At this time, the guild players who were building on the city wall were stunned when they saw it.

"I'll go! What's on top of this city! Defensive towers?

"It seems to be very advanced! Let me look at the properties.

"I'll go! It turned out to be a seventh-level defense tower, and this damage is higher than mine! "

Aren't we a fifth-level guild? How can you build a seventh-level defensive tower!

"It must be the Heaven Killer President! The president is awesome! You can see that there are hundreds of defensive towers on the city wall, and they are increasing.

"Hahaha! Now the monster siege is confident. Come on, let me see how powerful the monster is. "


as everyone was discussing.

"Roar, roar, roar! Finally

, on the hillside outside the city walls came the roar of a monster.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of monsters appeared in the player's sight.

"I'll go! It's finally here!

"What a monster! It's spectacular. "

The first monsters outside the city walls have been refreshed!

From a distance, the first batch of monsters are wild monsters ranging from LV15 to LV25.

They are basically from the surrounding strange areas, and there are also some elite monsters, which should be regarded as cannon fodder that was driven here before the natural disaster siege.

But the number of such mobs is also considerable, rushing from all directions towards the position of the city wall.

At this time, the players of the [New Era] Guild were all standing on three walls.

Since Chenfeng's guild station is backed against the mountain wall, there is no need to manage one wall, only three sides need to be defended.

This time the twilight rose of the rose guild also came to help, although they have not established a guild now, but originally it is an old game guild, there are about 10,000 people under it, this time there are also five thousand people, they are responsible for the defense of the western city wall, purple rose is also among them, she is now one of the several leaders of the [New Era], responsible for the defense of one wall after another.

At this time, the middle gate was defended by two-thirds of the members of the New Era.

Now [New Era] has 1,500 members who have joined the guild, but there are about 10,000 peripheral members.

These people were all found by the players who were the first to pull into the guild by Chenfeng, and some of them originally had a small force, and some also brought members of studio number ten.

After being pulled into the group chat by Chenfeng, they all turned to [New Era], of course, only a small number of people can enter the guild, and a large part of them are waiting for the guild level to rise before joining the guild.

At this time, two-thirds of the personnel, that is, about 8,000 people, were led by the vice president Ruofan and the regiment leader Feng Xinger, because the pressure on the middle gate was relatively large, so there were more people.

The last gate is four thousand people, led by Honest and Xiao Yeon-yeon.

Chenfeng just happened to be idle, and took Xiao Zhu in the city ready to support at any time.

It's not that Chenfeng doesn't want to take experience, it's that he knows that after he reaches LV30 level, he can't get experience points without completing a turn.

If the first few waves of their own summons are shot, it is estimated that the entire guild will not get much experience, it is better to give them the experience, and wait for the last few waves to get the experience, and today strive to raise the level to LV30.


At the beginning of the monster siege, in addition to a large number of players from the [New Era] Guild, there were also many crowds of melons watching on the surrounding mountains, all of whom wanted to witness the first player's battle to defend the city since the [Source Universe] was opened.

At this moment, a player with a camera light brain appeared among the crowd of melon-eating people, who was standing closer to the city.

"Hello everyone! I'm your anchor dog! Today's [Source Universe] first person Heaven Killing God created the guild [New Era] City Defense Battle, I will give you a live broadcast, you can see that the scene is very dangerous, at any time may die and drop the level, everyone move the little hands of wealth, give the main wave a little yellow button, free for love power generation brush! Thank you all! Than heart. "

This person is one of the very popular anchors in the [Source Universe] section at this stage.

At present, the number of fans on Maoya Live is as many as 10 million.

The appearance of this live broadcast room instantly caused a large number of players who were not in the current to join, and the barrage flew in an instant, and small gifts continued.

The anchor dog, seeing this scene, his heart blossomed, sure enough, his choice to come here to live broadcast this time is not wrong, and it is not a dream to increase millions of fans overnight.

At this moment, the shouts of killing in the entire city began.

The sound of the monster roaring in the distance kept coming.

It can be seen that the battle situation of the monster siege at this time is very intense.

The live broadcast screen of the anchor dog also switches to the entire battlefield.

I saw the members of the [New Era] Guild on the city wall forming a long-range phalanx.

Mages, archers, and archers, with a large number of fireballs, spells and arrows, continued to attack the first wave of monsters with a sound of breaking the sky.

The scene of thousands of people unleashing spells at the same time is spectacular.

Spells and arrows fall on the first wave of common wild monsters, and continuous damage numbers jump out above the monster's brain.

Soon the wild monsters that rushed to the front were killed in the distance, turning into experience, copper coins, and a small amount of equipment.

"Wow! Let's see, it's worthy of the [New Era] Guild! It feels like the first wave of monster siege is completely stress-free! "

With the introduction of the anchor, the players watching the live broadcast have brushed the words [New Era], and it can be seen that the strength of the players of the New Era can be regarded as the top of the players at this stage.

However, at this time, the monster group has a long-range attack monster, and after entering the attack range, it also launches this attack towards the City Wall Saint, but the player has a geographical advantage, plus the attack of the level 7 defense tower.

Soon the first wave of monsters all turned into experience after dozens of minutes, and copper coins and equipment were left outside the city walls.

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