Just as Chenfeng finished speaking, a full-service announcement sounded.

"Dingdong, full server announcement: Congratulations to the [New Era] Guild City for successfully winning the monster siege, hereby reward the guild level +2, the guild upgrade resources are doubled in three days, all [New Era] Guild players who participate in the defense of the city, level +1, gold +100, a silver chest of this class, get a 10% experience bonus BUFF, basic NPC shop settlement, (the guild will get 30% of the NPC shop's revenue share)."

"Dingdong, full server announcement: ..." "


As the system announcement fell, it also represented the end of this monster siege.

A group of New Age players evacuated from the city walls and returned to the inside of the city walls.

"The guild leader's summoned beast is awesome! Just a few guarded the gates on my side. "

Heaven Killing President, strong and invincible!"

"I feel that I lay completely this time, and the guild leader's summoned beast randomly shot is a large area of siege monsters, and the death is really exciting."

"I picked up the equipment this time and picked it up, which is really cool."

"Needless to say, thank you Heaven Killer Guild for letting me join [New Era], I'm going to open the Silver Treasure Chest, Heaven Killing President YYDS."

The players of the new era were extremely excited, and the scenes of the previous battle of the Chenfeng summoner were deeply engraved in their minds.

Compared with the pictures they saw in the previous live broadcast and video, witnessing the battle of Chenfeng with their own eyes made them feel even more shocked.

If you use a few words to describe Chenfeng, it is strong and invincible!

This time the monster siege, most of the guild members in addition to the first-level reward rewarded by the system, the killing of monsters has also been upgraded by one level.

In such a short period of time, he was promoted two levels in a row, which directly made the melon-eating masses who were watching the battle around show envious eyes.

This time, Chenfeng's harvest is not small, because one person guards a city gate alone, the level is directly increased to outside LV30, and under the talent of [Hundred Times Reward Increase], the two golden bosses each provided him with three pieces of diamond equipment and a skill book. A diamond robe has the attribute of reducing the skill CD by 5%, which is still very good, and I changed it directly.

Then there were countless black iron and bronze equipment along the way, and Chenfeng didn't bother to pick them up.

Anyway, his current equipment is already very high-quality, for these even after the talent increase is only ordinary bronze, silver equipment is too lazy to look at.

Chen Feng directly arranged in the guild's group: "You guys, arrange to clean up the battlefield, pick up equipment above the silver level, don't pick up those below silver, they are all broken copper and iron, we can't look at it." As

soon as these words came out, the guild players who had just joined the group were shocked.

Good guy, the president deserves to be the first person in the full service! Can't even look at the bronze equipment now?

You know, most of the players at this stage are wearing black iron equipment, and a very small number of players have bronze-level equipment, and these excellent equipment in the eyes of full-server players are actually broken copper and rotten iron in the eyes of the president!

The guild leader's pattern, this vision, if it is known by other players, he will not envy death.

In this way, the guild members sighed secretly while starting to clean up the battlefield with a good feeling in their hearts.

Since the monster siege is over, Chenfeng needs to complete other tasks.

The follow-up matters of the guild will be handed over to Ruofan and the others.

The first thing in front of you is a career change, and you can't continue to gain experience points without completing a transfer.

After a job change, the character's attribute bonus will rate his or her class star based on the certification results of the class task.

The main function of the rating is to increase the free attribute point bonus obtained by the player, if one star is certified, his attribute point bonus can be increased by 1%, two stars can increase by 2%, and so on, and the highest ten stars can increase his attribute points by 10.

The improvement of its own attributes affects the overall attributes of the summoning beast, and in his previous life, he spent a lot of effort to complete the seven-star certified summoner.

Through the teleportation array of the city, Chenfeng came to the professional temple of Stormwind City, entered the hall of professional certification, and found the senior summoner-Sharan.

"Mentor! I want to do a career transfer certification! Chen Feng explained his intentions directly to the mentor.

After hearing Chenfeng's words, Sharan looked up at the adventurer in front of her, and when she saw the title above Chenfeng's head, a surprised expression appeared on her face.

"It turned out to be Lord Honorary General! In such a short time, the general has reached the level of a career turn, and I am willing to call the general the strongest! "

Senior Summoner-Sharan slapped a rainbow fart at Chenfeng, no way, this is the role of high status.

Subsequently, ten task classifications of different difficulty appeared on Chenfeng's light brain panel, which were one-star to ten-star one-turn tasks.

"Dingdong, please select the difficulty of the [One Job Change Certification] task. 1 star - 10 stars. "

Tip: The higher the task star, the higher the difficulty, the different career certification levels after completion, all tasks are limited to 1 day, and uncompleted tasks automatically fail, and players can claim it again after three days.

The more difficult the completion of the transfer task, the better the corresponding career attributes plus achievements after the transfer.

This caused many greedy players in previous lives to choose high-star tasks that they could not complete after reaching LV30 level.

The end result was that he was ruthlessly beaten by difficult tasks, and the level was lost, not to mention that 3 days were wasted.

Therefore, as a reborn, Chenfeng understands that to be a human being, we must do what we can.

For example, Chenfeng himself, he felt that he should not be too much to complete a ten-star task.

"I choose, ten star difficulty."

"Dingdong, you received the [One-Turn Professional Certification] ten-star difficulty."

Mission content: Momiji Town belongs to one of the subsidiary towns of Stormwind City, it was occupied by the Cataclysmic Legion a week ago, Stormwind City sent a large number of troops to recover but failed, Momiji Town seems to hide this very terrifying natural disaster creature, please go to find the natural disaster creature behind the scenes as soon as possible and destroy him!

Mission rewards: Career certification, opening up skills exclusive to the class.

Mission time: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.


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