] Guild, you may be able to hug the Heaven-Killing God's lap.

But these things in the outside world, Chenfeng and his group did not know.

At this time, those who are still in the quest have already received the reward of the first pass of the copy, the level has all increased by one level, and they have also obtained a large number of attribute points and skill points.

The first chest of the Nightmare Dungeon, which everyone opens.

Most of them have opened the equipment of their class, and some players have opened skill books, special items, etc.

In addition to these rewards, they also received a quest first-pass title, which surprised everyone when they looked at the attributes of the title.

[Spirit of Adventure] (Title)

Carrying level: LV10

Wearing effect: +100 for all attributes, +50

% movement speed in non-combat conditions.

"I'll go! This title adds a hundred full attributes! More than my gold gear added! It's superb!

"In the non-combat state, the movement speed has increased by 50%, and my mother no longer has to worry that I can't run fast enough to catch up with the special car of the Heaven Killer President."

"Awesome! Thank you again, President Heaven Killer! "

Heaven Killer Commander Bull Break! New Era Bull Break! "

..." The

nineteen people in the copy were all full of gratitude to Chen Feng, and in such a short time, they let their whole bodies be equipped with shotguns for cannons, and their strength directly increased by more than one level.

These nineteen people also posted screenshots of the equipment skill books and other things they obtained in the guild group chat to attract hatred.

Sure enough, after seeing the screenshots of these equipment, the players in the group chat were in great pain.

How can hating one's temper be so bad? If they had drawn the opportunity to enter the quest with the Heaven Killing Guild Leader and were now on TV, wouldn't they be the ones who got the reward?

There is nothing more painful in life than this.


And Chenfeng was still inside the ancient temple at this time.

After time returns to normal, summon the Dark Knight, kick the boss's body away, and start picking up the loot for this clearance.

This time, the boss released a total of three pieces of equipment and a skill book.

A diamond-level shoe just happened to be usable by itself, and the shoe was directly equipped.

The explosion of this copy just happened to eliminate all of Chenfeng's old equipment.

I looked at my current equipment, weapon dark gold level, shoulder guard dark gold level, upper gold level, lower gold level, belt dark gold level, shoe diamond level, ring silver level, bracelet diamond level, necklace dark gold level.

Very luxurious!

After sorting out the boss harvest, Tatsukaze opens the Nightmare Difficulty Dungeon First Pass Chest.

"Dingdong, you open the [Nightmare Dungeon First Pass Treasure Chest], get 1,000 gold coins, trigger [100-fold reward increase] you get 100,000 gold coins, you get the skill book [Summon Magician-Flame Rick] (dark gold level), trigger [100-fold reward increase] you get the skill book [Summon the Great Magician-Louis] (legendary level)."

"Just lack of skills! Just brought me a legendary book!

Chenfeng was looking forward to it, opened his backpack and took out the skill book.

[Summoning Grand Magician-Louis] (Legendary Level)

Learning Level: LV20

Learning Class: Summoner

Skill effect: Costs 200 MP, after 5 seconds of chanting spells. Summon a 'Great Magician-Louis' to assist in combat, and at level LV1, it has the skill Frozen Thorn, which unleashes ice magic on enemies within range, summons a large number of Frozen Thorns to inflict its own magic attacks on enemies*140% of the Ice Familiar Magic Attack, and has a 20% chance of freezing the target for 3 seconds. Additional skill Big Fireball at LV10 and above: Unleashes a large fireball attack on enemies within range, causing enemies to inflict their own magic attack *200% of fire attribute magic attack. The additional skill above LV20 summons meteorites, summons three huge meteorites, causes its own magic attack *300% of the earth attribute magic attack on enemies within range, and causes a certain 2 seconds of stun effect. Summoning creatures As the intelligence of the owner increases, the summoned creature exists for 200 seconds, the death or summoning time reaches and disappears, and the skill cools down for 60 seconds.

"Lying groove, so strong!"

Chenfeng couldn't help but exclaim.

The legendary quality summoner skill, and the mage-type summoning skill that is a group attack, plus this mage-type summon, the speed of a wide range of other monsters is faster.

Directly smash the skill, and the skill icon that summons the Great Magician-Louis appears in the skill bar.

Use skill points to pull the skill directly to the full.

This time to upgrade the skill of the legendary level, you need to consume 3 skill points to increase the skill level once.

Fortunately, Chenfeng still has a lot of skill points, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

After the skill points are full, wait until you have the opportunity to summon it again to see how strong the legendary summoning beast is.

Now he has 6 summoning skills, and the level has also reached LV24 under the reward of the first pass, and he can unlock a bar when he is promoted to a level.

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