This job change also unlocks two class-exclusive skills.

Chenfeng opened the list of skills and viewed the skill information.

[Whiplash] (Elf summoner can not be improved with a turn of exclusive skills)

skill introduction: consume MP100 points, no need to chant skills, form an energy whip in the hand, launch an attack can cause magic attack * 100% real damage to enemies within the fan-shaped range, when attacking friendly creatures and summons, only receive a little forced damage, after whipping all creatures and summons enter a state of excitement, the attack speed increases by 30%, Unlock speed increased by 30%, movement speed increased by 30%, and attack power increased by 10%. The effect lasts 60 seconds and the skill cooldown is 10 seconds.

"Hold the grass, this is a divine skill!"

After reading the skill introduction, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

All the attributes of the self-summoning beast are not lacking, but there is a lack of three speeds, and this auxiliary summoner skill just solves this problem perfectly.

Don't underestimate the 30% three-speed bonus.

When there are many summoned objects, a range of whipping down, a group of summoned creatures have entered a state of excitement, for the entire summoned beast team of Chenfeng, the strength can be more than a little improved.

It's not too cool to brush up on weirdness.

And this skill also has good damage to enemy monsters, if the skill cools down and stacks fast enough, you can always release this skill.

For ordinary summoners, this skill may not be very bad, but it is different in Tatsume's hands.

His current magic attack is as high as more than three thousand points, and the skill damage of a whip used to be more than three thousand real damage, and there are a few mobs that can withstand it.

The first exclusive skill is so powerful, what exactly is the second skill?

With a curious idea, I clicked on the introduction of the second skill.

[Domination Array] (Elf Summoner can not be improved with a turn of exclusive skills)

skill effect: Consume a certain amount of magic array value (according to the amount of blue consumed by the summoning skill× the number of summons), summon a huge magic array, you can directly summon all summoned beasts in the magic array, (can trigger the equipment effect, the player can control whether the summoned beast is summoned.) And the player is in a dominant state when releasing the skill, and is 50% free from damage. Skill cooldown 20 seconds.

"This skill is also very powerful." Chenfeng sighed.

The main solution of this skill is that the summoner can only summon one summon at a time, which is easily interfered with by other control skills, but learning this skill is different, not only has a hegemonic body and is injury-free, but also summons all summons at one time, which is very practical!


Skills profiles are turned off.

Using skill points, all summoning skills have been upgraded to LV40 level, and then all the attribute points obtained this time have been added to intelligence, and now his defense is high enough, and he is about to start taking the summoning pure output route.

After adding points, look at the two chests.

"Ding-dong, whether to open the Dark Gold Chest."


"Dingdong, you open the [Dark Gold Level Treasure Chest], get 500 gold coins, trigger the [100-fold reward increase] you get 50,000 gold coins, you get the class equipment [Spellmaster's Twisted Staff] (Dark Gold Level), trigger the [Hundredfold Reward Increase] you get the equipment [Fairy Tale Forest] (legend)."

"Ding-dong, whether to open the Dark Gold Chest."


"Dingdong, you open the [Dark Gold Level Treasure Chest], get 1,000 gold coins, trigger the [100-fold reward increase] you get 100,000 gold coins, you get this class equipment [Broken Intestine Necklace] (Dark Gold Level), trigger [Hundred Times Reward Increase] You get the equipment [Desolate Necklace] (legend)."

After the system system sounded, Chen Feng looked at the two extra pieces of equipment in his backpack.

【Fairy Tale Forest】 (Legend

) Attack: +350 (Magic)

Intelligence: +100

Stamina: +50

Release Speed: +30%

Part: Weapon

Requirement Level: LV30

Applicable classes: Mage, Priest, Summoner.

Additional Effects: Attribute 1: When equipped, the player can summon two LV40 legendary quality toothpick birds by actively releasing skills, and the toothpick bird's attribute is fixed and cannot grow, and it will automatically attack enemies within range to cause piercing damage to nearby enemies.

Attribute 2: All Summoned Beasts duration +20 seconds.

Description: Without fairy tales, life will lose its color, but it is all fairy tales, and people will become intolerable.

Very good, the equipment with active summoning skills is very suitable for Chenfeng's talent, in the increase of 20 seconds of summoned beast existence time, with the talent is 40 seconds, equipped with this staff, in the duration of the summoned beast Chenfeng can summon 3 waves of summoned beasts.

Directly replace the original staff and look at another piece of equipment.

【Desolate Necklace】(Legend)

Attack: +50 Intelligence: +800 HP

: +800 Magic: +800

Release Speed: +20%

Demand Level: LV30

Applicable occupation: full occupation.

Additional Effects: Adds 100 full stats to friendly mobs within the 500PX range. When unleashing a summoning skill, 15% more than one summoned beast.

Description:...... Omit.

"Strong!" After seeing the equipment attributes, Chenfeng couldn't help but exclaim.

The basic attributes are not counted, the special effect of this equipment, there is a 15% chance of summoning one more summoned beast, combined with the number of talent summoned beasts of their hidden profession *5, if the equipment effect of adding 1 is triggered in *2, you can summon 10 summoned beasts of the same type.

It is also just enough to equip and directly replace the previous Deep Sea Spirit necklace, this chain attribute is very powerful, but the attribute is not as high as this piece can only be abandoned.

After equipping all the equipment, open the character panel to view the character attributes after you turn it.

[Role]: Sky Killer

[Level]: LV30

[Race]: Terran

[Class]: [Elf Summoner] (one turn and ten stars)

[Talent]: 100

times the reward increase

[Skill]: Scouting (Detect monster attributes that are not higher than LV5 level.) [Summon Mecha Goblin] (Bronze level); [Summon Thunder Spirit - Aurora Grayling] (Bronze): [Summon the Dark Knight] (Silver); [Summon Plant Spirit - Flower of the Demon World] (Gold Level); [Summon Holy Light Elf] (Diamond level); "Summon [Great Magician - Louis] (Legend); [Whiplash] (one-turn exclusive) [Domination Array] (one-turn exclusive). "

[Life]: 21300

[Attack]: 3318

(Magic Attack) [Defense]: 1390

[Magic]: 14840 [Attack Speed]: 10 times/second (10

attacks per second)

[Release Speed] : 1000% (10% faster reading strip 10% 10 seconds only 9 seconds.) [

Movement speed]: normal movement 2 m/s, running movement 5 m/s.

[Attributes]: Strength 590, Intelligence 1659, Agility 720, Physical Strength 790, Reputation 111850, Lucky, Unknown

[Equipment]: Weapons: [Fairy Tale Forest] (Legend), Rings: [Dream Crystal Ring] (Diamond Level), [Desolate Necklace] (Legend), [Sunset Chasing Bracelet] (Diamond Level), Armor: [Undead Robe] (Legend) 、...... Omit. View equipment details→

[Title]: [Stormwind City Honorary General] (full attribute +500

) [Badge]: [Wisdom Medal] (Silver level growth equipment) (5841/100000)

[BUFF]: [Blessing of the Goddess of Life] (attack speed +1000%; Release speed +1000%; +10000% base character stats. Equipment not included)

" stains: I can only say who else is this panel! When

Chen Feng saw his attributes now, it was simply a mage who saw his heart break, and the knight who saw it and tears.

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